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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Cool What If history, cool skins and cool pilots. As others ask, will you release them? Also a small sentence caught my eye Maybe another What if? Single and Twin seater Hornets in Luftwaffe markings... COOL!
  2. Like my new toy?

    Amazing mate!! Can I ask how much it costed?
  3. Can we see pics of it and a list of what you need? Tiles with all those bushes will be needed too. Is a terrain we really need for the series.
  4. Angola, Namibia and South Africa. We need this map and we don't have it. Mirages, Fishbeds, Floggers, Impalas... BTW, not too many cities to add, but we will need some huts new 3d objects, and maybe some Baobab trees too.
  5. I can't go to the rear seat on the Mirage-2000, how is done?
  6. Never used myself, maybe someone with more experience can tell.
  7. Hehehe sorry, but I think we need to say we're really happy to see this one in the works, hope PFunk sees this and post a small update or a pic for Soulfreak :D
  8. Just a small bump. I'm eagerly awaiting this terrain for several possible conflicts. Hope you can release it soon. Thanks!
  9. I added all the Thirdwire directory.
  10. Excuse me for reviving this post. But is possible to have a "solid" basket that you can actually catch?
  11. I made a Avast update, then exluded the folder for Thirdwire and made a quick scan. Problem solved.
  12. Ah is working now. Thanks guys!
  13. I can only click "restore" that do nothing, but there's no "add to exclusion and restore" option :(
  14. I'm on Avast too. How can you check the "chest"?
  15. 40% freeze too, what in the world is happening here??
  16. Yeah Mario!! Now it really rules! Thanks for the post Kevin, I didn't knew how it was called in English!
  17. Paint the radar dome in dark grey and will be perfect!
  18. Agree in everything BUT the SCENARIOS part. They still look like in 1998.
  19. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    We tought about you and your family Dave.
  20. Back For A Bit

    Congratulations, you and I are one of the few Paran/Dhimar lovers, is good to see you back! Congrats to Sharon too!
  21. I can even see them being used in early 2000's in grey air superiority scheme.
  22. Amazing Skyhawk Torno!! Will you share those skins and the pilot? Here something to fight; the sharkmouth is from Spinners F100 RAF available here.

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