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Posts posted by daddyairplanes

  1. Part Time Photos Chapter 3: RF-4C Phantom in the Nevada ANG A TMF Rebuilt skin pack

            Part Time Photos Chapter 3: RF-4C Phantom in the Nevada ANG
                A TMF Rebuilt skin pack

    This skinpack brings the Photo Phantoms of the Nevada ANG's 192nd Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron into the game. The 192nd is represented in the Wraparound, European 1 and Hill Grey schemes across several years.

    - a functional copy of any Strike Fighters 2 game except for SF2 North Atlantic (the only one without a native F-4 destroyed model)
    The aircraft from the TMF Rebuilt RF-4C Late set, available here:

    Skins for two different aircraft models,
    Decals for those skins-

    Unzip file, add Objects folder to desired mod folder. there should be no overwrites with this pack



    This mod is not covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.

    What this means is that you can only use this mod for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it unless it is part of a

    full terrain package after you ask me or a TMF member for permission.


    -The Mirage Factory                      the very original aircraft
    -daddyairplanes                             skins, tgas, multiple ini edits
    -Sundowner, ravenclaw_007,
    yakarov79 and daddyairplanes    templates are a mix of layers as contributed by these four. compiled in current form by daddyairplanes

                About The Mirage Factory Rebuilt
    Back in the early days of Wings Over series modding The Mirage Factory, lead by bpao was the peak of modding excellence. Many of their models are still heavily in
    use today, 15 years later and still amongst the very best. This despite the team not creating any new mods since the passing of Oliver Anguille in 2009.
    But time does move on, and the next generation of modders have ideas, techniques and tools not available back then. With the help of some of the original
    modellers (who have copies of the original max files) we can update these fine aircraft for the 2020s. Rebuilt for new terrains and campaigns that were
    just hopeful wishes over a decade ago.
        The Mirage in the logo is camoflaged, much like the real aircraft in later service. The "HD" has been replaced
    with "Rebuilt" as what was HD in the 2010s is jsut standard today. Finally, the new logo thanks Oli, both for the aircraft that are still relevant today
    and for the inspiration he's given to the modders that followed him.    

    on behalf of The Mirage Factory (original and rebuilt) I thank you for downloading this mod, and hope you enjoy it.

    Kevin Unruh
    aka daddyairplanes

    24 August 2024


    • Thanks 2

  2. Part Time Photos Chapter 4: RF-4C Phantom in the Mississippi ANG A TMF Rebuilt skin pack

            Part Time Photos Chapter 4: RF-4C Phantom in the Mississippi ANG
                 A TMF Rebuilt skin pack

    This skinpack brings the Photo Phantoms of the Mississippi ANG's 153rd Tactical Reconnaisance Squadron into the game. The 153rd is represented in the Wraparound, European 1 and Hill Grey schemes across several years.

    -a functional copy of any Strike Fighters 2 game except for SF2 North Atlantic (the only one without a native F-4 destroyed model)
    -The aircraft from the TMF Rebuilt RF-4C Late set, available here:

    Skins for two different aircraft models,
    Decals for those skins

    Unzip file, add Objects folder to desired mod folder. there should be no overwrites with this pack



    This mod is not covered by the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement.

    What this means is that you can only use this mod for your own use, you CANNOT re-upload it or any part of it unless it is part of a

    full terrain package after you ask me or a TMF member for permission.


    -The Mirage Factory        the very original aircraft (see TMF Readme)
    -daddyairplanes            skins, tgas, multiple ini edits
    -Menrva, NightshadeP/R        testing. Nightshade often shows me my errors in screenshots he's just sharing for fun, while Menrva helps me with the more technical aspects
    -Sundowner, ravenclaw_007,
    yakarov79 and daddyairplanes    templates are a mix of layers as contributed by these four. compiled in current form by daddyairplanes

                About The Mirage Factory Rebuilt
    Back in the early days of Wings Over series modding The Mirage Factory, lead by bpao was the peak of modding excellence. Many of their models are still heavily in
    use today, 15 years later and still amongst the very best. This despite the team not creating any new mods since the passing of Oliver Anguille in 2009.
    But time does move on, and the next generation of modders have ideas, techniques and tools not available back then. With the help of some of the original
    modellers (who have copies of the original max files) we can update these fine aircraft for the 2020s. Rebuilt for new terrains and campaigns that were
    just hopeful wishes over a decade ago.
        The Mirage in the logo is camoflaged, much like the real aircraft in later service. The "HD" has been replaced
    with "Rebuilt" as what was HD in the 2010s is jsut standard today. Finally, the new logo thanks Oli, both for the aircraft that are still relevant today
    and for the inspiration he's given to the modders that followed him.    

    on behalf of The Mirage Factory (original and rebuilt) I thank you for downloading this mod, and hope you enjoy it.

    Kevin Unruh
    aka daddyairplanes

    24 August 2024


    This is freeware; it CANNOT be distributed unless permissions are granted by myself.
    The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape, or form be used in any payware additions.
    See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions
    Any persons wishing to make further modifications, contact me first.
    Any persons wishing to make further modifications MUST remember to put everyone's name in it.




    • Thanks 2

  3. 2 hours ago, EricJ said:

    You know three out of five of my deployments were in the desert (Kuwait, Iraq, and Egypt), and I've always wanted a conflict to start up in Jamaica

    there's always the Balkans. i even hear theyre quite nice now that they arent trying to kill each other these last couple decades

    plus while they did get cold, you can actually dress for that. isnt sh_t you can do for Kuwait at noon in August..........

    final note. i saw three trees while in Afghanistan that i recall. all three looked pissed to be there.......

    • Like 1

  4. FastCargo, ravenclaw_007, Sundowner, Dels and yakarov79 all do excellent templates, stuff that has fairly clearly defined layers and you can tell what parts were what. others have made good ones too but those cats' temps are typically the least problematic to work with. even when you go to add your own new details, its minor tweaks rather than reinventing the wheel

    i did alot of skin and template work for veltro2k, typically doing alot of stuff from scratch. but he always got me started with a texture that had different color on each of the major parts groupings  so you had an idea of what you were looking at. was trippy to look at the start of any project with him tho

    the KC-10 posted above was from Marcfighters and originally in the SF1 ODS mod, in the grey that you see. 

    i did it before lodviewer, slapping my own colors on area to see where it popped up in game. iirc, the lodviewer came out right about the time i got the bright idea to serialize airline markings, making a whole airport ramp out of one skin. not sure i would have done as many airliners as i have without it


    • Like 1

  5. one other trick is to have one or two Sparrow wells as Group7

    little more advanced trick (you are just getting started) but it will keep the assigned weapon loaded without being displayed  in the drop down menu


    the bird loaded here had its wing tanks deselected, yet the one still shows after adjusting its wep station to Group 7

    how it applies to you is to either have the rear sparrow wells as group 7 or the ECM bay as such. they always show up then, and in the case of the Sparrows would be selectable during gameplay, but not show in the dropdown menu, like these Mk82s (added briefly for demo)


    as Sundowner said, you would also need to adjust your loadout ini so that the desired bits load on the bird

    • Like 1

  6. 2 hours ago, Mr_Tayto said:

    I didn't realise there were three Es. Does the merged install include the gold expansion?

    not how it works (if i unstand you right)

     there is the stock F-4Es in a full 5+2 merged install (or the complete edition for those taht came along later) of which there are 4.

    then there are modded F-4s here on site. its one of if not the most modded aircraft, with 58 individual aircraft and 78 individual skins or skinpacks. thats not including F-4s that are in mega installs Like Vietnam Expansion Pack Gold or ODS30AE

    so yes, it helps to specify what youre using


  7. i mean i've made some big decals, and scaled some up pretty big. but damn...... :lol:

    personally (myself and helping others) i find small errors are what zonk decals most often. calling for a mesh duselage rather than fuselage. forgeting to swap the minus sign when doing wings. having two entrys for say Decal007 (i often have one style "tailNum" then an alternate "bossTail" in the exact same spot using the same size tga)


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