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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Se celebran los Santos Inocentes también en Argentina?
  2. Will have you in my toughts tonight. Stay safe and keep strong for your father.
  3. Is wrong cause TK the author of the game and owner of the rights explicitally said so. BUT AGAIN we're still bragging about it when we said we will not continue. I will spend Chirstmas night working at my hospital, hope I get a good night shift, cause my daughters will be full of energy tomorrow rofl.
  4. No need to get angry when you don't agree with someone, you can expose your opinion here as much as I can expose mine. Take it easy, don't get angry and enjoy the holidays, is just a game after all.
  5. It was explained before, is confirmed by TK itself, you're wrong here, but as you say is pointless cause no one wants to reverse engineer this.
  6. Wathever man, it's been explained over and over, TK doesn't care, you care more about the legal things than TK do, but I will not enter this discussion again.
  7. No, you're wrong. We can do wathever we want with the code, what we CANNOT redistribute are the games or part of them. So we can for example generate a new PATCH to hack the original (and legally purchased) games, but we cannot redistribute the EXE itself. That was written by TK looong ago, still have the mail.
  8. Sad days for Britains Epic Airline

    Sign of times indeed, but seeing the 747 on the BOAC livery! Oh my!
  9. I always tought that the YF-23 was a much better looking aircraft... And a extra pic of a operational F-32, the happy jet.
  10. Naaah, I agree with Kevin, that was a poor, rushed work.
  11. Spinners, a spanish youtuber used some of your pics to talk about a "real" Fastofx project. Check it, is fun. BTW, ever released as a mod?
  12. RIP Chuck Yeager

  13. The MTLB was a familiar sight even nowadays, but the MT-LBu is a rare sight. Thanks for recognizing it and the info.
  14. As titles says, found this pic, but no info about the APC. Anyone know the name?
  15. I think you're right. The only other info I can found is that was used by FAC teams. Maybe a variant with more radios. Thanks!!
  16. Sopwith Triplane Uploaded

    Approved it!
  17. That's pretty cool, glad to see you feel better Duel of Titans one day! Your UAZ-469 vs the Land Cruiser...
  18. Thanks for the answer. As a COIN warfare fan, will really like to see it added at some point.
  19. Sorry, I had a crappy week, and a crappy night, is this mod for SF2?
  20. Glad to see you back mate! Not much regarding TK, maybe we will get the Win10 patch, but don't cross your fingers waiting for a surprise.
  21. A question for experts. Is this cloud cover the standard one?
  22. Ark Royal 1975 footage

    Thanks for sharing, love the Phantom in UK service!
  23. Win10 patch to be released at some point in the future.

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