6 files
The Last Castles: B-52G at Castle AFB 1992-94
The Last CAstles: The B-52G at Castle AFB 1992-94
This mod creates a B-52G_92 to represent the last 24 G models in service from mid 1992 through early 1994 at Castle AFB. The mod has two skins for the 93rd Bomb Wing and the 34th Bomb Squadron. The 34th BS was a remote based part of the 366th Wing at the time.
Included: B-52G_92 aircraft that is based off of my previous update to the B-52G_89. Two skins to showcase the two units. Weapons, effects and sounds from the previous mod are included.
Historical Notes: While the aircraft as a whole is capable of carrying AGM-142 cruise missiles, only the 8 aircraft of the 34th BS were actually configured to carry these.
Installation:unzip. put all folders into desired mod folder. Allow overwrites as needed.
-original B-52 Mega Era Pack: original project lead Dave, original model by wpnssgt, original cockpit by Dels
-yakarov79: ini edit assistance (weapons grouping)
-KJakker: data.ini edit assistance, revisions to cockpit, countermeasure strength, revised weapons
-daddyairplanes: ini edits, weapons ini edits to boost numbers available in game, adjustment of effects to simulate water injection on takeoff. ini edits to create B-52G_92 aircraft with specific data ini edits, and edit to original Popeye data link pod for carriage on the BUFF
-Third Wire: for the original game
I hope you enjoy this mod.
aka Kevin Unruh
31 December 2022
SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack
By Wrench
SF2 3W B-52D/F Upgrade/Mod Pack 9/28/2022
-For SF2 (Full 4/5 Merged Reccomended =MUST= have SF2:V installed!!)-
This pack contains some mods to the stock 3rd Wire B-52D & the user made B-52F model "Stratofortress" as used by SAC during the 1950s through the 1980s.
There are actually 3 aircraft in this pack; due to "oddities" with some loadouts, I found this was easier to do:
B-52D (57-64) nuclear strike
B-52D (64-83) conventional, with "Big Belly" mods
B-52F (58-78) conventional & Nukes.
The F, while retaining is nuke abilities, is mostly for conventional iron bombing after 1965.
Almost all markings are decals, with very few things painted on. All serial numbers are historically correct for the models depectied. BUT the D cereals should be considered 'generic' in nature as they represent no particular unit. The F serials, OTH, and the nose arts, are also correct, but not 'per squadron/wing'. It should be noted, the F gets all serials for the 89 aircraft produced. These are updated version of the originals issued in 2009. The D model gets all new decals, made for this mod.
Decal randomization is true. Most skins remain in their 1stGen bmp format. New sounds, effects, pilot/gunner figures, weapons, and hangar & loading screens. Various effects are included for the nuclear weapons. The SF2 date switch is used for some skins, and also in the loadout ini with year-specific loadouts. These aircraft are equipped with an "optical" bombsight for you perverts that inisist on flying the Heavies <g>. In each aircraft's folder is an instructional jpg on "how to". There are also different loadouts for conventional or nuke, accessable through the games' mission editor.
An example of the skin listing, from the 52F:
2nd BW >1964
7th BW (3960th BW) <1964
the >1964 (less than or 64 and eariler) and <1964 (after 1964 ie: 65 start date). This should give the general idear.
As is always reccomended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. PLEASE read them, before installing!!! As always, =PLEASE= read the "Notes" section for various thoughts and musing on this mod. There might even be valuable data/information for you to find! ALL original readmes have been included, when discoverable.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SAC Twilight: B-52G/H Stratofortress
SAC Twilight B-52G/H Skinpack and Upgrade Package
This is a package that adds several historical skins with nose arts to the B-52G_89 and B-52H_88 aircraft. Several skins also include my skin as tga method to allow several camo schemes in one skin. It also upgrades the weapons loadouts and data.ini's for better
historical accuracy
- B-52G_89 and B-52H_88 aircraft with new loading screens, data ini, loadout ini, historical serials and nose arts
- weapons including a new B28FI_350 nuclear bomb and upgraded data inis for others
- effects and sounds for aircraft and weapons
unzip package, put into mod folder, allow overwrites for items that you already have
several skins have tga based skin to represent SIOP mod, Strategic, and all grey camo. this leads to the decal folder being large (over 3.5GB).
the B28FI weapon included is to represent a laydown delivered weapon. it should not be released lower than 1600 ft AGL and slower than 515kts. the B28RI weapon should not be released lower than 6000ft AGL.
not responsible for fragging is these guidelines are not met.
daddyairplanes - much ini work, tga work, hours of research, and minor tweeks to base skins
wpnssgt - original model
Dels - cockpit
russouk2004 - model for B28 family of weapons
KJakker - data.ini edit assist,cockpit revisions, countermeasure strength, revised weapons (ODS contributor)
yakarov79 - ini edit assistance(weapons grouping)(ODS G contributor)
spillone104 - model for Hound Dog pylon(ODS contributor)
baffmiester - technical assitance with FM
Third Wire - for the original game
Test Team - Nightshade/PR, Stratos, allenjb42, EricJ, Sheriff00
Reserch Sources
Painted Ladies: Modern Military Aircraft Nose Art and Unusual Markings by Randy Walker
More Painted Ladies by Randy Walker
B-52 Aging BUFFs Youthful Crews by Rene Francillion and Peter Lewis
image searches on Google, Pinterest and Facebook
Huge Thank You
to the FaceBook B-52 Stratofortress group as a whole. This group is predominantly BUFF veterans, and was a tremendous help to finding out a lot of information on BUFF markings, loadouts, and operations in the late 1980s. special mention goes out to
Jay Scales, Andrew Ferguson, John Mueller, Anthony Spencer
I hope you enjoy this mod
Kevin Unruh
aka daddyaiplanes
Operation Desert Storm Skinpack and Updates for B-52G_89
Operation Desert Storm Skinpack and Updates for B-52G_89
This Mod will add ODS skins for the B-52G_89 found here
some weapon, ini, effects and sound edits are also included to enhance the operation of this classic bomber
Updated and reskinned B-52G_89, Decal set that puts multiple camoflages on each skin and at least a dozen Historical aircraft with Unit markings and nose art, updated weapons common to that version of the aircraft, a fake gunpod pylon for use with dual MERs, and updated sounds and effects.
Historical Notes:
Although you can fly em all, the only accurate skin to fly within ODS would be the Jeddah skin. The others flew from off of the various Iraq terrains available.
Bomb missions markings not included as these are set to represent the beginning of the campaign.
While many other weapons can be carried, the improved ones are the ones carried during Desert Storm, and strategic weapons (nukes)
While ALCM pylon is missing (more below), it only affects the Senior Surprise mission from Barksdale AFB (16-17 Jan 1991). The other Bomb Wings did not employ CALCMs
unzip. put all folders EXCEPT Templates into desired mod folder. Allow overwrites as needed.
Known Issues:
While there is currently a new Hound Dog pylon selectable in the download menu, there is not an ALCM pylon. While some sources state that the CALCMs were carried on the stub pylons, I find that not too likely.but it is how it is carried in game at this time. Either I will learn Blender and create one in the future, or a volunteer would be welcomed to create one (likely a faster route). But at time of initial release (24/12/2018) the cruise missiles are carried on the stubs.
B-52G_89 from the B-52 Mega Era Pack: original project lead Dave, original model by wpnssgt, original cockpit by Dels
-yakarov79: ini edit assistance(weapons grouping)
-KJakker: data.ini edit assistance, revisions to cockpit, countermeasure strength, revised weapons
-spillone104: model for Hound Dog pylon
-Nyghtfall, Menrva: technical advice and assistance
-Nyghtshade/PR and bigstone: research materials and many interesting screenshots (those arcade/Wingman loadouts!)
-all of the above: project test team
-daddyairplanes: ini edits, weapons ini edits to boost numbers available in game, tga base camoflage skins, unit and individual markings, conversion of spillone104's AGM28 pylon model from a fake pilot to selectable weapon, adjustment of effects to simulate water injection on takeoff.
-Third Wire: for the original game
I hope you enjoy this mod as much as the test team did and i did creating it
aka Kevin Unruh
24 December 2018
B-52G/H Mega Era Package
By Dave
B-52G/H Mega Era Package by Dels via wpnssgt
Update for 14 Jan 2012
1. Changed hanger/loading screens to jpgs.
2. Changed loadout pic to a clear background tga.
3. All LOD's updated to fix a spoiler problem.
4. H model 20mm has more detail.
5. Hanger screens in skins folder.
6. Inside canopy color changed to a yellow gold for better visibility.
1. Updated EVS screen
2. Each year has a specific loadout.
3. The years in which each plane is represented marks an operational era it flew under, or modification.
4. More hangar and loading screens on some.
5. Added the following units, or modified some based on others work. (17 skins total)
93 BW, Castle AFB, California
416 BW, Griffiss AFB, NY (modified from JSF Aggies work)
2 BW, 20 BS and 93 BS, Barksdale AFB, LA
449 BW, Kincheloe AFB, MI
410 BW, K.I. Sawyer AFB, MI
Skins by Pappy, X Ray, JSF Aggie and ST0RM
Loadouts by X Ray and Moonjumper
Decals, testing, ini edits from hell, etc by Dave (USAFMTL), and X Ray
Sounds by spillone.
Weapons by lindr2, FastCargo and Erikgen
Cockpits by Dels
Well here is a better explanation of my breakdown logic.
B-52G_59 and the B-52H_61: The years they came into service and were all nuke and Houndog carriers. So for you SAC fans this is the cold warrior at its best.
B-52G_72: This version went to Vietnam for Linebacker with the ability to carry only 27 bombs and very inferior ECM.
B-52H_75: While the G was being used for a conventional role, the H were still all nuke aircraft. (it could carry 27 iron bombs if needed) This one represents the year it got the EVS, new ECM and its carries gravity nukes and SRAM's.
B-52G_77: Again with the H is received the upgraded ECM, EVS and kept its ability to carry iron in the bay and is set up for a its nuclear missions as well.
B-52H_88: While the G was getting more of the conventional role, in 1988 the H soldiered on being an all nuke bomber. In this year we see it in its new paint and carrying an all AGM-86B ALCM loadouts.
B-52G_82: This is the year the G went operational with the AGM-86B ALCM
B-52H_93: New paint, upgraded ECM and no gun. This one also had the ability to fire the AGM-142 Have Nap.
Note: In the loadout screen it will say it is empty but the black dots next to it will be full. That means they are loaded but there is some glitch in the sim preventing it from showing up in the loadout screen because of the data link pod. It does work though once you are in the sim.
B-52G_89: Here is then it picked up a serious conventional mission with the ability to carry iron on the wing pylons as well. This one also received the new paint scheme and made carpet bombing famous during Desert Storm.
B-52H_03: The current version with upgraded ECM, plus the ability to carry the LITENING pod, all sorts of guided weapons from JDAM's, to LGB's, to JSOW's. Also with the Combat Track II moving map display in the cockpit.
Thank you each and everyone of you guys for your help and guidance.
Modern B-52H's
By Dave
B-52H 2006 both NUke and Conventional roles. Package by Dels and wpnssgt
wpnssgt made the correct pylon's to carry ALCM and other weps from his time when he loaded them onto B-52's.
(modfied from JSF Aggies work)
20 BS and 93 BS, 2 BW, Barksdale AFB, LA
JSF Aggie
Loadouts by wpnssgt anf JAT (Thanks JAT)
Decals, testing, ini edits from hell, etc by Dave (USAFMTL), and X Ray
Sounds by spillone.
Weapons by lindr2, FastCargo and Erikgen
Cockpits by Dels
Thank you each and everyone of you guys for your help and guidance.
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