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Everything posted by KJakker

  1. Hello everyone. Here are some Data file updates for Soviet ships. They consist of an update to the Slava that gives it missile capability similar to what is seen in WBS's ships in much the same way as the earlier files for the Udaloy did. Secondly an update to the Udaloy I & II that makes the missile capability more realistic than in the previous updates. Finally are three files for the Ulyanovsk. One that disables the guns and makes it a pure missile ship, one that disables the SA-N-11's making all of the the Kashtan's pure gun CIWS mounts. The third is mixed, making half the Kashtan's gun only, and half missile only. All of these files use the "KashtanRadar" nodes on each gun sponson as a node for the SA-N-9 missile allowing for a around simulated VLS missile coverage without interfering with the rest of the CIWS system. USSR Ship Update.7z
  2. I like your little piece of fiction. Given the accurate long range gunfire and the shape of the ship behind that Tactucal Tomahawk I am thinking what your mystery project could be. Does your shipyard have a DD-21 Zumwalt class destroyer on the ways?
  3. Chris Roberts, the creator of games like Wing Commander, Strike Commander, and Freelancer, after a ten year hiatus from making games, is back with a new project. The project is called “Star Citizen” and is planned to have both an online persistent world trading, exploration, and combat component in the pattern of games like Freelancer and Privateer and a single player with optional co-op play component in a military setting in the pattern of Wing Commander called “Squadron 42”. Both are set in the same Star Citizen universe. Chris Roberts is not relying on big name publishers to support his project but instead is using a combination of crowd funding and private investors. Below is the "Squadron 42" trailer and three links to where you can learn more about the project. The first link is to the home page of "Roberts Space Industries" website . The second link is to the "Star-Citizen" page of that site detailing what the project is. The third link is to the RSI YouTube channel for some videos on the project. Link to the RSI website. Link to the Star Citizen page at RSI. Link to the RSI YouTube Channel.
  4. If you did a fresh download of the full version of each of the SF2 games that you own then you should automatically be up to date. No patching required.

    I wholeheartedly agree! Longtime Tigers fans in my family. My Uncle even got to see the 1984 World Series finally in person. It will be wonderful if they do it again.
  6. Star Citizen/Squadron 42 a new Chris Roberts game.

    Electronic Arts owns the right to the Wing Commander IP so no there will not be another Terran/Kilrathi war. The enemy ship in the trailer belongs to the Vanduul who are supposed to be the United Empire of Earth's biggest adversary. However the developers say that it will not be so much a total war like Wing Commander but a setting more like the late Roman Empire where, at least in the Squadron 42 military service component, you are staving off the alien barbarian hordes. I would recommend reading all of the Time Capsule entries from oldest to newest as it fleshes out much of what is so far known about the universe the game will be set in. Also of note is that they have passed the $1,000,000 mark today and so are over halfway to the minimum funding for the project. They also have in response to community request open a Star Citizen page on Kickstarter as an alternate method of pledging.
  7. Incredible Video!

    Cool video. One thing I miss about the late 80's and early 90's was that it seemed like we had A-7's, F-4's, and F-16 visibly flying overhead at a regular basis. Now it's only A-10's much less often.
  8. I have not checked in with you in awhile but I must say that the new Leahy and Bainbridge are beautiful. I might just be me but they also feel more deadly in testing as well. A also agree with Julhelm and colmack on the updated Ticonderoga look. The rigging is really improves the look of the ship. I also wanted the comment on the Essex. I think that you should build it with all of the guns 5in, 40mm, and 20mm on the model. However, provide it with two or three different DATA.ini files so, that for example, one has no active 20mm, a second has some, and a third has all the 20mm. By doing that you would cater to both those who want historical accuracy and players with different system capabilities.
  9. Something that annoyed me was that the local media where I live thought that this was the first time ever that this had been done and did not even acknowledge Joseph Kittinger's earlier jumps.
  10. Hello everyone. I would like to ask for some help in finding some online videos. I am trying to find good videos that show the positive aspects of having a 3D cockpit and TrackIR working together. I am not looking for a simple TrackIR demonstration video. I am seeking instead videos showing the advantages of using a 3D cockpit in conjunction with TrackIR in a sim for combat flying. I would like, if possible, videos that stay with the pilot's eye view throughout the ACM/BFM portion of the videos. Also I would like the videos to be from as wide a range of simulations as possible, for example Strike Fighters 1&2, First Eagles1&2, Rise of Flight, DCS/LOMAC, IL-2:1946, Mig Alley, Falcon 4, Falcon BMS, JANE's F/A-18, and so on. My reason for asking is that there is a bit of a debate on another forum I have been reading about the issue of cockpit Vs. no-cockpit view, first person perspective (classic sim view) Vs third person perspective(FreeLancer, AceCombat style). However it seems to me like a lot of the people talking are not up on what the latest in flight sims are capable of providing in immersion and situational awareness. All I would like are some good examples of what is now possible so that I can present them for educational purposes, as in this case I think a picture(or video) is worth a thousand words. Thank you.
  11. Did you change your MaxPitch? I seem to recall that can interfere with checking six o'clock high in my testing. [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=f-4e_cockpit OpenCockpit=TRUE Position=0.0000,6.300,0.800 ViewAngles=0.0,-2.0,0.0 MaxYaw=160 MinYaw=-160 MaxPitch=90 <-----degrees
  12. I am not sure if the attached file is what you are looking for or not but test it and see how it does. FAEBombEffect.7z
  13. Diaspora: Shattered Armistice

    Glad to see this. I will have to head over to Hard Light Productions and get the download.
  14. It's in "MissionData001.CAT" in the Flight folder.
  15. I found a small error in the "Cavalier_DATA.ini" file. Both 5-inch guns are identified as [Gunbarrel1]. [Gunbarrel1] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=5IN_MK12 MuzzlePosition=0.0000,41.7196,7.3789 MaxAmmo=1000 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=5 EjectShells=FALSE [Gunbarrel1] SystemType=GUN GunTypeName=5IN_MK12 MuzzlePosition=0.0000,-350.7196,7.3789 MaxAmmo=1000 TracerLoading=5 BurstAmount=5 EjectShells=FALSE
  16. Awhile back I found out about an online course for learning Blender. http://gryllus.net/Blender/3D.html I hope the info might be helpful.
  17. I have posted the Fixed version of the Udaloy class files in the main SF2 Mods & Skinning Discussion forum here.
  18. Since the July update fixed the SAM issue I have been working on Ships air defenses again. I have managed to get all of the Udaloy & UdaloyII classes surface to air and CIWS weaponry working. All SA-N-9 launchers now function and I was able to link the SA-N-11's to the nodes of the unused RBU-6000 launchers so that they function without interfering with the Kashtan's CIWS gun role. This is only a pair of data.ini file for the ships. You will need the "Udaloy class upgrade package 1.0" and SF2:NA for these files to work. I think that this data.ini file should be integrated into the "Udaloy class upgrade package" as an optional data file. I would like to here your opinion of this file. Udaloy I&II INI Update.7z
  19. Apparently I did not do enough testing on the Udaloy I class please ignore its file. I make a new post when I am done fixing it.
  20. It has been awhile since I posted here but I have something I think you will be interested in. I have managed to get the Udaloy I and II classes SA-N-9's working with the SF2:NA Missile Gunner system and used and alternate node on the Udaloy II so that its SA-N-11's work without interfering with its CIWS guns system. Take a look and tell me what you think. Udaloy Sam Update.7z
  21. Naval SAMs are better than they were but are still a far cry from what they used to be. I still need to do more testing before I can say anything more accurate than that.
  22. 16 A-4C's armed with 6 Mk82's each attacked a battlegroup made up of Kiev, a Kashin, and 2 Krivak's scoring damage to Kiev for no losses. Second test 16 A-7E with the "StrikeNaval_76" loadout attacked a CVBG composed of Kiev, 3 Kashin class DD's, 3 Krivak I class FFG's, and 3 Krivak II class FFG's sinking Kiev and a Krivak with Walleyes for the lose of one A-7. I could understand slightly reducing the terminal stage effectiveness but this is just gutting the SAM threat.
  23. Anyone else having a problem with SAMs since the June patch? Some of the SAMs, instead of guiding on a target, appear to be flying a ballistic trajectory after launch until the missile hits the ground or the Missile Duration time ends. Primarily I see this happening with stock TW SAMs. I have seen it occur with the SA-N-1, SA-N-3, SA-N-4, RIM-7H, and RIM-66B so far. I am going to continue testing but I would like to know if anyone can confirm my observations.
  24. I have an RIM-162 in my weapons folder, I think I made the Data file myself. At the moment it is using "ModelName=AGM-78" as a place holder. I would like to know if anyone has a .LOD and texture files for an RIM-162 ESSM that I could use with it?
  25. I have been way for a bit but have still been working on ship missile defense. Take a look at the attached file. I has data files for the "Giuseppe Garibaldi", "Krivak II" and "Udaloy II" classes as well has a number of different guns in the 40mm to 130mm range for you to try on ships to see how they preform in the missile defense role. Please read the included read-me files for more information. SF2 CIWS4.7z

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