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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Very nice Skinning is a fine art; and there's only one way to get better; practice practice practice. Also there's a wealth of info, resources and tutorials on a site called simmer's paint shop (google it). Keep up the good work!!
  2. I'm using Vista 32-bit as well and don't have such problems; and I've not had to disable UAC .. perhaps the problem is elsewhere?
  3. Absolutely wonderful!!!! The sensation of speed at low level is glorious!!! Thankyou so much .. the clouds in sarcasm 1.4 are great too!!!
  4. Absolutely awesome package Gentlemen!!!!!!! It sure shows that this was a labour of love! Much appreciated; I'm sure the work involved ran into the thousands!! ... did I say much appreciated?
  5. These are skylight renders; I'm planning to bake some lighting into the release textures. Thanks Squid! Always welcome encouragement! Thanks for the kind words:)
  6. Hello all! Just a small update .. texturing is slowly but surely progressing ..
  7. Got to love how clean Russouk2004's modelling is! Fantastic work!
  8. Congratulations on a lovely package! The flight model "feels" right too!
  9. Northrop Strikes Back...

    LOL! You can clearly see the lineage; even more evident when you look at individual parts .. I'm sad the F-5 family didn't evolve further; the F-20 tiger shark should have been adopted .. It was considered by many to have been a better fighter than the F-16 which it lost out to.
  10. Got it! Its now up and running! Wrench, Stary, I am in awe of you guys!! the game just got 250% better
  11. Sorry for the stupid question fellas, but what do I do with the files placed in the various season folder? Do I select, say, summer and place these filesin the KAW terrains folder? Regards
  12. One more; probably the last in a while as I'll be in uvunwrap hell for at least a couple of weeks :( .. at least the next pics will be of a textured cockpit! Regards
  13. Here's amother small update ,, ejection seat is done, just have to do a couple of more minorparts, then it' dowm to un-unmapping time .. and then to texturing !! REGARDS, SOPHOCLES
  14. Great video; thankyou JonathanRL!
  15. Yep, both cocas and Brain32 have sent the file; thanks a ton!!
  16. Hello FC, I feel a little embarassed, but I can't find the Modder's section.. I'm only still a junior member.. so is it possible for you to send me the file?
  17. Thankyou very much FastCargo! Your own tremendous work on the F-5 (especially like the 2-seaters) was a true inspiration! I'd love to see your work .. off to look for it now Roger on the T-38 similarities; I've used many T-38 pics for reference already.
  18. Oh man! That looks really cool russouk!! absolutely love the catastrophic damage to the tail .. looks very realistic. Are you working from photos?
  19. Here's another pic of the throttle quadrant .. Hope to be finished soon with the modeling of the pit; then I can do some texture work!
  20. Hello all! No time during the week for any work, but I've made some progress thus far over the weekend ..
  21. Speaking for myself, I really appreciate your gesture cocas . The vets on this forum have already been extremely helpful and forthcoming with any help I have requested and I am sincerely grateful .. this is a great community! That said, I am actually looking forward to when one of my projects is released so that I can "earn" modder status. I really do not expect any priviledges that come with the "promotion" before then. Centurion's ideas are great and I would be more than happy to contribute my stuff to fellow modders in order to avoid duplication of effort. Regards
  22. You're right there RussoUK2004, but who knows? it may be that we some day get the type of views we had in FSX where you can pan around the cockpit .. or for the sake of dynamic shadows in the pit, we'll have to have closed mesh.
  23. Thanks all for your encouragement! Finally .. I think I've got the control column done .. it wasn't easy:)

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