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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. 3 hours ago, Gepard said:

    Large Hangars are not unique for the west. The east had it too. Here soviet aircrafts in a big hangar.

    stands to reason for deep maintenance on tactical jets

    did you guys have anything along these lines for the really big birds though?



    these are the kind of things i dont ever recall seeing pics of. Il-76s, An-12s, all the Tu's.... always seen sitting outside

    not saying they didnt exist, just that any pics shared of WARPAC cargo hangars would be the first i've seen (and possibly many others of us)

    • Like 1

  2. 17 minutes ago, FLOGGER23 said:

    So, with a hard and combined effort, we could improve this sim, can we not?

    Something to comes to my mind is: Will the bunch of updated objects (Planes, Weapons, Terrains, etc..) affect the performance of the game in, say, fairly strong computers?

    Mean, when we get them all in game...

    id say ODS30AE would be the benchmark for that. if your system can handle that, it should handle the new toys coming out.


    • Like 1

  3. 12 hours ago, Soulfreak said:

    We also have a great one by bobrock, ok only the source file...

    if you got the max file, thats way ahead of what we would have from Centurion. 

    he popped off the scene almost 10 years ago, and left a couple projects in various states of completion. including the more modern Tiger 2s (the available pack is early versions iirc)

    i'd love for him to be back active and working on it.  but reworking bobrocks is much more likely to happen

    • Like 1

  4. as for color picker, i said it felt like that happened. but i did also say i would be corrected if i was wrong!  i have had some conversations in the past were the other sides arguement was a scanned pic, rather than a hex value or color chip or anything else that doesnt have as much wiggle room as an old picture.

    as for the rest,  all i can say is that time moves on and you've been very up and down in showing up around here the last few years,  more so down with the released mods. i do know i am usually pleasantly suprised when i see you have a post in the WIP or Screenshot threads.

    and if GKABS and his team are getting your max files, that is seriously awesome. 

    you, BPAO, ravenclaw, eburger, and several others did do very awesome work at teh beginning of this, in the SF1 days and earlier. stuff that really does still hold up decently today. yes, there are better models and skins, because there are better software, tools and computers today than 20 years ago. just look at teh lodviewer as one example. alot of the work done in the past is somewhat hampered by its success, not many newer modders want to spend their time on those because their still pretty good and why reinvent the wheel if its not squeaking?



    • Like 6

  5. 44 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

    nah...community could also do that..but did not. So...

    could,  but yes hasnt. the active modellers dont want it bad enought to work the pit. but my 20x comment was more how much he'd have made on SF2 Win10 than how much he have made on an A-6 DLC

    47 minutes ago, yakarov79 said:

    But yes probably a lot would buy said DLC... - which leads me to my biggest complaint about flight sims - for developers air war is only  'fighter aircraft' while in reality air war is won by unsung heroes in transports, recon, elint, sigint, AWACs, tankers, and generally support crews. Imagine flying a 30-day campaign flying only in unarmed sparkvark or compass call. Only a player with balls would do that

    as a retired Army cook i second that notion.  the tactical jets are cool,  but the big girls are what win the war....  although flying AWACS for a campaign might be more boring than ballsy :lol:

  6. i relatively understood you

    you've just picked one of those topics that needs alot of research, and you might be teh main one with interest in it (not Sidewinders, but i've been there all the same)

    for google searching, break it into chunks and search each piece. Saudi missiles in 1974. Jordanian missles 1974 etc

    here is an article i found just wondering if the N was even in service in your timeframe https://www.ausairpower.net/TE-Sidewinder-94.html

    a takeaway i get is that most in the Middle East was probably using Bs at that timeframe. nobody there except Iran got the very best stuff upfront in the early 70s, and Iran only got it because the Soviets were next door to them and they paid cash, not recieving Military Aid Progrram goodies but that is my impression, it is not stated in the article

  7. i have skinned several for v2k from black with wireframe (well his version of such, which is pastel blobs over the major pieces). so yes,  if im doing something established, i greatly appreciate an excellent base to start on. it takes more skill to do it from scratch, and must have been an extreme pain in the pre LODviewer days (i only got started a year or two prior to that tool). it take skill and experience to make a 5 star dinner, but when you've worked in the kitchen along time you learn to appreciate any prep or short cuts if you dont have to be totally showing off scratch skills.

    i like to make skins based on a units appearance and make up over a given timeframe.  so im going to make it for myself regardless, and i tend to like topics that arent present right now (like mid 90s). since im making it anyhow, why keep it just for myself? somebody else might be interested in units that rotated through for the Balkans, or in Desert Storm, or in SAC in the 1980s.

    as for recent credits, i had been using Eagles from viper63s packs, and updated with templates they provided. so to best of my knowledge it was layering over his work. he credits you and wpnssgt for general textures, and a few others for specific ones. do you want me to credit you for original textures in recent Eagle releases and have ODS team credit you there? there is no sarcasm or ill intent in my question.

    as to how to feel, thats totally on you. i was  talking with someone else about markings. they mentioned to me that 90% of end users dont know the difference and dont care. for my particular bits, i know and care. for yours you knew and cared when you made them. but it was pointed out to me that most folks say "ooh shiny" and dont look that closely. so 90% think its good enough even all these years later. 5% think its pretty good, and think they have something to add to it. 5% are unhappy with it but would probably be unhappy with a golden ticket to the Wonka factory too.  but it is confusing seeing your posts of the last few months as many do come across as you pissed about how things are going at least initially

    final bit in response to your specific note to me:  it is no where near as extensive as the collaboration you and Volker have had, but i did get the Viper templates i used straight from him and he made several of the two seater versions of the various F-16 blocks as well as a new ADF. the skin work he left to me since i was the one more interested in the topic (mid 90s USAF and Air National Guard Vipers). i try to ask before every major project if the person is availble to ask and collaborate as much as i can with original modellers. but alot of folks have stepped out over the years as well, so then i do my best to credit the original folks that worked it.

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  8. unfortunatley thats true

    best i can say is to get comfortable here


    image hunts, site searches, contacts with museums in those countries if youre comfortable (and theyre cooperative)

    and check your list. Iran would be correct, but i think Saudi was leaning more to Britain in the early 70s, and UAE having moe a mix of British and French gear until the 1980s.

    but do your own homework, i only spent 5 mins on my search of the two countries and, being not my cup of tea it, wasnt a deep search at that

    • Haha 1

  9. 21 hours ago, Sundowner said:

    I dont have a problem with it, but it's about time some-one did a "complete" redraw of of all these old birds.

    the original work is quite good as the basis. i did the improvements i could. i very much think my bare metal areas are better esp on that wierdly mapped piece on the right side, and ive got the feeling (sure i'll be corrected if wrong) that color picker feature off a photo was used years ago rather than hunting down the hex or RGB values for the listed Federal Standard paint numbers. 

    and "3 rivets and a serial " feels kind of personal. i do 4 rivets and historically accurate serials :lol:  in all seriousness, my main thing bringing to the table is the research. all the really good modders here spend dozens if not hundreds of hours on their projects. i just spend alot of my time hunting down the serials that were assigned or the proper unit markings rather than a "such and such Fighter Squadron" back in the Tactical Fighter Squadron era.  theres a chunk of it in the old ODS and its been a big part of why i do my mods the way i do

    do i use the same templates as before? yes. why not if its out there. do i copy and paste from joe baughers site? no, because often its not the right info. thats just my little quirk (for the most part)

    5 hours ago, Soulfreak said:

    exactly what I think too. Not only the F-15s, also the (original TMF) F-16s.

    problem there is that the old stuff is still quite good.

    there are  few current modelers on BPAOs level or skinners on ravenclaw007s level. the ones that are active dont feel the need to reinvent that wheel at this time, they have their own wheels they're inventing.

     my biggest pet peeve is all the stuff that was done in 2006-2009, is in the markings of either that time or the 1970s, and with a grab bag of 100 serials for a unit of 24.

    maybe the reference materials are better in the last decade than when these were all made. maybe i have more time on my hands than they did. but theres alot of good work out there with minor flaws that scream to those that do pay attention to those details. call it number counting rather than rivet counting.


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  10. 5 hours ago, Menrva said:

    The new skins are by daddyairplanes, so I guess this standalone package will be updated if Viper63a asks daddyairplanes permission to include his work in place of the old skins of the package.

    those skins were made with viper63s templates, i would give him credit for 50% of how mine are. there were some corrections, and some improvements over the original

    but the permission's out there if he wants to touch his up. as a modder i will understand perfectly if he choses to maintain what he did (i often do the same with my own mods vs somebody else's of the same thing)

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