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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. European Air War in 2019

    I would like to have such a beautiful install, those clean graphics, one click install, pure EAW madness.
  2. European Air War in 2019

    The old lady still looks good, isn't it?
  3. Would be possible to have the commander on that hatch?
  4. Seeing the missile is the most difficult part cause not possible to see labels or anything like that, when someone calls a missile incoming in RED, is aimed at you, try to search for it and start evasive maneuvers asap.
  5. Op. Darius would look amazing with uodated bases and camps with those objects!
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  9. Can someone recommend a good site to get my RGB values for camo schemes? Looking for South East Asia Cammo.
  10. Thanks for the link, and I agree with the part of Maybe a small subforum?
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  15. Don't get me wrong, I will love to fly such missions, but what airbase can put the very short legged MiG-23 in range of Midway? Can't you base some planes on Kure?
  16. MMMH, Phantoms and Tomcats against Yak-38 doesn't seem like a fair match.
  17. File approved, ready for download.
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  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. In spanish. http://fdra-aereo.blogspot.com/2014/03/faa-mirage-iiicj-del-cev.html
  21. I never added those objects, and tought the temple was released in a 3rd party map. Thanks for the help!
  22. Wondering If someone can help me to locate several terrain objects so I can add them to a terrain I'm working on. The objects I need are: - Temple ruins - static Cargo ships with smoke - static fishing ships

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