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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Beautiful Sophocles, really beautihul! Can't wait to get my hands on it!
  2. 46720566055_333f7399bd_o.jpg

    From the album Stratos

  3. Stratos

  4. 32693654327_9ab986527e_o.jpg

    From the album Stratos

  5. 32693652647_9106994eec_o.jpg

    From the album Stratos

  6. 32693651777_917e25b208_o.jpg

    From the album Stratos

  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Somewhat out of the Loop for awhile

    Let's hope everything turns ok Daddy!
  9. Jane's FA Questions

    There's a guy called Damsonn in Youtube, he made a whole series playing the Jane's games. Maybe he can help you!
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. Sorry for refloting this, but was a bit sad after reading it was lost. It would have been a very nice campaign, sure of it!
  12. Is really useful the "stealth" part in SF2? For both planes and SAMs?
  13. Thanks guys for all the work involved in this birds!
  14. Even better! Good work on those planes Spinners!
  15. First night of war in 1991 with the Boys from Syracuse... Sam launches are more visible with NVG. And the AAA is more scary as well. A light MG hit me and the landing was hairy. But we get back in piece, both of us, and we completed our mission!
  16. We have several NATO medium transports, but AFAIK no soviet side medium transport apart from the ThirdWire Antonov 12. So my request is in order to see a Antonov26/32 modeled for SF2 If possible. Why the 26/32? Cause is in service or served in tns of different air forces around the world, have seen combat in several conlficts and is also a active airliner Antonov 32 (cannot find good view for the 26). In fact same plane different engines. This is for the 26. Some pics of 26/32. Hope one of our modelers can give it a go.
  17. This one look better, isn't it? But, hey, is cool to see the Airacomet as If have reached the frontlines.
  18. I like it! Will look better with trees or vegetation on that mountain. But shouldnt' that mountain be bigger?
  19. Model is ready, is legal to share it here?
  20. Any progress on those "underground" bases, idea?
  21. You can try If interested to add a EF-111 with internal jamming and mission as "ESCORT_JAMMER", they do a difference I think, specially in SAM country.

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