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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. That thing could glide in ground effect at 8m. The designer also planned a 2500 ton thing, that could use ground effect at 150-200m, but sadly he died :blink:



    i remember the show showing sketches of that one. that had a couple that weren't that big but big enough to carry ballistic missles in tubes similar to the road mobile ones(ss-20?). russians didn't make em pretty or with fine engineering. but they made em big and durable.

  2. i'm interested in the answer myself. went to change over the EF-4C from coulumn 5's site followed the directons in th KB and got the same results in SF2E. did not load it in my WOE though and deleted it of comp since im still learnin stuff trial and error. at time thought it was procedure i had done though it was amusing to watch a flight of sparrows ecm and shrikes in formation.

  3. "Sorry to hear of your family probs and your 6 months left in country. I've got 8 days, then I'm outta here. Freedom bird to BWI. "


    well the family stuff is somewhat under control now. she's taking this one harder than kosovo or iraq. as for the 6 months i'm reminded of some air force docs i hung out with in iraq. especially towards the end of their 4th month they kept telling me " gee al you should cross into the blue"

  4. looks and sounds like one of their eurkranoplanes specially designed to use wing in(over?) ground effect to carry heavier load. had program on it on military channel few years ago plus got a magazine article one it.


    on a waaaay more serious note it is rumored to have achieved a few kills against the VVS. when the fighter pilots got a visual on it they kept laughing so hard at it they flew into the ground :lol:

  5. is it out on real dvd yet? still will buy haji disc at the next bazaar but they tend to be better quality when the movie is already on dvd than in the theatres still. something about that bobbing camcorder....

  6. i have WOE and SF2E installed on my laptop. the original install could run without the disk after installing then it required the disk after adding NF1+2. after i added NF3+4 it did not need the disk again. now on my laptop everything is going fine but some of my hooch mate here are getting interested in the game and all three have vista. as far as anyone knows will WOE consistently load on vista w/o needing the disk? i would like to get an in room network going for some multiplayer action


    btw i would think sharing the older version with folks in my unit should b ok. how ever those that ask about SF2E get directed to the Thirdwire website. think that strikes a balance between the soldiers and tk

  7. ah knew they were WA NG but not the brigade or the Cali part. we tend to get lotta guard pass through bragg and bein your friendly nieghborhood cook i see and talk to alot of them.

  8. seeing as the need is for air defense for CONUS you wouldn't even need a full up block 60. deliver it stock any how to keep lead in time down(same as how the Phantom kept its hook and folding wings throughout all blocks keep production rolling w/o interuption)but for that particular mission the only parts of the package you would keep is the conformal tanks and the aesa radar. even paint them in aggressor marking for a secondary tasking.

  9. "Our Army,I am sad to say, is nothing of what it was just 10 or 12 years ago. "


    brother ain't that the truth. i've been seeing stuff this deployment that boggles my freakin mind. the day after we hit green ramp i see doc to start my med board proceedings. day after reintegration i start acap. only thing keeping me in past 28 oct 10 is if doc wants to cut on my back. there are still some good joes out there. but theres gotten to be to much tolerance for the bad ones.

  10. and sorry if i seem a..h...ish about it but as a Non Commissioned Officer United States Army i've been irritated about this since seeing the picture. either the guy needs more self control in KBR's dfacs or if he was like that when he reported his chain of command shouldn't have deployed his butt. one look at the pic and you can tell that ain't muscle.

  11. on the IRR bit i had a soldier in iraq who was an IRR callup. he was a cook. most of the IRR sent overseas doesn't seem so much about military specialty as putting bodies into slots(or this guys case two) i have also met plenty of soldiers at bragg particularly doctors who were called up to replace someone active duty who had deployed. back to my original statement i've been active duty for 13 years now. i remember people getting put out during the clinton years for failing to lose 10 pounds and not missing tape by 1-2%. or failing 2 pt tests in a row. then along came two wars and the army needed manpower. entry requirements got lowered and you have all the time in the world to lose weight if you fail to meet the standard. fail a pt test and you'll keep getting a diagnostic every week until you pass. it's starting to get fixed now that the army is surpassing its recruiting goals again but it will take a while to fix.


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