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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Isn't No.5 the original piston-enginned Provost?
  2. Gloster Grebe T.1 of No.98 squadron, RAF Germany, December 1961. The lovely Soko G2 Galeb by the ID(io)T team masquerading as a British advanced jet trainer.
  3. Hi Saint19 and welcome to Combat Ace! If you've got the combo pack then I recommend that you initially cut your teeth by downloading stuff from the SF2 area of the downloads section and you'll soon pick up on file structures and what goes where. In a short while you'll be up to speed and can then raid the SF1 section because there's virtually nothing in there that can't be brought into your game once you know your way around. And as someone famous on this forum once said, "The Knowledge Base is your friend"
  4. Phantom F.6 of No.19 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1977.
  5. Hugely enjoyable! Very well done.
  6. No problem. If this is half as good as your Tornado F3 then, er, your Tornado F3 will have been twice as good as this...
  7. Yes, just about the same for me. Quad merged and updated to the patch before this one and on W7. I did have a few mods installed (basically, the recent RAZBAM stuff) but nothing that would affect my USAF/USN Phantoms.
  8. Hi ST - how are you mate? Just trying to problem solve here - Had you applied the previous Nov2009b patch? How about you GV?
  9. Well it's taken me a full hour but I've totally deleted Strike Fighters 2 et al and re-installed all four but without this patch!
  10. Typical config.ini reads as follows; [TextureSet001] Directory=USMCGrey1 Name=USMC Grey 1 Nation=USMC Squadron=VMFA323 Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.200000 [TextureSet002] Directory=USMCGrey2 Name=USMC Grey 2 Nation=USMC Squadron=VMFA542 Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.200000 [TextureSet003] Directory=USNGrey1 Name=USN Grey 1 Nation=USN Squadron=VF142 Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.200000 [TextureSet004] Directory=USNGrey2 Name=USN Grey 2 Nation=USN Squadron=VF143 Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.200000 [TextureSet005] Directory=USNGrey3 Name=USN Grey 3 Shark Mouth Nation=USN Squadron=VF111 Specular=0.500000 Glossiness=0.400000 Reflection=0.200000 There's a lot missing at the top!!
  11. Hmmm. How odd. I've installed it (quad-merged) and all of the stock USAF and USN Phantoms have gone!
  12. Version


    McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the Third Wire Phantom F-4E_72 to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 tactical fighter with markings for No.6, No.41 and No.54 squadrons of RAF Strike Command as they might have appeared during the mid-1970's. BACKSTORY (Just a bit of fun). The cancellation of the Hawker P.1154 in 1964 led to the adoption of the LTV F-8E(RN) Crusader for the Royal Navy to replace the Scimitar and Sea Vixen and the adoption of the standard J79 powered F-4C Phantom for the RAF to replace the Hunter. However, anxious to improve the UK's trade balance with the US the UK Government insisted that the RAF's Phantoms would adopt either the Rolls Royce Spey turbofan or the Anglo-French Rolls Royce/SNECMA Sequanna turbofan then under development for the proposed Mirage IVB and advanced Mirage III aircraft. The Sequanna was quickly chosen being lighter and slimmer than the Spey and fitted the F-4 like a glove whilst producing about 1,000lbs more thrust per engine than the stock J79-GE-15 turbojet but having a much lower specific fuel consumption. First flown in 1965 and entering service with the RAF in 1966 the Phantom F.1 supplemented the Lightning interceptors of RAF Fighter Command whilst the Phantom FG.2 re-equipped many Hunter and Canberra squadrons at home and abroad. The FR.3 was a planned version of the RF-4C that failed to materialise as the RAF adopted a reconnaisance system but the FGR.4 was the RAF's first true multi-role version of the Phantom and took advantage of the new F-4E airframe and a more powerful Sequanna RB.390 engine developing 19,000lbs with reheat. Only 50 FGR.4's were built before production switched to the FGR.5 featured here with Sequanna RB.392 engines rated at 20,000 lbs of thrust and more advanced avionics. The FGR.5's served both at home and abroad before finally being retired in 2001. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the Phantom_FGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. Empty the contents of the Weapons folder into your Weapons folder 3. Sprinkle the contents of the Decals folder into your main Decals folder. CREDITS BIG THANKS to TK for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Special thanks to Mike Druzolowski (mppd) for the superb shark-mouth decal tweaked here and there to fit the No.41 squadron machine. Once again, special thanks to Florian for the Tornado Recce Pod (re-branded here as British Recce Pod). And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners v1.0 13/12/09
  13. File Name: [Fictional] RAF Phantom FGR.5 for SF2 File Submitter: Spinners File Submitted: 13 Dec 2009 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the Third Wire Phantom F-4E_72 to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 tactical fighter with markings for No.6, No.41 and No.54 squadrons of RAF Strike Command as they might have appeared during the mid-1970's. BACKSTORY (Just a bit of fun). The cancellation of the Hawker P.1154 in 1964 led to the adoption of the LTV F-8E(RN) Crusader for the Royal Navy to replace the Scimitar and Sea Vixen and the adoption of the standard J79 powered F-4C Phantom for the RAF to replace the Hunter. However, anxious to improve the UK's trade balance with the US the UK Government insisted that the RAF's Phantoms would adopt either the Rolls Royce Spey turbofan or the Anglo-French Rolls Royce/SNECMA Sequanna turbofan then under development for the proposed Mirage IVB and advanced Mirage III aircraft. The Sequanna was quickly chosen being lighter and slimmer than the Spey and fitted the F-4 like a glove whilst producing about 1,000lbs more thrust per engine than the stock J79-GE-15 turbojet but having a much lower specific fuel consumption. First flown in 1965 and entering service with the RAF in 1966 the Phantom F.1 supplemented the Lightning interceptors of RAF Fighter Command whilst the Phantom FG.2 re-equipped many Hunter and Canberra squadrons at home and abroad. The FR.3 was a planned version of the RF-4C that failed to materialise as the RAF adopted a reconnaisance system but the FGR.4 was the RAF's first true multi-role version of the Phantom and took advantage of the new F-4E airframe and a more powerful Sequanna RB.390 engine developing 19,000lbs with reheat. Only 50 FGR.4's were built before production switched to the FGR.5 featured here with Sequanna RB.392 engines rated at 20,000 lbs of thrust and more advanced avionics. The FGR.5's served both at home and abroad before finally being retired in 2001. INSTRUCTIONS 1. Drop the Phantom_FGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. Empty the contents of the Weapons folder into your Weapons folder 3. Sprinkle the contents of the Decals folder into your main Decals folder. CREDITS BIG THANKS to TK for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Special thanks to Mike Druzolowski (mppd) for the superb shark-mouth decal tweaked here and there to fit the No.41 squadron machine. Once again, special thanks to Florian for the Tornado Recce Pod (re-branded here as British Recce Pod). And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners v1.0 13/12/09 Click here to download this file
  14. View File RAF Phantom FGR.5 for Strike Fighters 1 McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 This is a simple mod of the stock Phantom F-4E to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 tactical fighter with markings for No.6 and No.41 squadrons of RAF Strike Command as they might have appeared in the mid-1970's. In theory, this should work in any 'first generation' game that has the standard F-4E LOD's. BACKSTORY The cancellation of the Hawker P.1154 in 1964 quickly led to the adoption of the LTV F-8E(RN) Crusader for the Royal Navy to replace the Scimitar and Sea Vixen and the adoption of the McDonnell Douglas Phantom for the RAF to replace the Hunter. However, anxious to improve the UK's trade balance with the US, the UK Government insisted that the RAF's Phantoms would adopt either the Rolls Royce Spey turbofan or the Anglo-French Rolls Royce/SNECMA Sequanna turbofan then under development for the proposed Mirage IVB and advanced Mirage III aircraft. The Sequanna was quickly chosen being lighter and slimmer than the Spey and fitted the F-4 like a glove whilst producing about 1,000lbs more thrust per engine than the stock J79-GE-15 turbojet but with a lower specific fuel consumption. First flown in 1965 and entering service with the RAF in 1966 the Phantom F.1 supplemented the Lightning interceptors of RAF Fighter Command whilst the Phantom FG.2 re-equipped many Hunter and Canberra squadrons at home and abroad. The FR.3 was a planned version of the RF-4C that failed to materialise as the RAF adopted podded recconnaisance pods but the FGR.4 was the RAF's first true multi-role version of the Phantom taking advantage of the new F-4E airframe and a more powerful Sequanna RB.390 engine developing 19,000lbs with reheat. Only 50 FGR.4's were built before production switched to the FGR.5 with Sequanna RB.392 engines, slatted wings and more advanced avionics. The FGR.5's served at home and abroad, most notably with RAF Strike Command and RAF South East Asia Command before finally being retired in 2003. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 into your Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to Mike Druzolowski (mppd) for the superb shark-mouth decal that fits the F-4E really well. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 05/03/18 Version 1 - 06/12/09 Submitter Spinners Submitted 12/06/2009 Category F-4 Phantom II  
  15. Keep looking in the KB - it's all there!
  16. Sincere apologies for getting my SF2 version mixed up with this SF1 version. I was working with 'Series One' on my old XP desktop and getting Series Two set up on my 'new' (i.e. upgraded) W7 desktop and lost track of things!
  17. Phantom FGR.5 of No.54 squadron, RAF Strike Command.
  18. View File [Fictional] F-8E Crusader Royal Australian Navy Vought F-8E Crusader for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:VIETNAM This is a simple mod of the stock Thirdwire F-8E to create a 'what if' Royal Australian Navy F-8E Crusader with markings for No.805 and No.808 squadrons. You must have Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam so that you have the necessary Third Wire F-8E LOD's that are, of course, not included here. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - February 4th, 2024 Submitter Spinners Submitted 12/13/2009 Category What If Hangar  
  19. RAF Phantom FGR.5 for Strike Fighters 1

    Sincere apologies for getting my SF2 version mixed up with this SF1 version. I was working with 'Series One' on my old XP desktop and getting Series Two set up on my W7 desktop and lost track of things!
  20. Version 2


    McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 This is a simple mod of the stock Phantom F-4E to give a 'what if' Phantom FGR.5 tactical fighter with markings for No.6 and No.41 squadrons of RAF Strike Command as they might have appeared in the mid-1970's. In theory, this should work in any 'first generation' game that has the standard F-4E LOD's. BACKSTORY The cancellation of the Hawker P.1154 in 1964 quickly led to the adoption of the LTV F-8E(RN) Crusader for the Royal Navy to replace the Scimitar and Sea Vixen and the adoption of the McDonnell Douglas Phantom for the RAF to replace the Hunter. However, anxious to improve the UK's trade balance with the US, the UK Government insisted that the RAF's Phantoms would adopt either the Rolls Royce Spey turbofan or the Anglo-French Rolls Royce/SNECMA Sequanna turbofan then under development for the proposed Mirage IVB and advanced Mirage III aircraft. The Sequanna was quickly chosen being lighter and slimmer than the Spey and fitted the F-4 like a glove whilst producing about 1,000lbs more thrust per engine than the stock J79-GE-15 turbojet but with a lower specific fuel consumption. First flown in 1965 and entering service with the RAF in 1966 the Phantom F.1 supplemented the Lightning interceptors of RAF Fighter Command whilst the Phantom FG.2 re-equipped many Hunter and Canberra squadrons at home and abroad. The FR.3 was a planned version of the RF-4C that failed to materialise as the RAF adopted podded recconnaisance pods but the FGR.4 was the RAF's first true multi-role version of the Phantom taking advantage of the new F-4E airframe and a more powerful Sequanna RB.390 engine developing 19,000lbs with reheat. Only 50 FGR.4's were built before production switched to the FGR.5 with Sequanna RB.392 engines, slatted wings and more advanced avionics. The FGR.5's served at home and abroad, most notably with RAF Strike Command and RAF South East Asia Command before finally being retired in 2003. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the PhantomFGR5 into your Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to Mike Druzolowski (mppd) for the superb shark-mouth decal that fits the F-4E really well. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 05/03/18 Version 1 - 06/12/09
  21. Version 2


    Vought F-8E Crusader for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2:VIETNAM This is a simple mod of the stock Thirdwire F-8E to create a 'what if' Royal Australian Navy F-8E Crusader with markings for No.805 and No.808 squadrons. You must have Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam so that you have the necessary Third Wire F-8E LOD's that are, of course, not included here. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-8E_RAN folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - February 4th, 2024
  22. Vought F-8E Crusader of No.808 Sqd, Royal Australian Navy escorting a heavily laden USAF Phantom.
  23. I agree. Nice and simple and no problems.
  24. That's not a fighter.... that's a fighter. With apologies to Crocodile Dundee!
  25. It is a bit quiet in there but my install is almost vanilla since switching to W7 - perhaps I need more ground objects

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