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Files posted by Brain32

  1. DBS Hi res replacement tileset

    ****Hi res replacement tiles for DBS terrain v0.99b****
    This is a simple repaint of tiles for DBS terrain, the reasons this is not v1.00 are following
    - I am not happy with the transition from "SeaIce" to "Sea" area and need to make transition tiles to smooth it up, for that I will need original texturelist of the first DBS terrain...
    - As you will notice theese tiles are done in 1024x1024, I have been making such tiles on all my recent work anyway then downsizing them to 512, after a few days if there will be enough intrest in this I will post a poll on CA to see if anybody actually notices significant enough visual improvement for me to continue with 1024 tiles, yes I need test bunnies lol
    Simply unzip into DBS terrain folder and overwrite when asked, I recommend backing it up in case you want to revert to the old ones.
    I didn't expirience any performance loss even with higher resolution tiles(2048) however, mission loading times will probably increase!


       (2 reviews)



  2. GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0

    *****GermanyCE Terrain Tiles REPAINT v1.0*****
    by Brain32
    Terrain objects, trees and houses by CA_Stary
    1.Requirements - Wings Over Europe are required in order for this mod to work!!!
    2. Installation.
    Un-ZiP "GermanyCE" folder into terrain folder(X:\....\Wings Over Europe\Terrain) of your Wings Over Vietnam installation.
    As before with my VietnamSEA repaint I offer trees and objects in separate folder to enable simpler instalation for users that either don't want it or can't take the performance hit :)
    To install the trees and objects, simply copy all the files from "Objects" folder to x:\...\Wings Over Europe\Terrain\GermanyCE.
    2. Overview.
    The tiles are made with help of satelite imagery taken mostly from central - west Germany, mountain tiles were taken from Alps area, and shoreline tiles...well, from German coast lol. Nothing was hand drawn, all those shapes exist in nature but were violently connected together so they fit...
    3. Known issues
    First ofcourse it will have some errors, however the number of those is on par with default terrain if not even better, if however you do find some eye-poking errors please report them with a small image in file announcment thread.
    Again same as with VietnamSEA, I didn't work much with the cities, you will notice some improvement in transition city texture but nothing dramatic, it is planned for future update though I simply didn't have time for it now and didn't want a completely functional mod sit on my HDD for maybe months at 99% completition
    4. Did I forgot something?
    I sure hope not...


       (14 reviews)



  3. TILESET ONLY - Korea

    *****KOREA - TILESET ONLY******
    1. This is a tileset only, meaning a full set of 512x512 resolution textures based on satellite imagery with custom trees and object made by Stary all that made a long time ago even before CA KAW project started in todays form.
    Over the time this tileset showed it's age and was abandoned and never released.
    Since I think this is still a good tileset and can be used for other stuff I decided to release it but originally in an attempt to find a modder who would accept it and do something from it I failed so now I decided to let it fly to wider audience.
    Tileset decipts Korea in autumn with dominant brown/light brown colours, samples were taken from areas of South Korea, city is Pusan IIRC and some from Japan, few were custom made and can really be used to feature land in the general area wherever it may be.
    Like I said tileset comes with full tree and object work by Stary which means top quality guys.
    Basically all you have to do is make a terrain for it or apply it to the existing one, everything else is sorted for you.
    TERMS OF USE(freeware use only, otherwise contact both me and Stary via PM):
    Simply put me and Stary in credits like this(you can even copy paste lol):
    Terrain textures by Brain32
    Trees and objects by Stary
    In the end I hope somebody might find some use for it.
    SPECIAL NOTE: Tileset uses specific naming convention AND WILL NOT WORK WITH EXISTING TERRAINS out of the box.


       (2 reviews)



  4. JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series

    JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 Series
    You Gripen Team is:
    Model, Weps and Skins by Gux
    FM by Column5
    Avionics by Moonjumper and Jat
    Testing by USAFMTL
    Installation insctructions:
    Just install the archive into your MOD folder.
    Included updated post WOI FM by Column5
    Included updated RWR list and added TGA texture(and entry) for JAS39 family radar.
    ***SPECIAL NOTE***
    I only made the SF2 conversion(simple ini edits and folder re-organization), the original MOD makers are listed above!!!
    That's pretty much it and:
    Original ReadME is attached in the archive.
    Feb 2010 Updates by Jat


       (5 reviews)



  5. Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2

    **********************Chengdu J-10A Vigorous Dragon SF2*********************
    Original for SF1 series came without the ReadME so I'll have to improvise a bit:
    1. CREDITS
    Original creators of this excellent mod for SF series are:
    Insky group (www.Insky.cn)
    Erwin_Hans and others...
    Just extract into your MOD folder, everything is thoroughly tested and 100% working!
    3. A BIT ABOUT THIS VERY INTERESTING MACHINE(with help of wiki and other sources)
    The J-10 is a multi-role combat aircraft capable of all-weather day/night operation.
    J-10 was designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Design Institute (CADI), a subordinate research institute of Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAIC).
    J-10 is aerodynamically unstable design, a digital quadruplex-redundant fly-by-wire flight control system aids the pilot in flying the aircraft. It features a full glass cockpit and is equiped with three MFD's providing the information to the pilot.
    On top of that Pilot is aided by helmet-mounted display (HMD) system, making J-10 and even more dangerous modern dogfighter!
    As for the electronics, J-10 is equiped with internal ECM suite which can be supplemented by active jammer pods such as the BM/KG300G carried externally on the aircraft's hardpoints. Additionally, the KZ900 signals intelligence (SIGINT) pod can be carried for reconnaissance missions.
    It also packs a Chineese designed and produced IRST "Type Hongguang-I" which has a maximum range of 75 km.
    Radar info I was looking for was not quite detailed so all I found out was this:
    "CAC revealed that the J-10 is equipped with an indigenous fire-control radar featuring a mechanically slewed planar array antenna, capable of tracking 10 targets and engaging 2 (using semi-active radar-homing AAM) or 4 (using active radar-homing AAM) of them simultaneously. Possibly based on Russian or Israeli technologies, the radar is believed to be comparable to the early 1990s-era Western fighter radar designs. Alternatively the J-10 could be fitted with a range of fire-control radar introduced by Russian, Israeli, and European manufacturers on its export variant."
    The engine J-10A is currently using is Lyulka-Saturn AL-31FN, it's pretty much the same thing as AL-31F only while F is meant for two engine use, FN is specifically set for single engine usage.
    Later it is suspected that J-10 will use domestic WS-10A (WoShan-10A) Taihang turbofan engine giving a thrust of 129 kN
    The aircraft's internal armament consists of a 23 mm twin-barrel cannon, located underneath the port side of the intake. Other weaponry and equipment is mounted externally on 11 hardpoints, to which around 4,500 kg (9,900 lb) of weaponry such as missiles and bombs, drop-tanks containing fuel and other equipment such as avionics pods can be attached.
    A2A missiles:
    PL-8 - basically this is Israeli Python3 missile so don't count on having it easy in combat with it especially since J-10A is highly manouverable
    PL-11 - SAHM basically a copy of Italian ASPIDE missile which is in turn a version of AIM-7
    PL-12 - a very nasty AHM missile comparable to AIM-120 and R-77
    For more detailed info check:
    For Chineese missiles and equipment info check
    Anyway in the end I seriously like this plane and Insky group made a really, REALLY good job on it so...enjoy


       (5 reviews)



  6. MiG-31M & BM Foxhound SF2

    ****************MiG-31 Foxhound M/BM for SF2********************
    1.NOTE, original BM came without the creators ReadMe so I included the ReadMe from latest mod version and that's MiG-31M since creators are basically the same I see no problem
    Model - Jv44kt,Erwin_Hans
    FM by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans
    Sound by MarcFighter,Erwin_Hans
    Cockpit by - Jv44kt,YEYEYE,Erwin_Hans
    HUD by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans
    Radar Screen by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans
    Skin by Jv44kt
    Also,special thanks to Lindr2's datebase.
    And Thanks to all CAer's help!
    ******** EVERYONE CAN USE THESE MODELS for all Third Wire projects, as you want.************************
    Erwin_Hans and jv44kt.
    ----------------Inksy Group 2009
    Simply uncompress the file into your MOD's folder :)
    If you are new to the series then your MOD folder is either;
    C:\Documents and Settings\<Name>\My Documents\ThirdWire\
    if you are using WinXP or;
    C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\
    if you are using Vista/Win7
    I think that's it, did I forget anything?


       (11 reviews)



  7. Su-39 SuperGrach SF2

    *************Su-39 SF2***************
    Su-39 Super Grach
    Skins by YEYEYE and 101tfs
    3D Model by 101tfs
    Flight Model by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs
    Avionics by Lindr2,Erwin_hans
    INI work by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs
    Effects by Erwin_hans and 101tfs
    Weapons by YEYEYE,Lindr2,Erwin_hans
    ----------------Inksy Group 2008----------------------
    Simply extract the contents of "Super-Grach" folder into your MODS folder, everything else is already set up
    3. NOTES
    Keep in mind that I only converted this fine mod into "out of the box" SF2 compatible add-on and uploaded it to help reduce the conversion workload! The guys above did all the hard work!


       (3 reviews)



  8. EF-2000 Eurofighter SF2

    ****EF-2000 Eurofighter For SF2****
    by Bongodriver
    Credits part of original ReadMe:
    A BIG BIG thanks to
    USAFMTL (and various partners in crime) for his help and guidance and support.
    Jimmybib and Sundowner for initial consultation on skinning and all credit to Sundowner for producing the final skins which are superb.
    Moonjumper for his advice on some avionics matters
    All of you for you encouragement and kind words through it's development
    My Producers....etc...etc :) Oh god I'm going to cry..
    Anyway I decided to release slightly early because I'd like some of you to enjoy tweaking this thing, theres alot of talent out there who can make this thing great.
    Absolutely no part of this is to be used in payware but moddify the model any way you wish and re distribute in your own freeware mods as you wish with no permission required from me, just give me the relevant credit.
    The skins are Sundowners so ask him if you wish to make mods of them.
    INSTALL: Simply extract contents of "EF-2000 Typhoon" folder into your MOD folder
    NOTES: Includes recent pilot and seat fix for SF2 series posted by Sundowner so this pack is as up to date as possible.
    Also, again please note I only did the conversion, the guys above did the hard work.
    03/07/2009 - added afterburner effects!
    Until the next time I bore you to death with my uniform ReadMe's that are basically an edited copy of original ones - enjoy. xD


       (10 reviews)



  9. AV-8B-DA

    **********AV8B+/DA SF2 VERSION ReadME********************
    Main contractor: bobrock
    FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray
    Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk
    A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared
    their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable
    series of games.
    If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce
    forum or send me an email.
    mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it
    May 2008
    Simply extract contents of AV-8BDA_SF2 folder into your MOD folder.
    Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive.
    SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me.


       (4 reviews)



  10. AV-8B+ HarrierII SF2

    **********AV8B/BA+ SF2 VERSION ReadME********************
    Main contractor: bobrock
    FM and loadout advisors: triplethr3at, X-Ray
    Santa’s little beta testers and supporters: Canadair, Erikgen, Nghengo, Silverbolt, Souk
    A special thanks goes to the people on CombatAce, Column5 and Thirdwire message boards who shared
    their knowledge and passion over these years and to Thirdwire Productions for creating such an enjoyable
    series of games.
    If you encounter any problem installing or using this mod you can get in touch with me on CombatAce
    forum or send me an email.
    mail & msn: file404@tiscali.it
    May 2008
    Simply extract contents of AV-8Bplus_SF2 folder into your MOD folder.
    Original readme, and detailed PDF included in the archive.
    SF2 conversion done by USAFMTL/Dave with small additions by me.


       (4 reviews)



  11. High Resolution PR ANW Terrain Tiles

    *****High Resolution PR ANW Terrain Tiles*****
    by Brain32
    This is a set of high resolution (1024x1024) tiles for America North West terrain. Installation is simple, just unrar all the *.BMP's into your ANW terrain.
    Tiles were as usual made with help of satelite imagery, and are actually taken more from mid West USA than North West, but I think they still fit into general terrain idea.
    Dont get too concerned with high resolution or the size of the tiles, ANW terrain has only 6 tile types so this mod will not have any performance impact whatsoever, I tested it personally under WOI on my aged system and it went super smooth.


       (5 reviews)

    1 comment


  12. Mirrors Off Mod For Stock WoV/WoE planes

    ===Mirrors Off mod for stock WOE/WOV flyable planes===
    This mod removes mirrors from cockpits of all stock WoE/WoV flyable planes.
    I made this because my system is not powerfull enough to run mirrors on top of everything else, so I'm stuck with empty, gray mirrors which serve no use except the pits looking more correctly so I decided to try and see how would it look without them so if you want to try...here it is.


       (2 reviews)



  13. VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0

    This is a complete higher resolution(512x512) VietnamSEA tileset repaint with added trees.
    ReadMe and Installation instructions are included in the file archive.


       (16 reviews)




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