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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Thanks! Now I only need to find a Soviet MANPAD that actually shoot at enemy aircrafts! And some of this buggers will be amazing!
  2. Tileset complete and on place, is now time to start targeting the whole thing. One question, how can I add a working MANPAD to a target? The Rebels/DAESH does not have advanced SAMS and MANPADS are the way to go, but how can I add them? Should I add mobile_SAM entry?
  3. This update will be a nice addition to any Russian bombing campaign in Syria ;)
  4. Thanks a lot guys. Have a thing in mind, mine is my first project and is a small one. Just for fun!
  5. Ok, this is an update, an a question post. Basic Tileset is on place, including some transition tiles by myself. About tiles I still need to add some cities like Jerusalem, Haifa, TelAviv, Aleppo, Raqqa... Add dozens of small villages to make the more look more alive, and add the roads to connect cities and villages. Then of course targetization, but more of that later. Now about targets, I plan to use the map to have a place where Russia and Syria can bomb the rebels, I'm not sure If is possible to make NATO airplanes bomb the same targets as the Russians (maybe making a new nations file with Russia and NATO countries on the same side?). So I will targetize Syria, and a bit of Lebanon. As you can see in this pic, Greece is enemy, should I change all the Greek targets to friendly or should I leave them as they are now? And finally concerning Israel, as Israel is totally out of place for targetization I plan only to add some airfields so IDF forces can bomb Syrian government targets, but then? Israel should be marked as Enemy? That's the only way I can imagine of doing it, and I think it can be cool to be a IDF pilot with a modern jet bombing Syrian and maybe even Russian targets, S-400 anyone? :) Feel free to express your opinions.
  6. Trump on F-35/F-18

    Thanks for the info. Concerning IRST, Spain and UK have them, I'm pretty sure about that, but I think Luftwaffe never equipped the plane with it.
  7. Trump on F-35/F-18

    Thanks for this debate guys, I'm following you with great interest. I wonder how the EuroFighter is considered? I think countries like Spain made a good purchase as it can work on a real variety of roles, but I have no idea how stealthy is If any. I like this idea for relatively cheap advanced striker, there is more info about this pod and the "enhanced" characteristics? what it can carry specially comes to mind as it looks pretty small. Looks like a mod to have in SF2 once Trump decide to attack N.Korea lol
  8. Cause I'm used to work with those tiles, I have road tiles ready for that tileset, and cause I think they fir the area.
  9. img00009

    From the album Stratos

  10. img00008

    From the album Stratos

  11. The Syrian desert is now in place... The now green area will be a belt of med style crops.
  12. img00007

    From the album Stratos

  13. Let's talk about what I can do: 1: I can add the desert tiles and place them properly on map together with cities, even If I had to do it by hand. After all Syria and Jordania are deserts, Israel and Lebanon will need a green coast (already there) and some desert in the interior. I can even add roads to the map, as I have been practicing on several terrains for own use. What I can't do is transition tiles, I tried several times and I suck at it, so no transition tiles from me, the map will pass from green med terrain to desert without transitions, sorry. Also If there are river tiles on the desert map I can add them to Anatolia desert but If is only to add the tiles. 2: I can targetize the area, Syria, a bit of Jordania, Lebanon and a bit of Israel, both by copiyng exisiting targets or creating my own If needed. There are not too many target areas in Syria I think. I can also add the needed airfields. 3: I will like to add small villages with targets you need to attack with precision, so there's a feel of the real war ongoing in the area. So that's it.
  14. img00043

    From the album Stratos

  15. img00042

    From the album Stratos

  16. img00039

    From the album Stratos

  17. Just checked on TFD tool, the map is huge, and cover all of Syria, Israel, Lebanon, Egypt... I can populate Syria, but the problem is the Tileset, is too green for Southern Turkey and Syria. Is possible to solve that?
  18. MAybe the best solution will be fake pilot? I'm not sure we have the Marcfighter's 3d base model.
  19. Thanks Gepard, this map is sooo close to the needed area but still not available for the current conflict. Anyway thanks for the help, really apreciatted.
  20. Now that TK is getting ready a new game/expansion, is there any chance they add "ejection seats" to the game? I'm thinking in visible ejection sequnce with drifting parachutes after the eject. Actually the lack of them is really killing me.
  21. felices fiestas

    Felices fiestas a todos los hispanohablantes del foro!!

    A piece of history!!

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