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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I just put "Range" in to the search box and set it to search downloads and came up with these four SF1 terrains below. http://combatace.com/files/file/2658-bombing-range-terrain/ http://combatace.com/files/file/6164-modern-range-and-red-range-upgrade/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15395-winter-red-range/ http://combatace.com/files/file/15410-test-range/
  2. In the "F-22A.ini" file switch the "AvionicsDLL=Avionics70.dll" to "AvionicsDLL=AvionicsF14A.dll". Then open the "F-22A_AVIONICS.ini" file and find where is says [TargetTWS]. Add the lines "ShowPriorityTarget=TRUE" and "ShowTargetDesignation=TRUE" under it. That should work with AMRAAM's, note that by changing the AvionicsDLL you will lose the Ground Map radar function.
  3. Be sure to back up your B-52 data file first. Once that is done try putting the system names with the appropriate component, [Fuselage], [LeftWing], etc... ...then put the lights below at the end of the data file and see how it works.
  4. No completion date at this time as it has been sitting mostly untouched for months but I would be interested in working together with you on it.
  5. I was working on a fix for all stock aircraft hit boxes. These are the ones I did for the Harrier. They are untested but here you go. Harrier HitBox edits.7z
  6. I found a link to this video in the YouTube comments on the "Two minutes of sheer terror" video MigBuster posted. Thought everyone here would be interested.
  7. Person of Interest returns

    Thanks for the heads up, I will have the check my DVR.
  8. I would be willing to bet that had the one not crashed these aircraft would still be secret to this day.
  9. MigBuster & DEVIL11 have it right. Also you can open the single mission with the mission editor and change the number of aircraft assigned to your aircraft group. You could also try backing up and then editing the Target Values in the SINGLEMISSION.INI file so that you don't get as large a strike size for a given target value. Edit: I missed that this was for SF1.
  10. Are you thinking of this thread? http://combatace.com/topic/88688-ais-utterly-pathetic-shooting-abilities/
  11. How low must a subsonic passenger jet fly in order for its engines to be heard on the ground? I am asking because I was just doing some work outside my house and while I was in the garage I started to hear jet engine noise and stepped out to see if I could see any A-10's from the ANG base which is about 60 miles south of where I live, they are the only jets that I normally hear, but when I looked up I saw an airliner that had just passed overhead heading about NNE, it appeared to be low as I could clearly make out the fuselage, wings, and horizontal stabilizers yet it still had contrails coming off its wings. Unfortunately I could not get to a camera before it was out of sight. Hearing and seeing it like that just seemed odd as there are no airports near enough for it to be in a lower attitude holding pattern, everything that is not military or small private aircraft stays up high enough I can usually blot it out with the tip of my little finger. So here's the question, being 650 ft above sea-level and with the following conditions... Wind: NE Wind Speed: 9mph Temperature: 40°F Humidity: 52% Pressure: 29.77 in UV Index: 0 Cloud Cover: 88% Ceiling: 11500 ft Dew Point: 18° F Visibility: 10 mi ...What altitude could this aircraft have been at? PS. I just a thought, I can't remember the color of the aircraft's belly but it could have been one of the tankers out of the Air National Guard base.
  12. Thought people might be interested in these two films produced during WWII.
  13. Haegar, the "EffectClassName=VeryLargeBombEffects" in the MK84_data.INI is not pointing to the Effects folder. It is referencing the MISSILEOBJECT.INI file. That is the file that controls which effect from the Effects folder is used by a given effect class. I recommend that you download Mues Toolbox and use the "CATExtractor" the extract the "MISSILEOBJECT.INI" file from the "ObjectData001.cat" file and place it into your Objects folder. Then open it and take a look at how the effect classes are set up.
  14. The aircraft has to be set up in to data file to use gun groups. The example below is from the F-8E. You can see how its upper pair of 20mm cannons are in GunGroup=1 while the lower pair are in GunGroup=2. As such you can use the keys I mentioned above to cycle between the upper pair, lower pair, or all four. The AI however does not use gun groups so it is for players only. // Internal Guns --------------------------------------------------------- [internalGun1] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_Mk12 GunGroup=1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-0.58,5.35,-0.25 LightPosition=-0.68,5.35,-0.25 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=144 MinExtentPosition=-0.65,2.77,-0.33 MaxExtentPosition=-0.45,5.33,-0.17 [internalGun2] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_Mk12 GunGroup=1 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=0.58,5.35,-0.25 LightPosition=0.58,5.35,-0.25 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=144 MinExtentPosition= 0.45,2.77,-0.33 MaxExtentPosition= 0.65,5.33,-0.17 [internalGun3] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_Mk12 GunGroup=2 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition=-0.55,5.44,-0.50 LightPosition=-0.65,5.44,-0.50 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=144 MinExtentPosition=-0.62,2.87,-0.58 MaxExtentPosition=-0.42,5.43,-0.42 [internalGun4] SystemType=FIXED_GUN GunTypeName=20MM_Mk12 GunGroup=2 InputName=FIRE_PRIMARY_GUN MuzzlePosition= 0.55,5.44,-0.50 LightPosition= 0.65,5.44,-0.50 AimAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MaxAmmo=144 MinExtentPosition= 0.42,2.87,-0.58 MaxExtentPosition= 0.62,5.43,-0.42
  16. Okay, try adjusting the following settings in your FLIGHTENGINE.INI down until you get a frame rate you are happy with. [backgroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=69000.0 <--------- NearClipDistance=3000.0 [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=14000.0 NearClipDistance=0.45 [insideSceneClip] FarClipDistance=250.0 NearClipDistance=0.01 [LowDetailOption] HorizonDistance=30000.0 <--------- DetailMeshSize=9 DetailLevel=0 WaterEffect=0 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=128 [MedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=42000.0 <--------- DetailMeshSize=9 DetailLevel=1 WaterEffect=1 NoiseTexture=0 MaxTextureRes=256 [HighDetailOption] HorizonDistance=50000.0 <--------- DetailMeshSize=14 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=512 [unlimitedDetailOption] HorizonDistance=62000.0 <--------- DetailMeshSize=18 DetailLevel=2 WaterEffect=2 NoiseTexture=1 MaxTextureRes=-1
  17. Okay, now that we know it works, swap the ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM and FLIGHTENGINE ini file for these two and see if your frame rate goes up and the issue stays fixed. Flight.7z
  18. Try this, backup your Flight folder, then place the one in the attachment into your install, put the files in the included Terrain folder into each of the terrains in your install, set ObjectsFade=FALSE in your Options.ini, and then run a mission and tell me if it fixes the issue. Test Folders.7z This is what I have with those settings.
  19. Nick, do you have Mue's Distance Fix set up correctly? See the post linked below for some setup details as certain settings in two different files need to be be set in a specific way to avoid interference with each other. http://combatace.com/topic/88418-detail-mesh-help/?do=findComment&comment=713412 Spudknocker, if you don't have Mue's Distance Fix then follow the link as well. Download the attached file and use the version included for SARCASM 2.0 then let me know if it fixes your issue.
  20. This sounds like it could be a couple of different issues I have run across. Would you please snap a screenshot of the issue? Depending upon what is going on their are different fixes.
  21. Is this the kind of shimmering issue you are having? These images are from First Eagles 2 not Strike Fighters 2 but they are the best examples I have of before and after Mue's shimmering fix is in place. Before shimmering fix. After shimmering fix.
  22. Have you looked in the AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI? The various entries in it can be placed into an individual aircraft's data file and adjusted to fit your needs. I believe there are a number of different enteries related to AI fire time and cannon burst length. AIRCRAFTAIDATA.7z
  23. Here is a little update to the cockpit adjustment for the F-106. It restores the compass and canopy shielding while still removing the canopy frame. F-106A_Six Shooter_COCKPIT.7z

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