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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. On the left side of the HUD is the "meatball" as echoed in the cockpit. That's realistically and small garnishings such as an accurate weapons status panel below the HUD.
  2. Don't ask me brother, Fubar512 knows more than I do, sorry I wish it was but that's not a project I'm involved in. I just got years of experience with that bird to "feel" the resistance when doing that loop.
  3. FM looks about right, compared to LOMACs...
  4. More progress. The HARM is strictly a weapon ini edit, apart from the SH. However got you a shot Vampyre Additionally, gear well, and more buddy pod, as well as wing, tailfin, and tailplane work.
  5. Which is a simple ini edit, so thanks for the heads up and now will go test it out. And the way FC is doing stuff... Yes I am confident it will.
  6. Just to throw some moderator strength behind this, but don't degenerate this topic into a Super Hornet vs. Tomcat thread, or no holds barred post deleting. This is why we have a Military Aviation forum here on CA, so know your place, not in a thread for a mod. Understood?
  7. I'm looking for some good recommendations on how to be accurate with bombs with the F-111A, any tips?
  8. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...s&showcat=2
  9. That's what I said right? Cool looking though..
  10. And a technique that requires practice for me, though I found out a diving attack works wonders too, pickling bombs off. And what is this jazz about terrain following radar? Or need of one?
  11. If you need a tutorial on how to fly at low level, I can do one up man. I've been doing low level mountain work since EF2000 and really my pride is wanting to be rude about it, but I can work one up based on what you fly (if I have the aircraft).
  12. Well thankfully we've all been there, and done that with drama. Me and Dave used to moderate for the Ubi Soft Lock On boards..... and I'm glad they dropped me, because it was Drama City and you can only deal with so much before you realize you need something new. And after that experience, we don't want to see it return, but thankfully the people coming in are mature enough already, so it makes our lives easier. I've over the course here had like... one person that got on my nerves, but then again the rules that MadJeff outlined for us has kept us in chains too.
  13. Thanks man, and you got some cool stuff too! Resized tank texture (no real change)
  14. Ahhh yeah, now that you mention it... no problem, just gonna have to suffer with one tank lod lol. On the serious note, I'll resize it to 512 x 512 and see the results. I wasn't sure about the resizing down, but will do.
  15. Was doing a texture check and decided to show off some more of FastCargo's work. Here's the buddy pod in "action" Note, check the propeller (green part). Not sure about the length but here's a nice little video on what it was prior. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FA-18_Au...l_Refueling.ogg
  16. Do not worry about such things and mind yourself on this subject. Any more questions and your death is certain by these foul beasts.
  17. While just finishing up a long and boring strike mission in Israel a thought came up to me. Is it possible to do the drop tanks like the buddy refuelling pod? The idea is that I'm sure the ATFLIR won't take up much room on the template.. and to solve the inevitable issue of one texture > model. Not sure if the game will support it but it would allow a multitude of skins per map right? So not sure if it's what I'm thinking but if you had one skin VFA-105 and VFA-14 both would be shown right? Also it would cut down on RAM usage ALOT since we're not using a large texture map also. Looking at the template you sent, it's possible to break down the tank like the pod and still have room for the ATFLIR easy. Sound workable? Because honestly 2048 x 2048 is a bit much for a fuel tank. Not much detail is needed for it and it's good enough as it is IMHO and quite honestly fit alot of detail in a small area. Spoiler/airbrake animations. I finally as said earlier figured out how the tail brakes (the Super Hornet doesn't obviously use the massive dorsal one from the Legacy's) work. Once you activate the spoilers, and when you get below (at this case, not sure of actual speed) 45 knots the tail brakes automatically deploy. It combined with the weight, you slow down quick. Touchdown was just at the edge of the runway and this is where I finally stopped, also with the wheel brakes.
  18. I would stick with slimers as an animation. I've watched "Ice Hornets" about Swiss Hornets and most of the time the formation lights are on, but I'm sure real practice is to allow them to be switched on/off without the normal lights. Some tank work. Been getting alot of references from elsewhere and seems to help alot. Be advised the texture map for the tank is 2048 x 2048!! And roger that FC, as always great work!
  19. Slimers are now implemented on the aircraft.

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