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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Figured out the problem, added this: [Nation001] NationID=256 Name=Dhimar DisplayName=Dhimari Air Force Alignment=FRIENDLY PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 [Nation002] NationID=257 Name=Paran DisplayName=Parani Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesArabic.lst RankList=RanksRAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=POOR GenderRatio=0 To the RANGE_NATIONS.ini file...
  2. Open the Targets.ini and verify the name of what's missing, find that particular ship and add it to the GroundObjects folder. Then when you run the campaign, it'll show up.
  3. Well if you're interested in getting it in-game shoot me a PM
  4. F/A-18E: Armed Reconnaissance, Escort, Strike, Anti-Ship, Fighter Sweep, Intercept, Combat Air Patrol, Reconnaissance, Close Air Support, SEAD. F/A-18F: Armed Reconnaissance, Escort, Strike, Anti-Ship, Fighter Sweep, Intercept, Combat Air Patrol, Reconnaissance, Close Air Support, SEAD, FAC(A)
  5. Hell I was flying a Flanker one time and took a Sparrow as soon as I lifted off the runway...
  6. Hell the afghan map has more than you EVER need...
  7. Shoot I got a Rafale if you're interested...
  8. Well for the files above, copy and paste this onto the Afghanistan_Types.ini: [TargetType099] Name=Taliban FullName=Taliban TargetType=AAA ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=100 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=Taliban RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=40 StartIdentifiedChance=0 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=0 MaxVisibleDist=16000 DestroyedEffect=SmallRocketGroundExplosion SecondaryEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryChance=50 Now, after a more successful mission, it's HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you have your fuel at 75%, no internal bay tank for Bone CAS missions. I carried 30 GBU-38s and my mission (along with the above modified information, thanks Spectre_USA) it went much much better. Now if Gepard would put a Large Airbase in Pakistan things would be allright.
  9. Which I need to do then... as I detect MANPADS (which in all practicality isn't too bad...) better. Okay for SEAD but not CAS. Thanks for the tip! But yeah I know, but as long as I can adjust the visual distance, then it's not a matter.
  10. Here's some other things. Unfortunately since the E key (AFAIK) is the only way to target those targets of opportunity, and not being able to use the pod, you have to literally fly low and select targets. First two is an "appropriate" distance to turn around. Last photo shows how difficult it is to see and target, though if you have explosions, dust clouds, etc then it'll be easier, but it'll put you in the envelope of Stingers/SA-7s/AAA. If the targeting system was a lot better then CAS in the Bone with PGMs would be much easier.
  11. Also here's the ini's just in case as I've messed with it... Afghanini.7z
  12. I modified this off of a regular jet CAS mission. To say the least, trying this is a challenge... B-1 Afghan.7z
  13. A-10 Vs. F-18

    Well having some experience the A-10 is CHOICE for Afghanistan, and along with attack helicopters, the best. F-15E is good, but not the best, but it drops bombs, and drops them accurately, so it's not so much whether it's faster or slower, it's how you employ it. Having only virtual experience, and watching from the ground, fast jets can and do work in the CAS environment. We've been in 'ghan for nine years and never heard a complaint about most jets in-theatre.
  14. From my old years of beta testing in LOMAC, there wasn't any real extensive discussion of how to model ECM. It's a jammer, and therefore it jams. There was burn through and such modeled, but not exciting stuff such as Jam and Shoot, or DRFM, etc.
  15. Another CAS mission. Been testing the bomb dropping AI and seeing how it works but this is me also working...
  16. I don't know as I like the F variant more than the E. Two seaters just look cooler I guess...
  17. It should be noted and obvious if you want to use this for CAS missions, it's going to be pretty interesting. Obviously, turning and burning... well... isn't that bad actually, it's just the lineup and the gameism of the E key versus distance. For a proper drop, you're going to have to target the enemy, then extend out to get around back to the target. Now, if you are a good flyer, you have to keep the thrust up, and even then, you have to pray slightly. But all in all I managed to engage three targets, getting a success. Don't take a wingman along. The amount of ordnance you can haul is more than enough for a generated mission. I'd highly recommend JDAMs, just sayin...
  18. "In Hot" (first one) "Out for a stroll" (last three pics)
  19. Same on mine, though I use my own version based off of Wrench's...
  20. Well can't argue with that Spectre_USA

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