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Everything posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Viper Pit

    Rampagin Rhinos
  2. the main thing that comes to mind when you say "All Inclusive Install" and SF2 is the big packs from DAT most involved WW2, but his latest ones focus on conflict with Indonesia
  3. if they didnt get it until the mid 80s, then it could just be the Mitsubishi F-21J Komainu. Mitsubishi tended to get the first few aircraft built wherever, then a few kits and then built the other 90% themselves. F-21 rather than C2 keeps inline with American designation conventions (as they did even with their indigenous designs) but yeah, those would be fun to skim over the ocean with.......
  4. Stratos guessed it was a no after zero response in 24 hours i merely pointed out that the lack of a response didnt indicate a fully negative response but expressed it in a shorter, funnier way
  5. not necessarily a no. just not a yes my guess however, is that the labels apply to targetable vehicles, while AAMs/SAMs are considered ammo and thus dont get labels
  6. Two-Seater Tuesdays

    hittin teh IP, fire up the cameras where'd everybody go?
  7. Good Morning Ivan.... черт!
  8. is that airbase supposed to be smoking like that? i mean some things smoke naturally but....
  9. some (including myself) thought this might be coming out this week weeeelllll........ 4 more things then we should be good. this is one of them still 363rd Tac Fighter Wing, just at the very beginning of the new era
  10. ok oof. wasnt suggesting you dont know how to google a majority of my online experience anywhere is something pops on FB, im then on google seeing what the hell theyre talking about. could be a new missile, could be who died now or lost a piece of their ear. i didnt mean to imply anything lets just agree the new missile's lookin good in game
  11. nah its all Coyote Aerospace v2k built em up, and i dressed em up purty ravenclaw did the conventional bombs iirc, and GKABS the big boy (Mk15s) i believe 509th went to England semi regular. all the units rotated 6 week alert duty at forward locations. i didnt keep the books on them tho, and dont recall who went to Guam, Alaska and Korea on the regular
  12. Viper Pit

    they already released pics of the first ones in UkAF markings while pretty, i dont think the splinter scheme is coming soon ------------------------------------------------------------------------- in other news, im just gonna rename my test install "Fort Worth" got more Vipers in there even with all the Phantom work i've been doing the last year
  13. Metrea to Operate 5th Largest Tanker Fleet

    https://www.twz.com/air/all-of-frances-kc-135-tankers-bought-by-private-aerial-refueling-company-metrea?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3k_uLOzH0ij4hBPN8b2ZngGNLSj3PDtVdRuuTWkW57SyHePumgpMK5OmQ_aem_j6ch-shUz7FKgqU0dIWcGg Damn. I'll have to update that skin soon.
  14. well, FB generates the leads. and some good pics for aircraft types when you got a specific thing to look up, its alway Google
  15. Metrea to Operate 5th Largest Tanker Fleet

    they dont go into harms way each civilian tanker handling routine training or scheduled trans oceanic fighter drags frees up military crews and airframes for the hot zones plus probably 90% of their people are retired 135 people anyhow. doing the same job, but for much better pay. given how tanker crews have beenin the past, im not to worried about them taking chances to save a recievers butt and finally, you gotta admit their schemes look damn cool. i cant wait to see what they do with the new birds
  16. which B-47 units are you using? i did skins for all of them, although it was far enough back that i dont recall who was regulars to the Pacific
  17. Viper Pit

    74th on the hunt while the part timers wait their turn
  18. you know, i know that that is supposed to be "AG". but the way its laid out on the tail, at very first i thought it was "CA" and wondered when the site had its own air wing mandatory screenie or "whats the fine for buzzing the tower in Serbia?"
  19. between half and 3/4's of my FB usage is research. you wouldnt believe how many USAF unit veteran groups im a member of... that said, it also leads to my news feed popping up with whats new in the world of mil aviation, not just the old stuff. my understanding is that it was always a joint program. i dont know if there's issues or not tho; literally everything i can find on it for the last two years has been about the USAF version. nothing about Navy my wondering stems from that silence combined with this. but the AIM-260 is being handled almost the same as nukes when it comes to secrecy.....
  20. the need would be there but AIM-260 has the same dimensions as AIM-120, so it can integrate with the Raptor easier. which means better ranger through chemical engineering (more powerful propellant) ther might be some issue with that and the tendency of a carrier aircraft to be flung off of and slam into decks all day long. but who knows. im just noticing all the updates for the last two years concern the Air Force, and now this.
  21. so in real life terms, the USN is jimmy rigging a near hypersonic AAM with a 250-300 mile range i wonder if this is saying anything about JATM (AIM-260) since the Super Bug was to be the Navy's launch plaform for that AAM
  22. finally sent as promised (so i get up late in the day usually) Eric, im swipin' a couple layers off yours. the falcon logo will make life a little easier for one Wing's worth
  23. download a free font , USAAF Stencil or AmarilloUSAF will send you a template package in PM tomm, TW and Team Viper. in that will also be a tail number template but you need to have the fonts to make it work
  24. thats not near. you gotta get up close get out there, see the sights do tourist-y things

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