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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Has your Cold War gotten positively frigid? Have you discovered T-72 leaks in your Fulda Gap? To many Communists building up in one location for you to stay comfortable?

    Call us now at Warsaw Pact Central Heating!


    Overnight service now available from our Portsmith, New Hampshire and Plattsburgh, New York locations!


    remember our number at 000 000 0000

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1

  2. i've seen a few of these , and know about f16crewchief (even talked to him a few times in messages)

    67-456 is a new one i need to add,  and i might need to change th 460th TRG bird. the pic i saw was very oblique and i believed them to follow a similar pattern as when at kadena


    you dont happen to know the serial for "15th TRS" do you? logic says it should be 72-0155 still but it is the military,  logic didnt always (nor still does) apply:biggrin:

    oh and the E's would be the tag end of service, so 87-88.  my notes so far say one of fourteen confirmed was in Euro 1, the rest should have been Hill Gray

  3. said part is for Photo Derby, i only have that one serial. i got four  on all the others except gray. the gray "Phantoms Finest" seems to be on all of them

    for now that Photo Derby '82 will be a solo on the main skin,  with alternate decal ini's in skin and specially named RecceTails (like say CB_reccetail) so you still have the whole squadron avail. would go totally seperate if i could get all 8 for Coronet Bishop '83 and Best Focus '82.

    do you realize how frustrating "Best Focus '82" is as a google search if your looking for aircraft?:rofl:

  4. like you said, its a wide spread of interests and alot of the Vietnam focused people have bowed out or reduced their activity greatly

    others arent too interested in Vietnam itself, but sometimes interests intersect with South East Asia (or at least get within visual range) and they can have things to offer as well.

    if you could get a group together of those that still have major interest, teamed with those that have made stuff over the years thats socked away on hard drives, with quality contributions from anyone willing to share whatever will improve it,  that could be a beautiful thing

    a mega mod on the scale of what your talking about (or what WTR could have been and YAP should have been) is kind of like inception.

    its not impossible. its just bloody difficult

    • Like 4

  5. are you talking about all the smaller dark spots in background?

    it does happen, multiple smaller seems abit different but not majorly odd (only really noticing because of your focus on it

    for comparison, here's a ravenclaw/Sundowner class model


    big question is not how it looks in lodviewer, how does it look in game? and yes, there can often be subtle differences that highlight more in one than the other

  6. 2 hours ago, Wrench said:

    Short answer is no. Long answer, not worth the time and effort to attempt.

    it hard to believe no one tried to make an Enhanced Electronic Location System  AI for a more accurate, responsive gunner

    i mean you could even have multiple on something that acts more like an aircraft, like say a hovercraft.








    yup. thats where my mind went with this....

    • Haha 1

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