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Everything posted by Gunrunner

  1. Decal Folders "D" for FE2

    Decals have to be in User//Documents/Saved Games/TW/FE2/Objects/Decals, all decal path are relative to this one (for decals not found in CAT files). In your case that means putting them in User//Documents/Saved Games/TW/FE2/Objects/Decals/PfalzD3a/D
  2. Has this guy done anything wrong?

    Wait, he is a "sexual offender" because he wore something close to a schoolgirl uniform ? And people were shocked to see him retying his shoelaces while wearing a skirt over his trousers ? Last time I set foot in the UK you didn't seem to be complete morons yet... Or do you now have a Fashion Police ?
  3. You might actually have changed your graphic card for a less powerful model. Yes, you have more video memory, but the video memory might be slower or be on a narrower bus, degrading performances. You also have gone from an AGP card to a PCI one, making the data transfer to/from the graphic card 16x slower... Also, the GF8400 line is notoriously bad at gaming, being designed mostly for office and video.
  4. Red Indian over Europe Silver Fox is not far
  5. Then I stand corrected, no need to take it personnaly. I was just under the impression that the NF4+ pack in the SF2 downloads section wasn't bringing anything new compared to the SF one (or maybe I dreamt the SF1 one).
  6. F-86K - JG 74 2/ - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

    Now with "real" camo scheme, numbers and a few more changes... (undecorated version)
  7. It updates campaigns to take advantage of the included planes etc, but AFAIR doesn't add any. You can use NF4+ in the SF2 downloads section, however, it still is "glitchy" as only the structure (mostly) of the mod has been ported to SF2, not the effects (meaning you might have no effects showing at all until you correct them), neither does it take advantage of the new stock planes (or not completely). NF4+ is only an interim solution for people running Gen 2 until NF5. It is still a quicker way to use it and fix it rather than build a better Euro environment from scratch, especially when you are still discovering the game (and I think most issues have entries in the Knowledge Base).
  8. A quick top-of-my-mind answer would be that the reason is the rails are not part of the model, thus, even though you call them, they can't show. Have you looked into the Downloads section ? IIRC there is no shortage of Kiwi Skyhawks there... (even if they might be for SF1, most should be easy to adapt or update)
  9. The B-1B cockpit is Dels next project, once he's finished with the Korean War mod cockpits. Meaning it'll be out in two weeks (here it's a joke meaning it will be out when it's ready, no date known or planned). But be assured we will have a B-1B cockpit (someday), and it will be fabulous... just be patient or do it yourself. Oh, and next time, use the (capricious) search function, or browse the forums before asking again a question already asked and answered.
  10. Well, I'm between homes at the moment and lacking all references book, and I can't seem to find the proper ressources online. Does anyone know how the plane numbering worked for Sabre squadrons in the Luftwaffe, in the early 60's ? I know how the letters work, JA for JG71, JB for JG72 etc... for the Sabre Dog that means JE before 61 when they were assigned to JG75 and JD until 64 when JG75 became JG74. What I don't know is how the numbers work. For F-104s the first is the squadron, and the two others are a sequence, the first 30 numbers being assigned only to the first squadron, the next to the second and the remaining being dual seaters. With that scheme the only valid numbers are 101-130, 231-260, 361-399. But for F-86Ks it seems the scheme was different, as there are references to planes with numbers like 308, 316, 354, 352, 142 etc... Does anyone have a hint or reference source to help me ? Just in case you're wondering, I'm trying to make numbers to slap on that :
  11. Luftwaffe F-86K, information needed

    That would explain it, especially since the first Sabre Dog had to be refitted with the new wing and probably didn't always come back to the squadron they originally belonged to, thanks for the answer. And I have no merits, it's only a repaint with a few glitches fixed (notably the cut on the right wing since the original template was for early sabres).
  12. F-86K - JG 74 - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

  13. F-86K - JG 74 - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

  14. F-86K - JG 74 - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

  15. F-86K - JG 74 - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

  16. Israeli navy becomes deep water

    Slarti, France doesn't have a land based nuclear deterrent force anymore. And those forces were aimed at England, or traditionnal enemy; The site chosen for the missiles was a huge hint, Plateau d'Albion, for missiles pointed at the perfidious Albion... "Yes, Minister" was right all along...
  17. It may be that, in such a case, extract VIETNAMSEA_NATIONS.INI from VIETNAMSEA.CAT, put it in your mod folder in /Terrains/VietnamSEA and add those new nations to the [LimitedNationList]. Be aware though that SF2 is very inappropriate for a WW2 install, SF1 at patch level 06 is the standard for WW2 (partly because support for props changed radically and partly because most WW2 aircrafts are fairly old and never where made compatible with later aerodynamic standards).
  18. CC-130E - 435 Squadron - ca. 1962

    From the album NF4++ - 62-63 - WiP

    Now with numbers and a better arrow...
  19. Israeli navy becomes deep water

    Gocad, My Settings -> Profile -> Manage Ignored Users, add the pseudonym of the culprit and you won't have to suffer his worthless epistolary diarrhea ever again...
  20. Ace888, as Wrench said, you'll need 3DS Max for planes, and yes, all skinning and decals are raster based but you can use Inkscape for the initial work and GIMP for the finishing touch, in some cases it might make for a faster and cleaner workflow (even though it still requires more patience than I have). Wrench, Inkscape is a vector drawing app, it is the perfect complement to GIMP for skinning and making decals (vulgarisation : you work with shapes you can resize and deform at will without loss of quality rather than pixels, then you export as pixels when you're done, giving a crisper result than working only in pixels, and it makes alpha channels work for edges easier too).
  21. *Trying hard not to laugh at the suggestion of Dave (and others) working with Capun*

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