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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. F-16A arab nations

    F-16A arab nations




    It includes two skins. One for the EAF and one for the RJAF. The plane is set for using chinese weapons (US weapons are not accepted for the red side) and for use for the red side.



    Hope you enjoy it


    Michael Gepard





    Finally some words:


    The F-16A arab nations is my thank you for Team Viper who made the most job for this bird. I only gave them the colors of the egyptian and jordan air forces and tweaked it a little bit, so that they now flying for the red side. I also played a little bit with the cockpit data and made finaly a new loading screen. But without the great skills of Team Viper F-16A arab nations would never have born.



    And here the names of the guys who made the most of the job (99%):


    Original Model by Swede


    Additional Model Work by Wpnssgt


    Flight Model by Column5


    Skins by Wpnssgt & USAFMTL


    F-16 Cockpit (BETA) by Wpnssgt


  2. Israel terrain v 1.5

    Israel terrain covers the territory of Israel, the Sinai Penisula, the most part of the Nil Delta, Soth Lebanon, West Syria and West Jordan.



    Israel terrain v 1.5


    I decided to make some new tiles for Israel terrain. An Oasis that Camels have something to drink in the desert, Snow for the Mt Hermon and the highest Mountains of Lebanon and vegetation for the hills in north Israel and the Lebanon.

    I also included the most aditional targetareas which i had made for Suez terrain for instance Radio Kairo, Radio Tel Aviv, Ports of Ashquelon, Ashdod, Netanya, Industy sites at Haifa, Tel Aviv, Gizeh, Helwan, Zifra, El Kubra etc.

    To get the big explosion on destruction of Dimona Nuclear Reactor you need a nuke effect.


    Hope you enjoy it


    Michael (Gepard)


  3. Battle of Britain terrain v1.1

    Some work i have invest into BoB terrain. There are now more terrain tiles. A railway network is now visible on the map and during flight. You will find railwaystations in London and some other towns in England. Trains have to come. Perhaps one guru can make such nice moving trains like in EAW. This is far beyond my abilities.

    In BoB terrain v1.1 i have included some objects Polak sent me. This are barrage ballons which you will find on the map to protect the british industry and port facilities. And some famous London buildings. (Buckingham Palace, Kensington Palace etc.)

    For London i made tiles for the Regents Park, the Hydepark, and St James Park, so that the area around House of Parliament now looks from air a little bit more like City of London.

    As suggestet i used also the terrain buildings file from EuroWW2 terrain which i modified a little bit, to get some of the red brickstone houses which i saw during a holiday visit in London some years ago.

    Finaly i included the darker Sea and grey town tiles made by Charles.

    Thanks to all who supported me with files, ideas, critics.


  4. Charles City and Sea repaint for BoB terrain

    Charles City and Sea repaint.


    This tileset based on an idea of Charles Gunst who mentioned, that the cities in europe are more gray instead brown. He send me a gray repaint of the city tiles and a darker sea tileset. I made some refinement work and now it is ready for release.

    Thanks for the idea and to good cooperation, Charles.


  5. 3 silver MiG-21PF

    MiG-21PF, isdelije (type) 76. The successor of MiG-21F-13. Had Radar, but no internal gun, no gunpod. Armament 2 air to air missiles, unguided rockets, unguided bombs. Fuel tank on centerline hardpoint.


    Zip file contains 3 silver MiG-21PF. Egyptian Air Force, Syrian Air Force, Soviet Air Force.

    Screenshot shows the egyptian and the soviet PF.

    The arab planes have arab bordnumbers.


  6. MiG-21PFM Monsun with arabic bordnumbers

    This MiG-21PFM is a modificated version which was given in Oct 1973 from East Germany to syria to replace losses during the Yom Kippur war. This east german birds were able to carry the Monsun dubble launch rail for air to air missiles, so hat they could carry 4 instead 2 R-3S (AA-2 Atoll) missiles. Further improvements were the radar warning reciever Sirena and the self sealing tanks in the wings.


    The file contains 2 skins. A hastly oversprayed sand color one and one sand green one.


    tactical numbers are completly in arabic numbers.


  7. Korat RTAFB for DRVv14

    This is the Korat airbase made by Armourdave of the original Vietnam team. All hounor belongs to him, not to me. He gave me the permission to include Korat AB into my DRV terrain and i want to say thank you for it. The base is a nearly 100% copy of the big US base during the vietnam war. And it looks very excellent.

    The only weak point is, that you cant destroy single objects of the base, but, i think this is no real problem, because the US bases in Vietnam war were never attacked by vietnamese airforce.


  8. :clapping: The tricky thing is that some folks not read the readme files. In the read me i stated, that some solutions for troubleshooting can be find in a second readme which is placed in a subfolder that is called: "special".

    In the subfolder "special" you find also files which can help you, especially for the strange blue ribbon problem.


    To simplyfy the answer i copy the lines of the troubleshooting readme below. For the blue ribbon problem see asterix 2.


    And by the way, an 2MB picture is a little bit big for demonstrating a problem. :no:




    READ ME:



    This folder contains subfolders with solutions for troubleshooting.






    *If you has no runways on WOV you should copy all files from this Wings over Vietnam folder to your Wings over Vietnam folder.




    * If you have problems with a strange looking blue ribbon you should open Flight folder and copy Flightengine.ini in your StrikeFighters/Flight folder.




    If you have already manipulated your Flightengine.ini you can also change the entries as follows:



    1. open the file

    2. scroll down to the SceneClip section and overwrite the existing lines with:














    3. Scroll down to [WorldSettings]


    4. Change the value at Border=80000 to






    *If you get CTD after loading screen you should copy the objectslist.ini from objects folder into your StrikeFighters/objects folder




    If you have already manipulated your Objectslist.ini you can also change the [ObjectGroup009] entries as follows:








  9. Deutschland terrain update from v1.0 to v1.01

    Version v1.01






    This is a minor update to fixe some problems and include a few new features.

    I also included a little Campaign written for Deutschland terrain.


    Version 1.01


    * fixed problem with runway of Bitburg in middle of nowhere

    * fixed some not fitting woodtiles on the terrain

    * included parked F-104 as static targets on some western airbases

    * added parked Hunters and Lightnings to RAF bases

    * added buildings to the big bases of Bitburg, Spangdahlem, Zweibrücken, Ramstein, Gütersloh, Wildenrath, Brüggen and Laarbruch



    Campaign Oktoberaufstand 1956/Octoberrevolution 1956


    It is a fictional campaign based on the idea, what could had been happen if the revolution in Hungary 1956 would have found a replica in East Germany.

    To fly this campaign you need following additional planes:

    * F-86F

    * F-84F

    * F-84G

    * MiG-15bis


    used standard planes are MiG-17F,B-57 and IL-28


    You can fly the F-86F for the Bundesluftwaffe or the MiG-15bis for the LSK/LV.



    Hope you enjoy it.



    Michael (Gepard)







    Open Deutschland terrain update to v1.01.zip.

    Unzip all files of Deutschland terrain v1.01.zip into your Deutschland folder.

    Unzip all files of Campaign Oktober_1956 for Deutschland terrain.zip into your campaign folder.


  10. Deutschland Terrain Version 1.0 (Germany for SFP1/WoV)

    Version 1.0


    This is the first release of Deutschland terrain. It is freeware and intended as stop gap filler till "Wings over Europe" will be available outside the USA.

    It is made for SFP1, but can also used for WOV.


    *In comparision to beta v 0.75 i included some more ground tiles (Towns at rivers, 3 new tiles) The map is reworked a little bit.

    *The Rhine Valley between Koblenz and Bingen is now flowing more or less into the valley and not more over the hills. It is not perfect, but much better than before. (23 new tiles) It is a funny place for hedgehopping. In a further update i will include the castles for which the Rhine Valley is famous for.

    *The number of target areas is now 248 instead 186 in Betav0.75.

    *New targets are civil ports in the GDR and the FRG, Antenna fields in the GDR. 2 naval bases in the East and one in the West (At this place i want to say thank you Capun and Mike Whl who gave me the permission to use their Osa and Koni ships as static targets)

    *I placed some ponton complexes on the map (Again thank you to Polak, who mad the pontons originally for my Israel terrain)

    *West Germany got a SAM defence

    *additional east german Industry is added

    *some big barrack complexes are placed at the map, including one of the longest buildings in the world Prora which you will find near the big eastern bay at island of Rügen

    *The CoolingTowers of the powerplants now have smoke. (Thanks to Darreck for the CoolingTowers) The smoke is not yet perfect (The exhaust time is to short) But i hope that this problem can be solved.


    *I found some bugs, like the Hawk launcher or Shilkas at the runway and solved the problem. Some files for troubleshooting you find in the subfolder "Special" in Deutschland folder



    With this release of Deutschland terrain this terrain is far away to be complete. Germany is a so heavy populated contry that the number of target areas could be increased to 1000 or 10.000 and you would not have all possible targets.

    I have concentrated my work on the east of Germany, the former GDR. I also invested a lot of time in the northern part of West Germany and the Rhine Valley, the former FRG. Bavaria and Thuringia are nearly untouched. You see, there is still a lot to do.


    If you have remarks or comments, please post it at SimHQ forum or Combatace forum.


    Finally i want to say thank you to all who supported Deutschland terrain with files and hints. And of course a big thank you to TK and his team for the development of the SFP1

    sim family.



    I hope you enjoy Deutschland terrain


    Michael (Gepard)


  11. F-22, F-35, Eurofighter Typhoon, Su-35, Su-37, MiG-29M1 this are all pretty birds with strong points and weak points. All are high tech planes. Each of them will be a good fighter or is a good fighter. BUT, and now comes the but. Does we need such birds really? Which conflicts should the fight? The big east west confrontation is past, history. Big scale air battles are over. Finish.

    What we need today are birds for asymetric warfare. Birds like the A-10, the Su-25 or Su-39. Birds that can support our guys at the ground. This is what we need.

    As example. The 5 or 6 new german Eurofighter are much less usefull than it would be a squadron of A-10 or Su-39 with german markings in Afghanistan.


    And finaly my point of view to the high tech birds. In very short time they are all history. The drones will be the future. Unfortunatly.


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