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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Looking good Cangas, looking forward to fly from the french carrier. Any idea of when will be available?
  2. It's me or they pulled the entire Mig-21 forum? Thinks thats not going well.
  3. You managed to do a belly landing in SF2???? First time I see such a thing, I tried thousands of times, no luck yet!
  4. Agree with Stary. Flight Sims are being over complicated, limiting variants and fun IMHO.
  5. WOW!! Love it!! Hope you can add a bit more weathering to this bird. And thinking that the SAAF used Mirages III and F.1, why not? Shame the French Jaguar can't carry Sidewinders over the wings, or even better can you imagine such Jaguar with Matras over the wings?
  6. I start to think that DCS Will never be the future simulator If you know what I mean. Too hard to get new planes there.
  7. There are plans to add more choppers? The Bell206, the Super Puma or the Helikopter 15 with green cammo will look great.
  8. Let's see what near future departs, hope to get my money back If they don't launch anything.
  9. Too much work for a single plane right? I also think that this is not going well. To survive they need a constant flux of planes, not a plane every 4 or 5 years.
  10. Capun site have one, but then you can't include it on the download (you can point users there). But shouldn't those Apache be Longbow ones?
  11. Simply look at this post and watch all the new models that are flying in DCS world. What I have no idea is why this models are not public? http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=118794
  12. I think the value is on possible mods. IIRC He ven made a mod where he slew a optical sensor around, Stary know more than I about this guy, but will really love to see that video. I'm trying to contact him on simHq. Some days ago we talked about possible future development, why not ask this guy for help and or guidance?
  13. Improving the F-16V

    Pretty interesting. Thanks for sharing!!
  14. I will like to convert a Central America terrain airfield into a dirt one. I was able to convert into one of the small airfields, but the runway is still concrete. Any idea of how can I get the dirt runway? Thanks!
  15. Early in 2015 Sweden decided to purchase several advanced trainers/COIN planes in order to counter the growing threat of the Anti-System guerrilla in the east of the country. Beechcraft offered a good plane for the job with the advantage that a second series will be locally produced by Saab. Soon the US made planes were flying from Flygvapnet flying school. But not only this. Utilizing their excellent capabilities for improvised air strip deployment, the Varg was soon found itself properly repainted and fighting the aggresive guerrilla from airstrip airbases in the north and east of the country wehre it provides a excellent service using the guided ammo to attack and destroy guerrilla strongholds.
  16. img00015

    From the album Stratos

  17. img00014

    From the album Stratos

  18. img00013

    From the album Stratos

  19. img00011

    From the album Stratos

  20. img00010

    From the album Stratos

  21. img00009

    From the album Stratos


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