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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. As my little daughter (4 years in October) watchs this film one time and another and I ejoy it a lot with her, I tought about this mod. Wondering If we can revive it somehow and maybe add a Huey for firefighting and cropdusting... The idea of invisible runways on a lake is just amazing, add infinite ammo and you will be able to simulate landing to replenish your water or fire slower (don't cheat yourself), can you imagine hovering a Huey over a tiny spot on SF...
  2. Nice background story. Good work, nice to see you still have some time to gift this beauties!
  3. F-35 first gun live fire

    Hey cool!
  4. img00016

    From the album Stratos

  5. img00015

    From the album Stratos

  6. img00014

    From the album Stratos

  7. Sukhois

    Flogger there will be Su-22 skins for Soviet and Afghan Air forces for the Soviet-Afghan war?
  8. Beautiful! Really beautiful, congrats man, I really like it. Thanks for creating this cool schemes.
  9. Thinking in restarting a campaign in a modern 1991+ envinroment with a strike fighter, and wondering If is possible somehow to have a option set that let me: 1- Select the ground targets I want to destroy using "E". Not only the main target, but opportunity targets as well. 2- Not seeing any kind of red square but still being able to padlock the selected target and see If is the objective target (red letters, right lower corner). Is that possible?
  10. Any luck with that Snail? I will try to set the ingress point farther away to see If I can lock enemy earlier.
  11. Second trip to Combat Air Museum

    Cool pics, and looks like a cool small museum as well. Love the F105 and the Canberra.
  12. Beautiful plane, and looks cool in RAF colors. Well done Spinners.
  13. Talking of smoke, a red/violet/yellow or wathever color placeable trough mission editor will be a great addition.
  14. So I asume is not possible. A real shame for all those ODS and post missions.
  15. Is possible to make bigger the distance my "E" sensors can detect a ground target? For example I want to detect a SAM system at a longer distance than 8000m so I can use my HARMs on it.
  16. Want to edit some of the characteristics of the SA-2, 3 and 6 SAMS, and It hink I need to edit the parent radars in order to achieve it. But what is the name of those radars so I can extract them and edit them? Thanks!
  17. Will try with the vanilla ones at the moment, as my idea is using them. Thanks for the help!
  18. Thanks Evildeadmeat, that improve the realism for my tastes. Snailman, I think that it can be fine tuned for specific theatres, for example, in modern theatres were weapons like HARM and advanced sensors are more frequent the ground units should be selecteable earlier, to simulate advanced targetting systems. For example, the hability to select a SAM radar at a certain distance to simulate HARM hability for the player aircraft. Thanks a lot for the tips, very very useful for me!
  19. Congrats for yours first 1000 posts Pignon. One question, it will be possible to add a carrier in the Adricatic using the mission editor and fly from there?

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