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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. B-52 Tail Gun Question.

    You mean this clip? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBV-sNWq3RY?t=129 Also read the article below. B-52 Tail-gunner Recalls MiG Downing (Vietnam) Edit:Why is the Youtube Video not showing?
  2. Here, try dropping this into your Mods folder and see how things appear in game. Meu's distance fix Preconfiguered.7z
  3. B-52 Tail Gun Question.

    Vietnam, during Linebacker II, 24 December 1972, a Mig-21's downed. But there were a number of simulated tail gun kills in training up until the tail guns were removed. I remember reading that the crews at the time weren't happy about lousing the guns.
  4. I rarely go over to the Third Wire forum anymore so I did not think to look there. That is numbers 4-9 answered. Thanks Do335.
  5. To bad that "SystemType=CARGO" is a ground object only system type. I am not sure what it does for ground objects but given that there appears to be unimplemented data that indicates player controlled Transport missions I think there was an intention of having delivery missions at one time. From the MISSIONSUMMARY.STR file. MSN_OBJ_TRANSPORT_1_1 MSN_OBJ_TRANSPORT_2_1 MSN_OBJ_AIR_ASSAULT_1_1 MSN_OBJ_AIR_ASSAULT_2_1 MNS_OBJ_TRANSFER_1_A Transport cargo to %s. Safely land at airbase to deliver cargo. Perform aerial assault into %s. Drop paratroopers over the designated target area. Transport aircraft to %s.
  6. Removed the previous attachment. I missed a step in the Cockpit.INI file. Here is the Updated AoA light fix. MF1 AOA Color Light Fix Update.7z
  7. Here, had the time so I decided I would save you the trouble. All Mirage F-1's that looked like they had the issue are included along with backups of the files that will be overwritten. Attachment Removed
  8. Never mind the above, I think I solved the issue. Go in to your MF1CE\cockpit folder and copy the "lights_on.tga" file and then past it into your MF-1CG\cockpit folder. That should fix the lights issue. Edit: You need to do it with the "lights_off.tga" as well.
  9. I just checked my SF2 ZIP files for what is in the downloaded files. The "F-1CG" has the "F-1Pit_C.LOD" in its file while the "F-1CE" on the other hand is packaged with the "F-1Pit_C_ALE40.LOD". While looking at them in the LODViewer I think I might see the issue that skyknight0721 indicated with the lights. In the Pictures below you can see that in the F-1CG pit only the green light is colored the rest being gray, while... ...in the F-1CG pit there are blue, green, yellow, and red lights visible. Might this be a cockpit LOD error?
  10. I will do some testing on the missile and all WGR weapons in my install and see how they preform. The get back to you.
  11. Did you setup the Gazelle_LOADOUT.INI file properly? Your wingman may not be automatically equipping the weapons at mission start.
  12. We are lucky in SF2 that SAM's have no multi-target capability, the real SA-10B has six target channels with two control channels each. I other words it can guide twelve missiles against six different targets simultaneously. See the link below for a good thread on the SA-10B. Link: S-300PS/PMU (SA-10B Grumble)
  13. I took a look at the cockpit LOD and the cockpit INI file. As far as I can tell Wrench is right. Those lights are not an Accelerometer that indicates G-forces but part if the Angle of Attack indicator. Try seeing how those lights illuminate when you pitch the aircraft up or down sharply.
  14. While you are on the subject of helicopters, have you considered trying the AircraftRole=HELO? That does exist in the AircraftObjects.DLL file.
  15. Stary, you were right about the new effect looking a little odd on other guns. Still I always thought that the stock 30mmFireEffect was a bit week for some of these rapid fire 30mm canon. It would be interesting to come up with a number of new FireEffects that match video of various guns. The bottom most video has test footage of a number of Russian naval guns firing on a test range. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj5H3qfRIQI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNmt7go9wfc
  16. Wrench, does that hide the canopy frame for you? I tried it out on my F-105's, even looking up the node name, "canopy_frame", with Mue's LODVewer but it had no effect. Is there something else I am missing?
  17. B-52 Tail Gun Question.

    I guess I miscounted when I thought it was the G and not the H that first got the Vulcan. Thanks for the answer Geezer.
  18. Odd that it would replace the Avenger. I have a "Gau8FireEffect" in my effects folder that my A-10's use.
  19. Mue, I have some feature request for the LODViewer. No rush, just as you have time if they are possible. Increase the precision of the zoom function or add more zoom levels. (Sometimes I can't get as close to a surface as I need to without the camera position jumping past it.) Add an option to lock/unlock each axis of rotation and translation individually. (There are times that I need to keep the model in a precise orientation while moving my center of view.) Add an option to switch a mesh to a wireframe mode or adjust its opacity. (Positioning hit boxes inside an air-frame would be easier if the mesh could be visible without it obscuring the bounding or hit boxs.) Add an option to switch between Perspective and Orthographic views of the LOD. (It would help with precisely finding coordinates.) Add the ability to directly highlight and copy any of the Bounding Box coordinates for any node in the upper left list. (Like above it would help with coordinates without having to jump between the viewer and the exported list or manually typing them.) Add the ability to load objects from the Pilots and Weapons folder onto the positions specified in the Data.INI. (This would allow one to see how different Pilots, Seats, False Pilot Method objects, and Weapons look on the model.) Add the ability to reload the Data.INI file of the open object without having to shutdown and restart the program. (This would be helpful when adjusting the size and position of hit boxs and if number 6 were added Weapon Station & Missile alignments.)
  20. If you want to farm out the AAA I can do that part for you.
  21. Ravenclaw_007, I was looking through your weapons packs and I noticed that you have the AIM-4A through AIM-4D and the AIM-26A & B however you are missing the AIM-4E, AIM-4F, and AIM-4G. Do you have any plans to make models of these missiles?
  22. The SK radar was replaced by the SK-2 on almost all ships Cruiser size and above by the end of the war. Anything after WWII is unlikely to have an SK. As much as I would like historical accuracy it might be easier to just stick with the SK-2. As for the arresting wire, use primary source photos as your first resource. From what I can see they had 11 wires aft of elevator 3 plus one over elevator 31 that I believe had brackets that the wire could be pulled through forward of the elevator to move it out of the way when the elevator was in use.2 They also had 4 wires forward of elevator 3 between the 5 sets of Barrier wires. I believe these 4 wires were left unstrung and the arresting for them below deck may have been removed as early as the late 1940's as I can't find images of these wires post WWII.3 Please see the attached 7zip file at the bottom of the post for a number of photos of Essex class ships with the arresting wires visible plus more pictures of Essex class radar fits grouped by Long-hull or Short-hull, the ship name, and then date of pictures for that ship. 1: Twelve arresting wires plus two sets of barrier wires. Note the sheave for an arresting wire with no wire attached just forward of the one for the aft most barrier wires, its starboard side counterpart also without wire is visible in picture 3. 2: In the upper left you can see the wire pulled around the front of the aft elevator, also note the lack of arresting wires between the four visible sets of barrier wires. 3: 1948 picture with two of the barrier wire sets visible put no arresting wires between them. In addition the wire over elevator three is in place but the outline of the alternate position from photo 2 is visible on the deck. Essex Class Wire and Radar Photos.7z
  23. See the attachment, I believe it is a fairly complete collection of RWR TGA files, at least I believe that it is everything that I have. I also included the RWR.lst file for for them that I pieced together from a multitude of others to go along with it. If anyone else has more TGA and data that is missing feel free to add to it or make adjustments. It would be nice to have a comprehensive RWR list. RWR TGA's & LST file.7z
  24. Here are the data files and some alternate guns for the Alt2 and Alt3 file variants. I would really like to do another pass on them because I think a number of things could be updated but they should work for now. Just a reminder to everyone you will have to make a collision LOD for use in SF2:NA by copying and renaming the main ship LOD. The names I use in the data files are Essex_1115_COL.LOD and Essex_Korea_COL.LOD. No files other than the NA data files and the additional guns are included as that would be a violation of the YAP licence. NA Data for YAP Essex.7z
  25. Stary, I did SF2:NA data files for both the WWII (CV-9) and Korea (CV-34) versions of the the YAP Essex. If you want them let me know.

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