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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. WhiteBoySamurai's F-35 first gun live fire thread got me poking around Youtube again and I thought you would find the video of the F-35C doing carrier takeoff, landing, and touch and go's interesting. I also found these two videos that I thought were interesting but may stir up some debate. Reddit discussions for the two videos below.
  2. I got the Purple Smoke and WP Effects working. Attached are some additional Yellow and Purple WP smoke rockets with pods set up for them, all effects and TGA files included so they should just drop right in. The naming sequence continues what ravenclaw_007 used, Mk16_Zuni_Mk34mod3, Mk16_Zuni_Mk34mod4, Mk40_Mk67mod4, Mk71_Zuni_Mk34mod3, and Mk71_Zuni_Mk34mod4. Mod 3's are Yellow and Mod 4's are Purple. Note: The Effects are not the same ones that were included by ravenclaw_007, I will get a matching Purple version of that effect soon. Yellow & Purple Rockets.7z I away thought that the AERO pod designation was for pods used by Navy interceptors for Air to Air rockets while the LAU pods were for Air to Ground rocket use.
  3. Found another space game

    I have had this one for years. One of my favorite space combat games along with Homeworld.
  4. For the example above I just made a copy of the "B-52_Radar.bmp" renamed it and then used GIMP to copy a stadiametric aiming recital from a rifle scope image I found on line, recolor it and past it into a re-sized copy of the radar image and then saved it in JPG format for posting to the forum. In order to actually be workable you would need to do testing to determine where the markers need to be on the screen for a given altitude at the different air speeds and then repeat it for each altitude you want a recital for.
  5. The Mission Editor is included with the SF2 Expansion Pack 2 for SF2:Europe or purchased separately via the ThirdWire DLC Store. I have attached a test mission set in SF2:NA with what should be all stock units except for adding one FREMM into the mission. Place it into you SF2:NA Missions folder and see if it works in Single Mission. FREMM Test Mission.7z
  6. What about placing a series of stadiametric aiming recitals on the radar? Each recital extending along the radar axis would be for an increasing altitude. The left to right arc of lines in each recital indicating a series of increasing air speeds. You use the recital for your altitude and the line for your air speed. If it worked it would be useful in both SF1 and SF2. Here is an example of what I am talking about. <---Air Speed---> ^---Altitude---<
  7. I am going to use WhiteBoySamurai's "Ticonderoga class superpack" as an example is this description. In SF2 ships go in the given game's Mod folder, on a Windows 7 system it s located at "C:\Users\UserName\Saved Games\ThirdWire". I your case of SF2:NA you will want the select the "StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic" folder. Note: My SF2:NA folder is heavily modified so it will look different from yours. Things included in the mod like effects, RWR_xxx.tga files, and sounds will go in the Effects, Flight, and Sounds folders respectively. The bulk of most files related to ships will go in the Objects folder. You may need to create New Folders and name them Effects, Flight, and Sounds if you do not already have them in your SF2:NA folder. In the case of the Ticonderoga class superpack for example it includes "Flight", "Objects",and "Sounds" folders. If you have not installed any mods yet then your Objects folder will likely only have an "Aircraft" and a "GroundObject" folder in it. Simply create three New Folders inside the Objects folder and name them Decals, Guns, and Weapons. Once this is done place the decals, guns, and weapons(aka the missiles & torpedoes included for the ship) into their respective folders. Then place the ship itself into the GroundObject folder. In the case of the Ticonderoga class superpack its Objects folder contains "Decals", "Guns", "GroundObject", and "Weapons" folders. The folder for the ship you installed should appear inside the GroundObject folder like in the image below. Here you can see the CG-47, CG-52, CG-52_06, CG-52_12, CG-52LA, CG-59, CG-59LA folders from the "Ticonderoga class superpack" inside the GroundObject folder. The folders from the mods Decals, Guns, and Weapons folders will be similarly arranged within their respective folders inside the SF2:NA Objects folder. I have attached a 7zip file below with Before and After pictures of the Mods folder of a fresh SF2:NA with before and after images of the Ticonderoga class superpack's installation. SF2NA Before & After TCSP Installed.7z Note:If you do not have the Mission editor you may want to get it so that you can build custom mission that you will see the ships in.
  8. Give me a few minutes and I will get you some illustrated directions.
  9. I thought that with all of the World War II and Cold War history buffs around here you might find this interesting. The site linked below has Simulators of the Enigma, US M-209, TSEC/KL-7, Hagelin BC-52, and ATOMIX cipher machines. From what I have read the Enigma simulator is an exact simulation of the operation of the Enigma machines such that it can decrypt actual WWII Enigma messages if you have the correct settings. Dirk Rijmenants' Cipher Machines and Cryptology: Historical and Technical Information about Crypto Machines, Cryptology and Free Software Simulations Also another site Crypto Museum has a lot of information on cipher machines. It also has download links to the simulators from the page above (except the ATOMIX) as well as a download link to a simulator for the Soviet M-125 Fialka cipher machine. Enigma Links Simulator Page Codebook Tool Crypto Museum Page US M-209 Links Simulator Page Crypto Museum Page TSEC/KL-7 Links Simulator Page Crypto Museum Page Hagelin BC-52 Links Simulator Page Crypto Museum Page ATOMIX Links Simulator Page M-125 Fialka Links Crypto Museum Page Note: The links below are direct links to a RAR file and a PDF. Download Fialka Simulator How to set the keys (and card)
  10. Here are the Smoke Marker effects I have. Smoke Marker Effects.7z
  11. I ran the numbers listed above using the measurements from the upper and lower diagrams. Is it possible that the lower one is showing an alternate front fairing, one that is about 731mm long for longer rockets, in contrast to the standard 521mm fairing? If you looking at the images the lower illustration also shows a more gradual curve ending in a point which differs from the hemispherical shape of the shorter cover and might allow for the extended length to be fully covered. It is just an idea, I did a little looking around but have yet to find anything to support it.
  12. Here you go. http://combatace.com/files/file/13648-f7f-1-tigercat-sf-2-update/ http://combatace.com/files/file/13566-kaw-f7f-3n-tigercat/
  13. Stary, I think I fixed to issue with the gauges, PM of a modified file heading your way. Also the F7F is missing or has some odd data(Manifold Pressure) in the lines below from the engine entries in its data ini file. The ones below I puled from an F4U variant with the same engine as the F7F. MinManifoldPressure=26 MaxManifoldPressure=66 GasTempIdleRPM=70 GasTempMaxRPM=80 GasTempChangeRate=0.1 OverheatTemp=90 DamageTempDelta=20 OilPressIdleRPM=70.0 OilPressMaxRPM=80.0 OilPressChangeRate=0.4 LowOilPress=50.0 LowOilPressTempDelta=100
  14. It sounds to me like he is having a frame rate drop when acquiring a target.
  15. You are not using Julhelm's F-22 cockpit? It is in the SF2 section but I would think you should be able back fit it to SF1.
  16. Thanks for the clarification, it has been awhile since I set up my SF2: Vietnam install so I did not have the install details fresh in my mind when I put together the collection of links.
  17. Green Hell 3.5 by Stary Green Hell 3.5 optional trees graphics by Stary Green Hell 3.5 Enhancement Package by eburger68 Edit: MigBuster beat me to Green Hell 3.5. Added all the links below. Also once completely installed double check the GroundObject folder against the ships download section for any vessels that served in the theater that might be missing from the packages below. SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 1 by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 2 by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 3 by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 Gold - Part 4 by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - Terrain Update by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - Sep. 2014 Update by eburger68 SF2V Air & Ground War Expansion Pack v2.0 - VPAF Add-on by eburger68 SF2V Expansion Pack - End Game, 1974-1975 by eburger68 True VPAF part.1 (base files) 2.0 by paulopanz True VPAF part.2 (planes) 2.0 by paulopanz
  18. On the Essex Class, since we are not going to be using the hanger deck catapult in game, you only really need two different catapult layouts. One for the single starboard side catapult only flight decks and one for the dual catapult decks. There is no need to do a flight deck without any cat visible for the Essex CV-9 because even though she only had a catapult after May 6, 1943 the visible track on the deck for it was there from the start and she saw no action before her first catapult was installed. I did a little more research and found out when the Essex class ships WWII configurations were commissioned and decommissioned as well as the dates that the single catapult ships underwent the refits that installed the second deck catapult. As such I was able to put together two "_Names.ini" files for you. One "Essex1C_NAMES.ini" is for the single cat ships and the other "Essex2C_NAMES.ini" is for dual cat ships. "EndDate=" and "StartDate=" for ships that appear in both files take into account the dates they underwent refit. Essex Names Lists.7z
  19. Don't forget that after SF2: North Atlantic came out naval objects need a collision LOD. From the ThirdWire California Class cruiser. [GroundObjectData] DamagedModel= DestroyedModel= DestroyedEffect=ShipDestroyedEffect DamageEffect=ShipFireEffect SystemDamageEffect=ShipSystemFireEffect CollisionMesh=CGN-36_COL.LOD <---------- Needed for weapons to impact the object. SinkTime=63.0 EmptyMass=11501120.0 Component[001]=Hull Component[002]=Superstructure
  20. I thought I would get some screenshots in here before it closes. An F4D-1 Skyray landing upon the USS Bon Homme Richard, CV-31.
  21. Okay, I must have misread what you said Wrench. It is in the "EuroWW2_TYPES.INI". [TargetType153] Name=Eiffelturm FullName=Eiffel Tower ModelName=Eiffel_Tower.LOD TargetType=Misc ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=0 UseGroundObject=FALSE DamagePoint=200.0 ArmorValue=28516080.0 ArmorType=2 RepairRate=0.150 StartDetectChance=150 StartIdentifiedChance=50 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=22000.0 DamagedModel= DestroyedEffect=LargeTallStructureCollapse DestroyedModel=Eiffel_tower.LOD SecondaryEffect=LargeFire SecondaryChance=100
  22. Wrench, you might want to check your EAW Euro files is the SF2 downloads section. I just took a look at my ETO installation and the copy of the "sf2_ww2_europe_terrain.7z" file in my SF2 storage folder and both are missing the OldMetal.jpg file.
  23. Homeworld 1 & 2 Remastered

    Some of you might find this interesting.

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