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Everything posted by FANATIC MODDER

  1. I have the idea that this map was never made available for SF2. But I 'll do as you say (soon...) and I 'll keep you informed.
  2. SAAB J-21A-3 cockpit

    Thank you for all these cockpits you gave to us. If you 'll make a cockpit for the Draken, I believe it would be very popular among sf2 simmers. Draken is such an exciting plane and the F-104 pit seems so ..wrong!
  3. AH-1J SeaCobra Over the Seven Seas ver.2016

    It's great, thank you. I really enjoyed this one...
  4. Yakovlev Yak-28P Firebar cockpit

    Thank you, this cockpit is incredible, one of the best we have in SF2.
  5. SF2_Ada_Rafale.7z

    Thank you for this great work for this very strong fighter plane....a request...can you release the Damocles pod as a seperate download so it can be used in other planes too?
  6. RA-5C Skinpack

    These are great skins for sure.
  7. F-5E Early Versions Pack

    So good that's it's difficult to believe.
  8. Tornado F.3 AOP

    Thank you, please check your guns list in gundata.ini
  9. Tornado F.3 AOP



    This is the latest, modern version of the Tornado F.3 as it is used by RAF today. Don't be so excited, it might be so a complete aeroplane, but the changes are minimal,since RAF tried to update the F.3 as ...less as possible: It is well known the AMRAAM fiasco it was only in 2004 the F.3s finally received a proper AMRAAM capability. My add-on is about these,AMRAAM capable F.3s. INSTALLATION: If you haven't installed Bobrocks's F.3, please follow the instructions faithfully as they are on the file QUICKSTART F.3AOP. If you have already, be sure that you put all the necessary sounds in the sound folder and that you 're going to add all the necessary weapons using the weapon editor. ADDED BONUS: Data for the Sky Flash 6000 series are provided.F.3 AOP can use this missile, however it was carried normally by the standard F.3s since 1988. The credit should really go to: Main 3d modeling and programming: bobrock FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2 Sounds: Spillone104 Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at Skins: Syrinx EDIT: The changes might be minimal, but still they are highly enjoyable and the AIM-120C-5 suits very well to the Tornado...Don't hesitate to download,you won't regret it.A very fast plane (especially in low alt) with a very powerful radar (comparable with last generation fighters), C-5 extra boosting time and new warhead masks very well Tornado inabilities...you might be surprised.
  10. Sea flanker cockpit

    Thank you, this is incredible... EDIT: It's a pity for such a fantastic cockpit to have two options, the one too old and the other a sub-par Su-27 modification...I hope someone will make something for this.
  11. Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27

    Thank you this was so much needed, great addition!
  12. Version


    This is the almost-finished 2020 Terminator that was left in my HD for more than a month.I was stuck in making the right skin (I admit I am not good at it)and it was left unreleased.Now I want to offer it to you the way it is, because if not now it doesn't make any sense later.I use the seytan skin from EVRO, sounds from SPILLONE and the avionics are using elements from the F-4ES mod of ULTRAMAX. Please have latest weapon packs installed. I have in my HD a few more projects, that is a - Lightning F.2A - An updated F7U - A Kurnass 2000 - various MiG-21s and J-7s - F/A-18 upgrades I am going to release them soon, unfinished or not doesn't matter, 'cause I feel is better to just release them and let someone else improve them.If someone else is working on such projects, please let me know, and I would gladly give you my work before release, as long as I am mentioned.
  13. That said, the plane is fantastic and the work done is simply awesome. I was impressed by the FM model, this flies like no other. Try some zoom climbs up to 100.000 ft, possibly it can go even to 130.000 ft. Now in combat, is a different story. I lose my orientation, and co-operation with more conventional jets (e.g. F-100, Lightning) is difficult.
  14. So everybody that has made the crime to not have EXP2, is excluded.
  15. This is a great addition, thanks!
  16. TacPack for FSX

    Check this I think that the threat of SF to fade from the scene is very real, even if in reality the tacpack is not as good as advertised: FSX has a much, much larger fan base than SF...
  17. I am trying as much to avoid it, but it's obvious that for some people I am like the red capote of a matador to an angry bull.
  18. I did the stupidity to buy exp2. Instead of "flying", I spend almost all my free time trying to find a solution about the airstart problem (impossible), then extracting all the exp2 extra stuff to try it to older versions of SF, (1 & 2) again impossible, even with SF2E latest patch. It destroyed me all the pleasure (I feel like it's an "action game" without it). I found that the editor sometimes doesn't work properly too (I tried to created SR-71 missions that never flew to their projected alt.). In general, I have a difficulty to understand what these people are trying to do.
  19. Issue with Weapons Editor

    Oh, I was really upset when I first discovered this (when I thought that "I should make the transition") about a year ago. At the end you end up doing endless copies ("back ups") of everything, even when they are not really needed. And of course YOU WON'T throw your SF1 weapons, (my weapondata stopped at about 4.7MB) no matter what they're trying to tell you...
  20. I 've just seen this topic...A day after I expressed in this forum that I was still happy with my 2006 desktop (and a few hours after the MB339PAN topic was ...deleted), I was attacked. HD dead (I managed to recover) + my graphics card + sound card. So, I had to buy a new system. Like it or not, I tasted SF2 series in a windows 7 system. Apparently running dx10 for XP is not an ideal solution. Now is smooth. But apart from that, nothing more that I did not already knew: The SF2 graphics engine, way better than gen1, but for the rest, I am not convinced that had any sense to change the game structure. It has in one sense: I cannot just copy-paste my old object folder to the new one. So I had to start all-over again and instead of enjoying the virtual flights, to waste my hours trying to make old mods SF2 compatible. You know, we had to live real lives. So I had to stick in my SF1 sims. When you have a 180GB installation you don't throw it to the recycle bin so easily (someone wrote in fact that he did...). So I did the obvious: Downloading the ...missing parts from DX11 to make my good, old, WOE working again.
  21. This is great! I love it. i have a question: I see some cockpit panels in the cockpit folder, what about them? Are we going to have a proper Tu-22M cockpit?
  22. Mirage F-1CG



    This is the Hellenic Air Force Mirage F-1CG as it operated from 1975 until 2003. It is based in the Mirage Factory F1C Changes include: -Mirage F1 cockpit by Ordway (with some minor changes) -Engine Sounds by Spillone -Hangar Screen by KingAlbert -New weapondata: Mirage F-1CGs NEVER carried French Air to Air Missiles, or any type of guided air to ground weapons.In fact the only weapon that carried in all their career (apart from the DEFA cannons) was AIM-9 Missiles.The fact that no SARH missiles were ever carried was not to the ...good weather as it is often mentioned (Overcast during winter in the aegean is not that unusual) but due to the fact that THK uses aircraft that were/are in HAF too, like F-104s,F-4s and F-16s.Therefore in the frequent clashes over the Aegean visual indentification is required, for obvious reasons. -Loadouts are changed accordingly.AIM-9P in its various versions was the standard F-1CG weapon.Only Alu fuel tanks were used.F-1CGs were NEVER used for air-to-ground missions, however they retained some basic air-to-ground capability and it is retained here only for gameplay reasons. -Automatic Flaps: During the early '80s all F-1CGs were retrofitted with automatic flaps.As you are going to see yourselves this was a substantial improvement. I 've nothing special but to collect different parts to present a credible Mirage F-1CG. The credits should really go to: -BPAO -Sony Tuckson -Ordway -Spillone -KingAlbert Please notify me if someone else needs to be mentioned. IMPORTANT NOTE:This is a FREEWARE!!!!
  23. I don't mind if this will take one, two or six months, I want to be correct, historically accurate and functional. This is how pleasure comes...There is so much to download in COMBATACE (and not only COMBATACE!) to keep everybody occupied until the new cockpit/plane arrives...
  24. You talk about the A-4Y, the details about it are still scarse, like it is still is a high-tech combat plane...Good luck

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