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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Tornado S.1 - No.617 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1982
  2. Panavia JA-38 Tornado - F7, Svenska Flygvapnet, 1992 Thanks Guuruu!
  3. Superb. I'm finding the entire Tornado anthology very immersive. Chapeau to everyone involved.
  4. Lockheed Shooting Star FB.2 - No.79 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1947
  5. I did actually mean to do just that and indeed my file name is AJ38.
  6. Tornado GR.1 (guuruu) templates

    Awesome work on these. I'm going to enjoy using these beauties!
  7. No, I never did. When I had my 18-month sabbatical I stored all my 'Strike Fighters' stuff on an external hard drive that has stubbornly refused to work when I went to use it so I've lost the lot. That 'ADV' was inspired by a 'what if' article in a mid-1970's RAF Yearbook that referred to a TSR.2 ADV and needed a specific TSR.2 LOD with IRM pylons on the main inner wing pylons. The Skyflash were simply faux semi-recessed. In reality, the radar dish size was way too small as was the wing area... but it certainly captured my 14-year old imagination! Mandatory Screenshot [/quote]
  8. Panavia Tornado FGR.2 - No.41 Squadron, RAF, 1991
  9. Tornado GR.1B

    Excellent mate. Kudos to you and everyone involved.
  10. Panavia Tornado MS - 8th Tactical Fighter squadron, Japanese Air Self-Defence Force, 1986
  11. German Air Force Tornados

    A very good 3D model and an awesome skin package.
  12. Tornado GR.1A

    Top notch. Right up there in the all-time Top 10 mods.
  13. Kevin - Perhaps I've put the idea into his head. As I make more tga's than jpg's my default new image is a transparency so when I do make a jpg I need to ensure that I remove the alpha channel.
  14. View File Grumman E-2K Hawkeye AEW.1 Grumman E-2K Hawkeye AEW.1 - For Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic This is a simple mod of the stock non-flyable Third Wire E-2C to create a fictional Hawkeye AEW.1 in service with the Fleet Air Arm of the Royal Navy. You simply must have Strike Fighters 2 North Atlantic - it will not work in any other game. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the E-2K folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the E-2K folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire Productions for a great little game/sim. Special thanks to pappychksix for the E-2C 'Late' skin which I've resized down to 2048x2048. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 18/01/19 Submitter Spinners Submitted 01/18/2019 Category What If Hangar  
  15. I'll take a look tomorrow mate. Match of the Day is just starting... I was wondering why you was asking about the pit as this does have a pit. EDIT: JUST DOWNLOADED IT TO MY LAPTOP AND ALL OK.
  16. Download my most recent file and there's a custom made hangar screen in there. I found Paint far too simple (although it might have changed) so get yourself GIMP. It's all I ever use. It's all you'll ever need.
  17. ^ It needed saying. I'd also add that if your decals question has been answered then stop adding totally different questions here! Try to work it out yourself and if you can't figure it out then ask a new question in a new topic. I've moved from SF1 to SF2 recently and had a problem. I asked for help, received a helpful reply and thanked my helper. All done and dusted in three posts. OK. Now to offer some help. If your hangar screen isn't working and you are 100% certain that there are no typo's then check that your hangar screen doesn't have two (or more) layers and that the alpha channel isn't still there (in GIMP layer>transparency>remove alpha channel).
  18. McDonnell Douglas F-4EZ Phantom - No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, 1981 During the mid-1970's the South African Government made tentative enquiries regarding purchasing the McDonnell Douglas Phantom for the South African Air Force (SAAF) with no success but in February 1977 the incoming Democrat President of the United States, Jimmy Carter, and the South African State President Nicolaas Diederichs agreed to the purchase of 30 F-4EZ's for delivery in 1979 and these were among the very last St. Louis-built Phantoms produced. Entering service with No.2 Squadron 'The Flying Cheetahs' of the SAAF the F-4EZ's initially operated from Hoedspruit AFB before moving to Louis Trichardt AFB in early 1993. With SAAF Impalas, Buccaneers and Mirage F.1CZ's operating in the ground-attack role the Phantoms saw limited action in the Border War but at least four Angolan MiG-21's and two Mi-17 helicopters were shot down by No.2 Squadron. The surviving F-4EZ's were finally retired in 2012 when they replaced by Eurofighter Typhoons. Skin Credit: Stratos

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