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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Even though I'm not the one being addressed, I'm still wondering how to respond to that, kinda like "WTF?"
  2. Yeah in the Mod folder you gotta make a folder for it as it doesn't automatically generate it when it's created.
  3. Are you putting it in the Mod folder? You have to put it there (and create a folder called "Terrains") in order for the game to recognize it.
  4. Me too, though I use the latest PS. But anyway didn't know that either and I've been using it since 2000, 2001 or so.
  5. EricJ Release Thread

    Got a request on the EricJ Helicopter Pack Steam page for a "SAM Container", and been thinking of doing it. Once I get the turret working I can see what I can do. More or less it will be a Titan AA style container. I don't have any idea for a more comprehensive system and don't need the Jets DLC for it (the missiles are just going to spawn from the launch tubes/boxes, etc. I don't see much else in the works for the forseeable future, but it could be a good addition. Plans are to make it similar to the VLS system, where you can access it with the Remote Terminal [NATO] and such. Other than that will be done in a week or so, depending on what I want it to look like in the first place.
  6. I don't remember if you uploaded the tanks either, but then again I didn't overwrite them either. But thanks for it, maybe I'll fly it someday.
  7. Ahh okay, my bad on misinterpreting you then.
  8. Yup and I'm trying to be pollitic in saying that I've been skinning for 24 or so years, Googling isn't a new concept my friend. I may not use it as much as some people, but I do use it, only when doing things that interest me (and bookmarking the USN official site for photos on occasion). So while I don't research as much as some people, I do know how to do it.
  9. EricJ Release Thread

    Right now I'm trying to focus on some Strike Fighters 2 stuff and so on. I'm mulling over doing a DSHKA for the Taliban Fighters mod, and found a good model from A2 (it was in the A2 Samples), and I had textures for it. I just gotta find the old model.cfg and make a working one for the game. Honestly I'm mulling it over whether I want to finish it (I need to do the config.cpp and model.cfg) or not, but it's in the folder at least. Only version I'm planning is the raised tripod version, no other versions planned. Also on the helo front I need to get the wheels rolling on the wheeled helos. My testbed helo didn't work out as planned, thinking if I used the Test_Plane_01 model.cfg it would work. Not yet but once I get that working, I'll update ASAP.
  10. That's some beautiful work ravenclaw!
  11. I do follow some Super Hornet groups, but most of them consist of pictures only, so I need to step up the defense news game, at least on Facebook. I follow more on LinkedIn, but I'm not on it that much. But we'll see I can find some later and get better info and such.
  12. To be honest with you I don't keep up with most defense related stuff, not even the Super Hornet, so it's news to me, as well as the AIM-174B. I mean I'll find out eventually, but maybe the US Navy will join the program? If so then I'm sure that they'll develop a version to handle the shocks of landing on a deck.
  13. Who knows but I don't think the USN is giving up on the program though, I would think they would still need medium range AAMs though.
  14. Good to know dtmdragon, thanks for this.
  15. Here's the Viper Team birds, I don't have any TW templates however. Viper Team Fighting Falcon.7z
  16. For which F-16? The Viper Team ones? If so I can hook you up
  17. Okay cool, I'll put them on the Block IIs and IIIs for the future. As far as model editing for the birds GKABS is a bit busy, so when I get updates I'll update everybody on that.
  18. That is an important question. I don't want to know where it goes though.
  19. Oh, seemed you were talking to me, but okay

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