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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Nah man it's our MOAS (Mother of All Spam) that will save the day....
  2. Nice, I think I have noticed that, but never seen it happen, as it would be nice to have a drone only system, but the way the game rotates, might as well deal with what is thrown at you...
  3. Stay safe Mannie...

    Be safe brother, as well as your family.
  4. Sorry bro, turned into a couple days, but it works!
  5. DCS: A-10C Warthog

    Really you're shorting the Ka-50 sim... it's very detailed, with Kamov's help. It's much more different and alot more aspects invovled than just having a single seat helicopter. And alot of the original code had to be rewritten to accommodate other issues, so they're not doing it half-baked.
  6. Nope, no X-31 as of yet.
  7. I'm sure it's easy to add, just copy and paste from any other mission, and I use the KMD for positioning. Not the greatest but it works!
  8. Post October patch it really doesn't make any difference, so instead of it being "limited" to just WOE, anyone can fly it in the WoX series
  9. Quite actually I have "live" SAMs pop up occasionally cycle through, since I have a more modern timeline rather than back then... makes for some interesting practice missions...
  10. Sure man will get a report tomorrow. I'll fly it on Red Range and see...
  11. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showforum=107 You might just try asking because I don't think many people really view this section, and it's kinda messed up nobody's answering... If I knew I would tell you bro, but I don't know.
  12. Ahh that's good info on the F-35... As for the SH... Hey man I get the same way with projects. I gotta touchup WDHs splinter, not sure about your secondary Sagheah camo, but yeah man it's all good, least it's nearer. Also have a few ANW airstrips to work on, and this and that, but just flying around, trying to settle my mind at the mo anyways. , and always brah, thanks! And please map the SH like you did the F-5F/Sagheah.... it's just beautiful
  13. After years of being tied up with the military, I think it means that it's for missions requiring an external weapon. Which... maybe for CAS duties but if it's a bigger caliber then I can see it, or for something requiring an external gun. It's the Air Force... go figure Rog FC... that bad?
  14. Nice work... hope to see quality when you get the SH done
  15. DCS: A-10C Warthog

    Yeah.. that's the main stickler. Alot of details that would enhance the sim... are classified, and Matt knows it, so they can only get unclassified data to make approximations.
  16. I really have to agree on this one, yeah I named some stuff, but overall the selection and amount of effort was great...
  17. Actually a better planning map would be good too, showing the countries maybe? I got a story in the works that I may do, but a good geomap would be nice.
  18. DCS: A-10C Warthog

    Yeah, but the A-10C is going to be easier due to most of the groundwork laid out already, so hopefully it'll take less time than BS itself..
  19. Two weeks Blackbird? Skin looks nice...
  20. F-35 Yah I fly the SH alot, but waiting for a better version to fly in two weeks Best Terrain: Black Sea ANW Rebuild.
  21. I would say no, it's not working. Maybe the year, but I flew Red Air in a MIG-29, and I think IR missiles for ground units are borked, i.e. just don't work. I mean I flew around a few times, but the coding is for the tail shot only, and not just all-aspect. Either that, and give it a radar system because I get pegged at by Tors, Tanguskas, SA-3s, etc.

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