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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Dassault Mirage FG.2 - No.34 Squadron, RAF Middle East Command, 1972 Stock Libyan Camo from the Mirage 5D adapted to fit the Mirage 3C - really loving the Mirage!!
  2. Dassault Mirage FG.2 - No.20 Squadron RAF Middle East Command, 1967
  3. Dassault Mirage FG.2 - No.20 Squadron, RAF Middle East Command, 1967
  4. View File [Fictional] Dassault Mirage F.1A (RAF) Dassault Mirage F.1A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Mirage 3C to give a fictional export version for the Royal Air Force with markings for No.56, No.74 and No.111 squadrons of Fighter Command (all famous users of the contemporary and equally gorgeous Lightning). N.B. This mod has been tested in a fully merged install and, in particular, uses the Lightning gunsight from Expansion Pack 2. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MirageF1A folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MirageF1A folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 06/05/2020 Version 1 - 25/09/2011 Submitter Spinners Submitted 09/25/2011 Category What If Hangar  
  5. Version Version 2


    Dassault Mirage F.1A for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Mirage 3C to give a fictional export version for the Royal Air Force with markings for No.56, No.74 and No.111 squadrons of Fighter Command (all famous users of the contemporary and equally gorgeous Lightning). N.B. This mod has been tested in a fully merged install and, in particular, uses the Lightning gunsight from Expansion Pack 2. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MirageF1A folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MirageF1A folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 06/05/2020 Version 1 - 25/09/2011
  6. Dassault-Fairey Mirage F.1A - No.111 'Treble One' Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1962
  7. Sometimes a terrain issue also (but never with stock terrains).
  8. BAC Lightning F.Mk57 - Fliegerstaffel 16, Swiss Air Force, 1974
  9. BAC-Saab J36B Lightning - F21, Flygvapnet
  10. Saab/FFA J-35H (Helvetia) Draken - Fliegerstaffel 18, Swiss Air Force, 1971
  11. Oh, yes. I know. Just re-read the Draken chapter in Bill Gunston's book 'Early Supersonic Fighters of the West'.
  12. Saab J-35H Draken - Staffel 18, Swiss Air Force, 1969
  13. Good work guys on the Campaign and giving the Draken some TLC - one of my all-time favourites!
  14. View File [Fictional] Dassault Mirage 5FM 'Morocco' Dassault Mirage 5FM for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Dassault Mirage 5F to give a fictional export version for the Royal Moroccan Air Force (Force Aérienne Royale Marocaine) in a Desert camo scheme with markings for Escadre de Chasse "Tigre". BACKSTORY The Mirage 5 was developed from a request made by the Israeli Air Force in 1964 for a simpler 'clear weather' version of the Mirage 3E tailored mainly for the ground-attack role with avionics reduced and repositioned, more fuel for attack missions and two additional ventral stores pylons located towards the rear fuselage. In September 1966 Israel became the launch customer for this important new line of the Mirage family when they placed an order for 50 Mirage 5J's. However, rising tensions between Israel and their neighbouring Arab states during the early summer of 1967 allied to General de Gaulle's increasingly pro-Arab stance led to a French arms embargo to Israel announced on June 3rd, 1967 just two days before the Six-Day war despite Israel having paid for the aircraft in full. By this time, the prototype Mirage 5 had flown and production was in full swing with the now embargoed Mirage 5J's beginning to stockpile at Bordeaux-Mérignac. But following the Mirage's dazzling combat record in the hands of Israeli pilots during the Six-Day war the air forces of many nations knocked on Dassault's door and one such nation was Morocco (formerly a French protectorate) who wanted the Mirage 5J's to supplement their recently acquired but decidedly lukewarm Northrop F-5A's. General de Gaulle readily agreed to this sale and Dassault made some minor modifications to the 5J's to export them as Mirage 5FM's to the Royal Moroccan Air Force in late 1968 with initial deliveries going to Escadre de Chasse "Tigre" based at Meknes, Northern Morocco. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Mirage5FM folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Mirage5FM folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 07/05/2020 Version 1 - 18/09/2011 Submitter Spinners Submitted 09/19/2011 Category What If Hangar  
  15. Dassault Mirage 5FM - Escadre de Chasse "Tigre", Royal Moroccan Air Force, 1970 The Mirage 5 was developed from a request made by the Israeli Air Force in 1964 for a simpler 'clear weather' version of the Mirage 3E tailored mainly for the ground-attack role with avionics reduced and repositioned, more fuel for attack missions and two additional ventral stores pylons located towards the rear fuselage. In September 1966 Israel became the launch customer for this important new line of the Mirage family when they placed an order for 50 Mirage 5J's. However, rising tensions between Israel and their neighbouring Arab states during the early summer of 1967 allied to General de Gaulle's increasingly pro-Arab stance led to a French arms embargo to Israel announced on June 3rd, 1967 just two days before the Six-Day war despite Israel having paid in full for the aircraft. By this time, the prototype Mirage 5 had flown and production was in full swing with the now embargoed Mirage 5J's beginning to stockpile at Bordeaux-Mérignac. But following the Mirage's dazzling combat record in the hands of Israeli pilots during the Six-Day war the air forces of many nations knocked on Dassault's door and one such nation was Morocco (formerly a French protectorate) who wanted the Mirage 5J's to supplement their recently acquired but decidedly lukewarm Northrop F-5A's. General de Gaulle readily agreed to this sale and Dassault made some minor modifications to the 5J's to export them as Mirage 5FM's to the Royal Moroccan Air Force in late 1968 with initial deliveries going to Escadre de Chasse "Tigre" based at Meknes, Northern Morocco.
  16. However, is there a problem with uploading? I've tried six times now and I'm repeatedly getting a message something like 'no file was selected'.

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