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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Can we get a planned (always subject to change) roadmap of the Mirage F.1 variants your team is planning to release please??
  2. The Freedom looks amazing!! Very well done mate, love that helo deck!
  3. A "roadplan" will be great so everyone can know about his favourite variant status.
  4. Is the 128 the next on the list after the T.1??
  5. YGBSM

    Thanks for sharing!! Always loved those two seater Huns!
  6. I¡m happy with that PFunk, looking forward to it!!
  7. Amazing skins for that Su-7!! Hope you will the the F-13, and the PF with the snake cammo too. BTW, didn't knew you had a Mig-25 WIP, do we have a WIP threat for it?
  8. A Angola/Namibia bush war will require a new tileset in my opinion, or at least several new tiles with transitions for those areas with bush style landscape. It will not look good with Israel Tileset. Too much bushes out there in real life.
  9. Yes Barnesy, Veltro kindly agreed in sharing his Helldiver with FreeIl2Modding in order to get the plane into Il2. Is all in the Curtiss credits. So Kudos to Veltro!
  10. I made a mod that repaint the Caucasus as Afghanistan as I like to fly over there as Soviet or as American pilot. Caucasus can double pretty well as Afghanistan as the high mountains, the deep valleys and the flat lands are pretty similar. The terrain repaint itself is finished, but want to try to add palm trees as someone requested (there are palm trees on Afghanistan?), BTW the desert textures are from a SF2 Desert tileset, can't remember which one so in the credits I will credit every tile maker for desert sets with proper nicks and names when available. Should I release this mod here in CA? Well here we have some pics: Look how the "green zones" look. Dusty fields in the distance. Using textures from Highwayman-Ed with proper permission already given. Hindu Kush mountains: Dushman village: My first idea was Afghanistan for the 80's in order to have some Grach action. Here a couple of Grachs taking off from Bagram AB, (with proper skin thanks to Mechanist): Rising sun: Kabul in the distance: Going to hunt some Mujahideens: And as I will like to see Mujahideens and no Chechens I repainted them (they can work as modern day Talibans too): The real Afghanistan during the Soviet-AFghan war: This is Bagram AB: Think I did a good job with the general look. Hope you like it.
  11. Will the Independence class carrier be to small to operate the Skyhawks?
  12. I will like the Snake cammo for PAran, but of course will take wathever you choose!
  13. As is my favourite theater I say I'm interested!!
  14. More FE Ground Objects

    If those are in MAX there's no problem modifying them to fit Il2.
  15. Is possible to see the copilot inside the cockpit? For me it adds a lot to the realism and inmersion factor.

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