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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I've noticed the high speed problems while flying the MiG-25, caught fire once. Not sure about high-G factor, will have to try once my plane is damaged by enemy fire. Is a pity we cannot have compressor stalls, would be a nice feature getting the higher temps, having to throttle back, or restart the engine..., same for certain engine flameouts, a real pity, wish TK still work on such aspects of the game. Regarding the weapons, is there any place that explains this entries? I tried in knowledge base without luck. Is possible to simulate dud bombs? Accuracy=80 LockonChance=85 LaunchReliability=80 NoiseRejection=80.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x00400008 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=10.000000 Thanks! I was refering to period during the revolution and 1981, where many of the technician and flying crews were imprisoned, and mantenaince errors were relatively common, read several times think like radars getting down, refuelling probes not taking fuel, bombs unarmed by ground crews... I know everything imrpoved later, have the war book by Tom Cooper and the Osprey ones. Is in fact a overlooked war I think, but one can learn a lot of the missions fought by both sides.
  2. He's safe and sound, talking with him trough phone everyday just to be sure.
  3. Ok, he will be back asap, and work on the canuck, remember he's finishing the new soviet carrier for the cocas project.
  4. Kevin, Angel is without internet connection ATM, remember Venezuela is a bit on turmoil right now. Will contact him trough phone and pass your note to him.
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  9. Thanks for all the work guys! Cannot wait to try the new planes, specially the Iraqi ones!
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  14. C-47 T3 EdA


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