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AGOSTINO last won the day on June 20 2011

AGOSTINO had the most liked content!

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    Rome, ITALY


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  1. Thank you very much for your patience and availability, you were very kind, unfortunately at the moment I don't know what to do anymore, I am waiting... possibly some other user..... I'm so sorry!!! Thank you very much infinitely again!!!
  2. When everything was working well, I didn't have antivirus, as I don't have it now. Only difference is that I had the O.S. on HDD instead of SSD.
  3. It could be: 1) Nvidia driver ?? 2) StrikeFighters2.ini?? 3) Options.ini?? 4) Version.ini?? Last resort.... It's getting very frustrating!!
  4. Done everything, nothing to do..... I'm sorry to abandon this fantastic simulator!!
  5. How so?? A little help.... I'm going crazy. Before, everything worked fine on my HDD. It's as if there's something preventing or blocking SF2 from booting
  6. Initializing sistem.....Please wait....a few seconds, and then everything disappears!! I don't have any antivirus, just the default Win 10 one. I try to download , again from https://store.thirdwire.com/project_sf2_complete.htm Done, but nothing to do...... maybe some setting in Nvidia setting???
  7. Thank you so much to all of you, but when I install the SF2 complete setup: 1) Normal installation or 2) Install as Administrator
  8. It won't start, dead!! One question, where should I install the complete setup? 1) in Program files or 2) in Program (x86) MigBuster wrote: "Core game files are not installed in Program files." Namely?
  9. I upgraded my PC, installing an SSD (C) instead of the HDD, which became storage. After clean installation of WIN 10, I reinstalled SF2 complete setup, but it doesn't work!! Any suggestions?? Thanks in advance.
  10. Have you news about: http://www.simmerspaintshop.com/ ?? Where is the site?

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