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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Hawker Hunter F.6 ' Red Arrows' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the stock Hawker Hunter F.6 to give my interpretation as to how it might have looked if the famous Red Arrows display team had flown it in the 1960's. I've kept it simple by using a Gnat-esque scheme but I've used white serial numbers instead of blue. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HunterF6ra folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HunterF6ra folder into your Decals folder. That's it! BTW the mission editor can be used to select all 9 aircraft leaving you to get some formation screenshots taken! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. A big thank you to Sundowner for releasing his Hunter tempates to allow ham-fisted amateurs like me to get a bit creative. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 07/03/19
  2. Surely someone has done that? "And don't call me Shirley"
  3. View File [Fictional] Lockheed F-104C 'Getti Tonanti' Lockheed F-104C 'Getti Tonanti' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104C to create a fictional F-104C of the famous 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team of the Aeronautica Militare who performed at the opening ceremony of the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. The real 'Getti Tontanti' flew F-84F's in 1960 so this is just my interpretation of how the Starfighter might have looked with those distinctive Olympic Rings coloured tails. If you haven't got the F-104C then I'm sure you can hack it to fit the F-104G by changing the skin bitmap names, etc. BACKSTORY Entering service in February 1958 with the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Hamilton AFB, California the F-104A interceptor served only briefly with the USAF Air Defense Command but this was soon followed by the multi-role F-104C which entered service with USAF Tactical Air Command in September 1958 when the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing at George AFB, California began to re-equip with the type. Despite setting a new world altitude record of 103,395 ft (31,515 m) just a few months later in December 1958 the USAF sharply reduced their orders for the F-104 leading Lockheed to urgently seek export orders and they soon gained an export order from the Italian Government in January 1960 for 40 F-104C's for the Aeronautica Militare. With Italy hosting the Olympic Games in the late summer of 1960, the Italian President Giovanni Gronchi personally asked the US President Dwight D. Eisenhower for the earliest possible delivery date as he wanted to use the F-104C's as part of the opening ceremony. Not only did 'Ike' graciously agree but he also authorised the immediate transfer of 10 F-104C's from USAF stocks which were airlifted to Europe during February and March being reassembled at Ramstein Air Base before being flown to Villafranca Air Base by USAF pilots and officially handed over to the 5th Aerobrigata of the Aeronautica Militare. The F-104C's replaced the F-84F Thunderstreaks of the 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team and this elite unit performed a sensational display at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games of the XVII Olympiad held in Rome from August 25th to September 11th, 1960. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your main Decals folder. That's it! BTW the mission editor can be used to select all 6 aircraft leaving you to get some formation screenshots taken! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 05/03/19 Submitter Spinners Submitted 03/05/2019 Category What If Hangar  
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Lockheed F-104C 'Getti Tonanti' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire F-104C to create a fictional F-104C of the famous 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team of the Aeronautica Militare who performed at the opening ceremony of the 1960 Olympic Games in Rome. The real 'Getti Tontanti' flew F-84F's in 1960 so this is just my interpretation of how the Starfighter might have looked with those distinctive Olympic Rings coloured tails. If you haven't got the F-104C then I'm sure you can hack it to fit the F-104G by changing the skin bitmap names, etc. BACKSTORY Entering service in February 1958 with the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Hamilton AFB, California the F-104A interceptor served only briefly with the USAF Air Defense Command but this was soon followed by the multi-role F-104C which entered service with USAF Tactical Air Command in September 1958 when the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing at George AFB, California began to re-equip with the type. Despite setting a new world altitude record of 103,395 ft (31,515 m) just a few months later in December 1958 the USAF sharply reduced their orders for the F-104 leading Lockheed to urgently seek export orders and they soon gained an export order from the Italian Government in January 1960 for 40 F-104C's for the Aeronautica Militare. With Italy hosting the Olympic Games in the late summer of 1960, the Italian President Giovanni Gronchi personally asked the US President Dwight D. Eisenhower for the earliest possible delivery date as he wanted to use the F-104C's as part of the opening ceremony. Not only did 'Ike' graciously agree but he also authorised the immediate transfer of 10 F-104C's from USAF stocks which were airlifted to Europe during February and March being reassembled at Ramstein Air Base before being flown to Villafranca Air Base by USAF pilots and officially handed over to the 5th Aerobrigata of the Aeronautica Militare. The F-104C's replaced the F-84F Thunderstreaks of the 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team and this elite unit performed a sensational display at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games of the XVII Olympiad held in Rome from August 25th to September 11th, 1960. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-104Cgt folder into your main Decals folder. That's it! BTW the mission editor can be used to select all 6 aircraft leaving you to get some formation screenshots taken! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 05/03/19
  5. Lockheed F-104C Starfighter - 'Getti Tonanti', 5th Aerobrigata, Aeronautica Militare, 1960 Entering service in February 1958 with the 83rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Hamilton AFB, California the F-104A interceptor served only briefly with the USAF Air Defense Command but this was soon followed by the multi-role F-104C which entered service with USAF Tactical Air Command in September 1958 when the 479th Tactical Fighter Wing at George AFB, California began to re-equip with the type. Despite setting a new world altitude record of 103,395 ft (31,515 m) just a few months later in December 1958 the USAF sharply reduced their orders for the F-104 leading Lockheed to urgently seek export orders and they soon gained an export order from the Italian Government in January 1960 for 40 F-104C's for the Aeronautica Militare. With Italy hosting the Olympic Games in the late summer of 1960, the Italian President Giovanni Gronchi personally asked the US President Dwight D. Eisenhower for the earliest possible delivery date as he wanted to use the F-104C's as part of the opening ceremony. Not only did 'Ike' graciously agree but he also authorised the immediate transfer of 10 F-104C's from USAF stocks which were airlifted to Europe during February and March being reassembled at Ramstein Air Base before being flown to Villafranca Air Base by USAF pilots and officially handed over to the 5th Aerobrigata of the Aeronautica Militare. The F-104C's replaced the F-84F Thunderstreaks of the 'Getti Tonanti' aerobatic display team and this elite unit performed a sensational display at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the Games of the XVII Olympiad held in Rome from August 25th to September 11th, 1960.
  6. Well between those two options there is, of course, the kind-hearted folk here at Combat Ace! We all had to start somewhere and I came here when I hit my first problems but suddenly, specific to what I like to do with the game, it all clicks!
  7. Well said that man! Obligatory Screenshot Butterfly Effect
  8. Gloster Meteor F.Mk4 - Staffel 17, Swiss Air Force, 1951 Skin Credit: Paulopanz
  9. It's funny how these things work out. The film about the Tuskegee airmen ('Red Tails') was shown on British TV last week and I was going to do something with red tails this week. However, for some reason, as soon as I saw the gorgeous new Meteor IV I wanted to use Italian markings and picked 4° Stormo whose unit badge led me to do a black tail and also nacelle bands. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0485985/
  10. Gloster Meteor F.Mk4 - 4° Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1950 With the establishment of the Italian Republic on June 18th, 1946 (following a national vote to end the Kingdom of Italy) the former Regia Aeronautica became the Aeronautica Militare. Whilst the Peace Treaty of Paris of 1947 had placed considerable restrictions on all of the Italian armed forces, rising early post-war tensions between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies (soon to culminate in the Berlin Blockade that started in the Summer of 1948) led to the formation of NATO in 1949 with Italy as a valued founding member. The Aeronautica Militare urgently needed modernizing and whilst the transfer of P-47 Thunderbolt and P-51 Mustang piston-engined fighter planes gave them an immediate boost it was clear that more modern aircraft were required. Such was the importance of Italy to NATO's south-eastern flank that the US President Harry S. Truman ordered that 100 Gloster Meteor F.Mk4 fighter-bombers should be purchased for the Aeronautica Militare as part of the Offshore Procurement Policy associated with the wider Mutual Defense Assistance Program. Because of the increased demand for the Meteor (for the RAF and export customers) the Gloster Aircraft Company had already introduced a second source of production by using the Armstrong Whitworth Aircraft Company at their Bitteswell and Baginton factories and the Italian order was easily slotted in. The Gloster Meteor F.Mk4 entered Aeronautica Militare service with 4° Stormo in February 1950 who later that year used them as part of the attacking enemy force in 'Operation Balkan Rise' (the first ever NATO military air exercise) with their Meteor F.Mk4's displaying black recognition colours and they scored highly in both the Gunnery and Bombing competitions. Base Skin Credit: Paulopanz
  11. Supermarine Attacker Mk.51 - 860 Squadron, Netherlands Naval Aviation Service, 1954 Skin Credit: Paulopanz
  12. All aircraft or one you have recently added?
  13. Feb 28th, 1994 On this day in history the first ever active combat in NATO's history took place southwest of Banja Luka in Bosnia and Herzegovina when six Serbian Air Force light attack jets were engaged by USAF F-16C's of the 526th TFS. Captain Robert Gordon "Wilbur" Wright and Captain Stephen L. "Yogi" Allen immediately destroyed four aircraft between them with an additional aircraft later reported by the Serb's as destroyed after being hit by a missile explosion while trying to escape in low-level flight. Feb 28th is also my daughter's birthday and indeed she was born in 1994 which is probably why I don't actually remember this air combat action.
  14. You ask it to open the 'ini' file (KfirC2.ini)

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