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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I know, simply tought it would have been nice to have a base for the Spanish Air Force.
  2. Will you add the Canary Islands Air Bases?
  3. I agree with you, I simply posted the idea of hiring a guy to add more realism in the avionics department and If possible add more features to the terrain. If we can do that by ourselves will be better. I didn't even know there were cat files that now we can open. Maybe the realism enhancement can be done this way?
  4. Yes, got a bit carried away. I better leave the pros deal with the new stuff.
  5. I know of a serious professional site that let you publish a job offer specifying what you need and how much can you pay. Then a freelance will pick the job. I think is a good way to do it. But how we gather the money? Will users here pay for the new features?
  6. Is possible to create and distribute "patches" that change or modify the exes? This way we can acomplish what TK requests, not distributing original files and at the same time mod the game as we want. Would that be acceptable for everyone?
  7. You know what a "trainer" is? From wiki: Game trainers are programs made to modify behavior of a computer game, usually using addresses and values, in order to allow cheating. It can "freeze" a memory address disallowing the game from lowering or changing the information stored at that memory address e.g. health meter, ammo counter. It simply manipulates the data at the memory addresses specified to suit the needs of the person cheating at the game. We can create the trainer and the user will need his own exe, this way we don't redistribute anything but our own work. And we can try ourselves, the thing we need to decide is how to do it? Do we have anyone that knows how to make hex edition or should we search soemone from outside community?
  8. Congratulations and thanks mate!! Is a terrain that will be a amazing addition to the sim.
  9. Ok, got an answer from TK, please juedge by yourself, think the "piracy affair" is closed by his words, we should decide what to do next.
  10. Image1

    From the album Stratos

  11. And here it is! http://www.sendspace.com/file/yhow4y Unzip and copy the LandTexturesAutumnOther folder into DCSWorld/Bazar/Terrain/vsftextures and select Autumn when you design a mission this way you only change one of the seasons. If you want to have always this terrain in all the seasons, copy the folder so you have this 4 folders: LandTexturesSpringOther LandTexturesSummerOther LandTexturesAutumnOther LandTexturesWinterOther Just tell me what you think guys.
  12. Good one. I have no idea or prices or how many hours should a expert expend in order to get what we need, but will not be possible to hire a freelance guy capable of hex editing and tell him what we want? We can do a kickstarter to pay him and the games he will need. As we saw in the list threat it was mainly a 4 or 5 things affair.
  13. img00015

    From the album Stratos

  14. Respecto a los Harrier

    Usas el modelo de vuelo difícil? Estas fotos son con ese modelo de vuelo: Dos misiles y combustible al 50%, fíjate en la altura: Y aquí estoy ya a 21 pies. Por cierto es bastante difícil después transicionar a vuelo horizontal aunque con práctica se mejora mucho. Si te fijas verás que estoy volando hacia atrás.
  15. Respecto a los Harrier

    Despegar depende de la carga que lleves, si esta es muy liviana si. Lo de las cúpulas la verdad no lo sé, yo creo que no, pero prueba a preguntar en el foro general en inglés.
  16. I read in a blog (in spanish) that it can be related to India requesting more technology with the same amount of money, when Russia refused the complains started. Can this be?
  17. Just did it. Will post here If he answers. But imagines he agrees? What will we do then? http://combatace.com/index.php?app=gallery&module=images&section=img_ctrl&img=27227&file=max In my opinion, TK sims are far ahead DCS, more planes, terrains, weapons... If we can add more realism and fix certain things...
  18. Dibujo

    From the album Stratos

  19. Time Warp?

    I had that on the first post, even with that line, explaining Why I can't fly all the entire mission you're explaining the benefits of doing so. It's ok If you like it and can do it, but I can't. thats why I ask about time warp. Thanks.

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