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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Amazing guys!! Looking forward to it!
  2. A-6C TRIM Intruder

    Thanks for sharing.
  3. F-16: The Shattered Dream

    Shame the Russ bird was not finished, it looked so cool on the pics he posted.
  4. I know about the Sokol, is a chopper I really like, thats why I sid his bigger brother.
  5. A cool little bird, shame we cannot make SAR missions on SF. :( Together with his bigger brother...
  6. Mi-24 Buch Motobuchverlag

    Sorry für die Buchung im deutschen Forum mit Englisch, aber wollte sagen, dass das Buch in Amazonien vor ein paar Tagen gesehen, und fast gekauft, dann sah ich es ein Buch auf Deutsch. Was für eine Schande für mich, was für ein Glück für euch. Genieß es! Sorry for posting in German forum using English, but wanted to say that seen the book in amazon some days ago, and almost bought it, then I saw it's a book in German. What a shame for me, what a luck for you guys. Enjoy it!
  7. F-16: The Shattered Dream

    Nice article, and I agree in that the F-16 is a tru succes despite many shortcomings, in fact I think is the best succes in Western military fighter ever!
  8. Thanks, thats what I tought.
  9. You can place a radar guided SAM in a mission and it works? I mean it appear, but it shoots AGAINST you?
  10. Flying and fighting in the CH-46

    Thanks for sharing! Love thos reports you post mate!
  11. Who's going to be the new President?

    Voted Hillary, neither candidate is worth of the office, but I think Clinton will win.
  12. I agree, that model is a vanilla Tomcat with a strangely square nose area.I have to recognize that the "MiG-21Z" raised my attention. BTW that stealthy Cat looks cool Blackbird!
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  14. I know the one in my pic is a 27, but is a cool paintscheme, isn't it?
  15. German pilot with F 84F In 1960

    From the album Stratos

  16. 9828197674 5a6832cf42 O

    From the album Stratos

  17. ODS is Operation Desert Storm, the allied operation to liberate Kuwait. F-4G were dedicated anti SAM Phantoms, carrying HARMs to defend packages of the SAM threat. AFAIK that war was the last time USAF used F-4 in combat. Also ODS was last operation for USN A-7 Corsairs.
  18. I think daddyairplanes is right, ODS should be the Swan song for this bird, maybe in a specialized role like the SEAD or even recon, a F-109G with the ODS grey sported by Phantoms will be amazing!!, BTW the recon bird has a modified nose ala RF-4 Phantoms?
  19. img00030

    From the album Stratos

  20. Pretty interesting project. I like the idea mate.
  21. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

  22. I'm slowly learning the terrain edition tricks, I'm now working on Terrain Editor by Thirdwire, I extracted Vietnam HFD and can open it, and see the height map properly, but when I try to open the TextureListWOV.ini nothing happens, AFAIK it should load the textures so I can select them on the texutre menu, but the screen remains white as If no texture was loaded. What I'm doing wrong?
  23. Downloaded this version from Thirdwire web If thats any help, and I will try tomorrow in a XP machine, as I'm on Win7 64bits.

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