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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. From the TOD objects i see in the screenshot i would say, that it is one of Stary's tilesets. They are coming from file TER_NEWTREES1.tga or TER_NEWTREES2.tga. But this files you can find in a couple of tilesets for terrains. To say what terrain exactly is seen in the screenshot is difficult. We need a screenshot with plane in flight for better guess.
  2. Already done. Available in german language. Edit: Seems to be, that the publishing house has sold my Mi-24 book to an english publishing house. Thats new for me. Hope that the translator made a good job. (East german special terms are different from west german special terms, I hope the translator know what he is doing!)
  3. The KDS-23 dispenser was originally used on MiG-27 and Su-22. For the MiG-23 the central pylon was modified. The designation of the modified pylon was PKWP-23. It could carry the usual drop tank. In the pylon the dispenser KDS-23 was included. so it looked in reality: You see the connection pipe (valve) to the fuel system of the plane and then the 12 cartidges for flares or chaff. Each cartidge had a caliber of 50 mm.
  4. Its a pity, that AI gunners do not shot on ground targets.
  5. Svetlin is right. Can confirm from east german sources R-23R has diameter 200 mm and lenght 4.460 mm BTW: the MiG-23 pilot has answered. He wrote, that the training missile was called "R-23 Schreiberrakete", the official soviet designation was not used and so he had forgotten it.
  6. Newer seen that before. Dont know what they good for. In LSK such fins were not on the missiles. From what Air Force is the picture? Could it be romanian? IIRC Romania built R-23 missiles in license. Maybe they modified it?
  7. Do you mean the small fins close to the seeker head? This are "Destabilisatoren", vortex generators to get a better airflow over the main "wings" to the maneuver fins at the end of the missile.
  8. Better pictures i was unable to find:
  9. With better pictures it could be difficult. It was strictly forbitten to make photos of real life missiles in the old times. I cant remember that the JG-3 in Peenemünde had made a weapon show after the political change. So photos of this missile would be rare. To the designation of the training missile. I just wrote an former MiG-23 pilot to ask him the question. Perhaps he will answer. Perhaps not. The LSK term is probably "R-23 Schreiberrakete".
  10. Nice pictures. One remark. For training missions only one training missile (of each missile type) was loaded on the planes. The designation of R-23 training missiles were, as far as i remember correctly, R-23UT for IR guided version and R-23UR for SAHM missile. But maybe i'm wrong.
  11. Air to Air photos of R-23U training missile for air-to-air medium range combat.
  12. This is a training missile for ground crews, not for air to air combat training.
  13. MiG-21F-13 LSK used as recon bird in the early 80th. Later replaced by MiG-21M, which should be replaced by Su-22M4.
  14. Since the topic starter comes from Turkey, i guess he wants to fly turkish jets to protect islamistic rebels, Al-Kaida and IS forces against the bad, godless russians and shia troops from Iran, Lebanon and Assads alewitish squadrons. As far as i know there is no map, which covers the area of the turkish syrian border. But this would be no big problem to build such a terrain. The question is, who should do that. AFAIK all terrain builders are working on their own projects. For me it is rebuilding Battle of Britain terrain and a new version of Kuril Islands, so i have no time to start an other project. The solution would be: help yourself, so help you god. ( no matter what god you believe in) A tutorial, how to make a terrain, is available at Knowledgebase of Strike Fighters 1, here in this forum.
  15. In german language we called it "Schreiberrakete". It had seeker heads and a memory device, which "wrote" all data, so that after landing could be evaluated, wheter the missile would have hit the target or not. Those "missiles" were always white and had black stripes around the body. They had never rocket engines or maneuvering fins. This picture show a MiG-23ML with training missiles for R-23 and R-60. BTW: Nice to see the different camo schemes of the planes. Every single fighter plane of the LSK had a unique camo.
  16. In the late 80th the soviet submarine force of the North Fleet made a big scale exercise, broke through the SOSUS line, shaked off the NATO submarines and Sub Hunter ships and disappeared in the mid Atlantic. Two weeks later the most soviet submarines were detected close to the US east coast. The incident you descriped could have happen in this timeframe.
  17. Ab durch die Mitte! Take the midway!
  18. call the ball! touchdown!
  19. Yu-71

    Your picture shows not a weapon, but a soviet version of the "Sänger Projekt", called "Kosmoljot". The vehicle shows civil markings, the soviet flag and the cyrillic letters "CCCP", transfered to latin letters "SSSR" or translated into english "USSR".

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