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Everything posted by coolpilot

  1. Modern B-52H's

  2. New cannon sound


  4. Aim-9 Sidewinder Growl

  5. F-14A / B / D

  6. Fly-Able Hawks

  7. SFP1_WoV_SPV3

  8. CVN-75 Mission



    This is a mission where you have to intercept bombers and fighters that are heading towards your carrier. You need the CVN-75 http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2840 The F-14A http://www.column5.us/aircraft/SFP1_F-14a_..._V1.1-Light.exe The MiG 23 MS http://www.column5.us/aircraft/SFP1_Mig-23MS_V1.0.exe The TU-16G http://www.column5.us/aircraft/tu16g.7z Thanks to all the people who worked on all of those planes, thanks to Digital Overload for the CVN-75, and thanks to Kreelin for the mission editor I used to create this mission. This mission is for WoV
  9. File Name: Tomcats in Vietnam (updated) File Submitter: coolpilot File Submitted: 10 Nov 2008 File Updated: 18 Nov 2008 File Category: User Made Campaigns Update: Changed aircraft from F-14B to Typhoid´s F-14A+, so you don´t have to edit the loadout anymore. Added 3 squadrons (1 flyable, 2 AI) : VF-213 and 2 A-6 squadrons *note: There are a lot (and I mean a very, very, very large LOT) of sams, so I recommend you increase the number of chaff to your F-14´s.Also, you´ll need Typhoid´s F-14A+ and the VF-213 skin for the Mirage Factory F-14A. My first attempt of creating a campaign. This a fictional campaign set in 1992 where 3 F-14 squadrons (VF-31,VF-103, and VF-154) are sent to Vietnam. You need the 3 versions of the F-14(A,B,D) what i did was i got TMF F-14A and Typhoid´s F-14D, then got fractalnoise´s avionics update and which comes with the B´s data and added it a skin. You need Fist of the fleet´s VF-103 and VF-31 skins (put the vf103 in the B version and the vf31 in the A and D versions) and the VF-154 skin which comes with either the avionics update or the F-14D (sorry I can´t remember which). Digital overload´s CVN75 Marcfighters SU-27 Boopidoo´s team SU-15 101 tfs´s (uploaded by Silverbolt) MiG-31 BM Note: You will have to modify the F-14B to carry bombs. If i forgot to mention anyone who worked on all the things I used contact me and I will put your name here. Just drop the "Tomcats in Vietnam" folder to the wings over vietnam/campaigns folder (you need the vietnamsea terrain) Remember it´s my first campaign so it won´t be perfect. If there´s any problem´s please tell me and I´ll try to fix them Happy flying Click here to download this file

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