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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. I am trying to find a free or open source program that allows multiple video clips to be merged into a single video file. Most of what I have found is ether payware or seems to be made for creating music videos and appears to be incapable of preserving the audio track from the source clips. Anyone have a recommendation?
  2. Software for editing and merging video clips?

    Thanks for the info, I installed Lightworks and I apparently already had Windows Movie Maker from 2011 buried on my hard drive. When I tried Movie Maker it could not see the video format the files were in so I got Any Video Converter which it turns out can join clips together as well.
  3. I can zip up my entire Desert4 folder and PM it to you if you want?
  4. Just tested Desert 4 terrain, those settings did not work. You need to use the settings with the second image instead. Before with... [HeightField] DetailScale=0.2 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0 ...After with. [HeightField] DetailScale=0.0 DetailFrequency=1.0 MaxHeight=1000 MinHeight=0
  5. My understanding is that the Shafrir-2 is in the same category as the AIM-9D while the later Python-3 is comparable to the AIM-9L/M.
  6. People might find this video interesting as well.
  7. wiki, the collision LOD is for the ships and goes in each ships individual folder. Here is the folder for the YAP Oyodo scout/seaplane carrying light cruiser with collision LOD made from copying and renaming the "Oyodo_01a.LOD" file. Once you do that you need to edit the data file to add the collision LOD entry make is work with SF2:NA. Before After Something I am working on is a full data file overhaul of all YAP ships to SF2:NA standards, rebuilt data files only, as sharing anything else would be a violation of the user agreement for purchasing YAP models. Any YAP user you would want to try them feel free to PM me, it is still WIP at the moment but I do have data files for some of the ships.
  8. Let me investigate the ships from the YAP Rising Sun 2 pack and then I will get back to you. Also I believe there are differences in the structure of SF1 and SF2 mission files so they may need editing to make them work properly in an SF2:NA based install.
  9. A slightly different version of the same video above. The Song by Gordon Lightfoot http://www.ssedmundfitzgerald.org/ http://www.usatoday.com/story/weather/2015/11/09/edmund-fitzgerald-wreck-gordon-lightfoot-witch-of-november/75453176/ http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/ap-40-years-ago-edmund-fitzgerald-sinks-35076408 http://www.mlive.com/news/index.ssf/2015/11/wreck_of_the_edmund_fitzgerald.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Edmund_Fitzgerald
  10. MH117 report findings

    Thought people might like to see this video.
  11. Did anyone else see this? I stumbled across it while following a news link. I did not see a thread on it in the aviation forum. Vulcan bomber prohibited air roll investigated. http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-34712346
  12. Your comments about the Vulcan's maneuverability are interesting. I wonder how other bombers compare in that department? I know that the B-47 used to preform Immelmann turns when practicing nuclear bomb deployment via toss bombing and they had limiters on the throttles to prevent the pilots from moving the throttles like those of a fighter. As for what the authorities could do, well I could see the pilots who were flying the Vulcan that day losing their licenses or the owners of the aircraft receiving a hefty fine.
  13. New Badges

    Erik, would one of these work for russouk2004's badge?
  14. Dose this version have the M-61 cannon installed like in the drawing below?
  15. This PDF file is not the full F-15 manual but it does have the cockpit layout info in it starting on page 9. F15 Manual Segment.pdf Edit:Corrected spelling error.
  16. For the F-14. Cockpit Interior F-14A Pilot's Cockpit I am still looking for the F-15A
  17. The Poppy

    In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place: and in the sky The larks still bravely singing fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead: Short days ago, We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved: and now we lie In Flanders fields! Take up our quarrel with the foe To you, from failing hands, we throw The torch: be yours to hold it high If ye break faith with us who die, We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields by John McCrae 1915
  18. Why would aliens so far advanced visit us ?

    Well here is one fictional example of an alien exploration ship visiting Earth. Take a listen to the BBC audio drama of the Iain M. Banks novella The State of the Art.
  19. Okay, I just overhauled the data files for the F-22A, F-35A/B/C, and updated my previous missile edits using the AIM-120's from ravenclaw_007's weapons packs. Try them out. F-22, F-35, & AIM-120 Bay Mod.7z
  20. I have a question about the the "EjectVelocity=" data point used in "WEAPON_STATION" entries in the "AicraftName_DATA.ini" files. I know how the positive and negative numbers indicate direction along the X,Y,Z axis's but what unit of measurement do the numbers represent? Is it a multiple of the force of gravity indicated in the "EnvironmentSystem.ini" file, the velocity in meters per second, or is it something else? [WeaponBay] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=... StationGroupID=... StationType=EXTERNAL/SEMI_RECESSED/INTERNAL AttachmentPosition=0.0,0.0,0.0 AttachmentAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 MissileRollAngle=0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,0.0,-5.0 <-------------------( What unit of measurement does this number represent? ) NumWeapons=... AttachmentPositionXXX=0.0,0.0,0.0 LoadLimit=0.0 DiameterLimit=0.0 LengthLimit=0.0 AttachmentType=... AllowedWeaponClass=... SpecificStationCode=... LaunchRailNodeName=... ModelNodeName=... FuelTankName=... FuelTankNodeName=... NoJettisonWeapon=TRUE/FALSE MovingPylon=TRUE/FALSE RotatingPylon=TRUE/FALSE AutomaticDoors=TRUE/FALSE BombBayAnimationID=... BombBayOpenTime=0.0 BombBayCloseTime=0.0 PylonDragArea=0.0 PylonMass=0.0
  21. Question for those living in England...

    You might be interested in the Royal Armouries. I know its collection in one that I would like to see some day. https://www.royalarmouries.org/home
  22. I just got some new reference material. Google Books used to have online previews of these with about fifty percent of each book available but they recently took them down, so I went looking and found these used editions for a reasonable price and in good condition, they may have been library reverence books. If any modders want some information from these books feel free PM me about it. I intend to eventually get the 1989 first edition and the 2006 fifth edition.
  23. I just got some new reference material that I managed to get in good condition for a reasonable price. If any modders want some information from these books feel free PM me about it.
  24. I stumbled across an error in the most detailed version of the "Hercules.LOD" that I know of. Two of the control surfaces for the missile that should be associated with the "Mainstage" component are instead associated with the "BOOSTER" component. I was wondering if the LOD's creator or one of the other modders still has the MAX file and could fix it? If so, making a new higher resolution texture for it at the same time would also help. Not a big issue, just something that caught my attention and I thought I should point it out. MIM-14.7z

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