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Everything posted by CrazyhorseB34

  1. Just Heard

  2. Final Countdown 2012...The Sequel ( notice AIM-120)
  3. kim jung un

    Did not know that TAPCO ships to North Korea. http://www.tapco.com/
  4. kim jung un

    I bet he would be fun to party with.
  5. kim jung un

    Strait up PIMP!
  6. New Viper Scheme Under Testing

    Do not get it wet! (Inside joke). We need to add this to the Viper pack..................
  7. Stary, that is the single most needed mod in the entire history of the 3rd wire series. Cannot wait to fly it.
  8. This needs a bump. Been trying the same thing........ Want it to look like this=

    One heck of a good superbowl. Go Giants!
  10. Just use the ones mppd did. Search thread for it.
  11. You can already knock out a ship radar with HARMs.
  12. Bosnia/Kosovo/Serbia map is an absolute must. Too many possibilities for missions and a real good stand alone campaign mod. The Bush War map would be a logical second choice in my opinion. Good MiG-23 vs. F1 action there plus lots of ground pounding. I personnally use that Iberia map as a stand in for Bosnia and Madagasgar for my Bush war fun. Would be good to have proper map.
  13. SILENCE! One Hundred Posts and One Hundred Posts Only!............................. Wonder if I could just post the word poop 100 times? Petty tribalism, the true nature of the human race. Sometimes makes me wish I was a racoon.
  14. Some of my images while out and about . .

    Wow, thanks Gary!
  15. Happy Birthday

  16. Autumn trip

    Wow! Thank you for the tour!
  17. Scrap the B and the silly "USS America" Harreir carrier thinga ma bob. B is an albatross around the Departmnet of the Navy's neck. That would save alot of money.
  18. These are for SF2....like everything else new.
  19. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Thank you guys!
  20. GIANTS !

    A loss is a loss. Maybe next year........ probably not. GO GIANTS!
  21. GIANTS !

    THE NEW YORK FOOTBALL GIANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. GO PATS!

  23. AIM-9L Question

    I mentioned this before. Since the NOV patch AAM's have lost alot of their edge. As teras said I am getting AMRAAMS decoyed of with chaff bloom.

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