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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Very nice "what if" entry, the New Zealand air force planes are always a pleasure to see, specially when they wear the Euro1 cammo. Well done dtmdragon!
  2. I find very rare we don't have a Liaoning carrier when even DCS has one, but maybe I'm wrong cause I cannot find any. So my question is, do we have the chinese carrier Liaoning?
  3. Love the prototype skin, please keep up working on it!
  4. Really beautiful, as the Hunter is a beautiful plane, and the red simply enhances its look. Cool work!
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  6. I cannot found any update or skin for the At6 Texans used during Korean War as FAC and AKA Mosquitos. But giving my poor searching technices maybe is my fault, so, do we have or anyone own a update/skin for those planes used in Korea? Thanks!
  7. I'm testing them, or at least I try it. I added the rocks onto the types.ini of the terrain, I placed them using the Target Editor, and I can see them on that program, but when I fire the game the rocks are not there. It happened with other objects before, but not always, anyone know how to cure that please?
  8. Pretty cool, from MArcfighter's vault? Mandatory pic... In Korea!
  9. Sukhois

    I'm waiting for this project too.
  10. Still remember this post after 10 years, what a lot of fun we had!
  11. Moved to mission and campaign area, I think you will be more lucky getting an answer If you post here.
  12. Found this... http://www.matrixgames.com/products/product.asp?gid=739 The populist wave that has swept across the world has reached Japan. With a jittery economy and scandals in the previous government on the minds of the public the government that emerges following a set of snap elections is more nationalist and populist than ever. The new prime minister has set his eyes on the long-disputed Kuril Islands, repeatedly claiming them for Tokyo in numerous speeches. The JGSDF has traditionally been concentrated in Hokkaido already, but airborne and amphibious units have moved there, ostensibly for exercises. The Russians, familiar with that excuse to concentrate forces, have become more suspicious than ever. Not helping the situation is raucous demonstrators on both sides sailing towards either the Kuriles or Hokkaido in small boats. Several have been killed and dozens more detained. The Russians have been slipping troops in, but an improvised convoy has been readied at Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky to carry much heavier forces to Kunashir and Iturup. Should it reach the islands safely, the Japanese goal of taking them without excessive casualties will be impossible. On the other hand, if it's sunk, the Kuriles are Japan's for the taking. The stakes are thus extremely high. Due to the (previously) anti-invasion nature of the JSDF and the traditional Soviet/Russian defensive doctrine at sea, both sides have an impressive array of sea denial weapons. The question is which shall prove superior.
  13. I think the history is not too good lol Of course is my opinion, but how about a new global economical crisis boos right wing party to power that seeing a busy elsewhere Russia invades the islands?
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  15. I can request him the models If someone wants to take over.
  16. That's new to me! Thanks for discovering that part.
  17. That looks like a YAP carrier, If so the A-3 is part of the carrier model, not a plane per se.
  18. He buscado en este libro, pero ni una foto de la cabina. Estoy de acuerdo con Gepard, usa la del 21PF. I searched on this book, but not a single picture of the cockpit. I agree with Gepard, use the 21PF one.
  19. Unfortunately we don't have the Su-35, regarding jammer, I think you can improve the jamming strenght of the planes editing the data.ini.
  20. Think that to be realistic, you should use Su-35S, and live in a extremely jammed ambient, reducing missile range for both sides. Of course, fun and realism sometimes does not work together.

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