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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. well todays question is about what the title implies. i have read that you can enter certain specs into the ini's to keep certain weapons out but those mostly appear to be "no bigger than." problem is that allows EF-4C to carry AGM-78(they were never wired for them) and the F-106 gunpod. I Started changing over the F-106 on my install last night and and it seems to be able to carry Sidewinders and has the SUU-23 instead of the F-106 gunpod! i mention all this to ask this: would it be possible to set up a userlist ini for the weapons similar to the nation list used for the planes? would likely spell out different aircraft instead of countries and i would be willing to get crackin on this if it is actually possible.

  2. you see alot of strange things in the desert. would you believe i've even seen french soldiers carrying rifles?(rare but seen it) :yes:

    on another note the dfacs here have saftey mssgs put up on flatscreens so they can post many mssgs. (taxmoney at work) one states not to jog down the runway and it ends with dont become a hood ornament for a C-5! i just wanna know who actually did that?

  3. 1) in the wishful thinkin department how about the berlin airlift went hot? F-80s, russian props(still doin research) and F-47's with C-54 and B-29's supporting. course i'm also paranoid cause i'm startin research into such a scenario and most of the first gen planes i've converted so far i find out some one else is also doing and probably much better.

    2) i had the thought that maybe TK posted how he did to see what we would want espescially seeing all the posts. haven't been on here as long as most of you guys so i don't know but i've seen that sorta thing alot in my life.

  4. works fine for me on first download. thats amazing cause internet service here is so spotty sometimes that i have to make three attempts to d/l a file. however on the bolos it says its done and then won't unzip. 7-zip gives a mssg saying it failed becaused some file or another is incomplete. i have set it up to where the download window does not close automatically and check that the file size that downloaded is the same as what is listed on site.


    @ dave it kicks butt and i usually don't like the heavies. thanks for the work!

  5. is any one working on campaigns besides column5 with NF4+? seeing as i got six more months to kill im starting research on a poss SF2E korean era or berlin airlift mod. due to learnin curve and slow internet here(takes me about an hour to download a plane NF4+ will have to be mailed on thimbdrive) wouldnt be out til super bowl nect year. but interest in campaigns seems to have slackened off so was wondering if this is my cool little project or if others are interested.

  6. for all the debates on not killing the Raptor ongoing now the F-23A would have been better adaptable for other missions than air superiorty. it had longer range, was a bit faster and though it would have carried the same a2a load bieng all in the center instead of split like the Raptor it could have handled even larger JDAM better. the Raptor was more manueverable, and actually fired weapons during DEM/EVAL while Northrup and MCAir only simulated. Not like i've had 18 some years to get over it though.


    btw i have back home a Northup video with van halen "dreams" but with operational USMC hornets flying immediatly followed by a 3 min of the YF-23 in action to a soundtrack. the YF sequence was a Northrup pitch for NATF. only prob is its on VHS! has any one seen this on DVD/online? if not i'll get it converted next year and post.

  7. having both on my laptop at the moment i would say SF2E looks a lot sharper than WOE. i am able to play both on my vista 32 system but gen1 looks more like watching a tv show from the 70s early 80s and gen2 is like watching 24 in HD. and thats with a system thats a little too low end for the HDR mods! as for the modding i have no clue what to do making brand new aircraft or campaigns. with gen 1 that puts me SOL but by following the directions in the knowledge base and scanning the threads for useful info i've transformed about 6 aircraft and skins from gen1 to gen2 over the last month. if you can tell by my post i'm not the most technical guy here but SF2E looks and behaves better on my system and there for the most part seems to be more possibilties with it.

  8. First step I would do was to check that the Bitmaps are named correctly....... check with one of the stock skins for that plane to see the names of the BMP's





    thank you wise and merciful hgbn. it indeed would have helped if the bmp in the F-4D_78 folder said F-4D_78 and not F-4D. and i thought i had to do with lod files. just proves a favorite saying of mine. don't assume. assumption is the mother of all f... ups. thanks alot hgbn

  9. itried looking at another aircraft with a LOD (the EF-111) and vista would only atempt to allow photo viewer to open it. and then it said it was unable to. in any event i have no LOD for the 184th skin only bmp's but a quick scan of the F-4G from TMF looks like they dont have it either. what am i missing to get the grey back on this spook? or is it an older file and i've just created a cloud camo scheme

  10. ok. i tried to take bone184's Hill 1 scheme for the F-4D Kansas ANG and apply it to the F-4D_78. made what i believe to be the appropriate ini edits. this is what i have gotten.



    i remember from an issue i had with Mavericks not showing up that maybe i needed to look at the LOD files. when i went into the folder though i discovered that there were only bitmaps in the 184th folder. downloaded it again to make sure i had everything. now i've been looking around the KB and threads and saw that for cockpits missing things you can take a lod reader and break it down to bitmaps. so if i understand things right a few questions 1. can i take a lod reader and make a lod file out of bitmaps? 2. if so where can i get an lod reader? tried looking up thru yahoo and microsoft and got drivers updaters instead. lil switch and Gates there. 3. if i am an idiot and this is not a good plan how can i fix this?crap shoot the ini files after the alert thank u and moreto follow

  11. @kurfurst you might wanna look in your ini files and see if they are pointing to the correct place to find the lod files. had to do that a month ago to get my mavericks to show up. know roughly how to do it but i think snapper or fubar could put it into words better. if you dont get a response when i am off for the night i'll go through it in my mavvericks again so i can actually elaborate on the process


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