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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Looking cool man, too bad they can't allow them in Single missions though..
  2. Gepard posted some stats for the FIM-92A (which it uses) and I used FC's stinger, and still not getting fired at. Conversely the Stingers don't fire either, has to be some settings that need to be really tweaked.. And I forgot where he posted them
  3. You going to make a two seater? Also a suggestion for an "enhanced" version, maybe add a targeting pod pylon like the Gripen? Don't get me wrong it'd be cool but if not possible okay. And as far as the plane goes, great at high speeds but at lower speeds it's not doing to well.. could have been the load I was carrying (Two AGM-88s, Two Mavs, 4 'winders, and a tank) but I nearly crashed the plane on finals...
  4. Nice, I hope these work in lieu of the Hardened Stingers... can't get them to fire, so hopefully when I beat feet home I cot something to cover my six....
  5. I'll need to get with Dave on some decals.. but here's a start.
  6. Almost done... if somebody wants to do the decals fine... as I'm starting on the skin itself, but if anybody's interested...
  7. Actually it goes to the tailplanes, so I got the right tailplane (forgot the left tailplane image) and then it's more work, detailing, etc.
  8. Is anybody going to redo the Mavericks? Methinks they're a tad not right....
  9. Aha.... More SAM sites on the Red side.. It's too easy to slip in the Cacauscus. And I'm not sure if it's WideSky, but the cloud coverage... man... Is it really like that over there?
  10. I'm running DBS, ANW 4-Seasons, SoCal, Greece 1.1, Range, Red Range, and the Black Sea map and really no issues are showing up. I do however have issues with DRV, as I'd really like to fly that map with modern SAMs and stuff, would make it interesting.
  11. It will be. But yeah the model is good enough, but not quality unfortunately, but something may be on the horizon to reflect that. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=34243 ETA "two weeks" or when it's done its done.
  12. Thanks! Coming along. For the reason that it moves so fast is I use alignment lines, something I realized years ago doing something for Cat from SimHQ. It was painful, but taught me alot, so while annoying, it's fast. Plus CS3 loads fast and so does WOI.
  13. Well.. there seems to be a more propensity for day missions, than night missions. I don't know how to set it up, but it always seems like I'm flying in the day (times set to Random), but other maps I get night as well often. And it's supposed to snow here in Afghanistan, but so far just seen it on the moutaintops.. Then again most of the complaints are just game related really. I've been toying with the idea of adding the Highway Airfield mod as I found a few good locations in the Turkey area. The Crimea you can saturate but it gets kinda out of control, but a great area to do it.
  14. Thanks! And I admit man.. it's starting to look sweet too
  15. More work. Still needs to be refined, especially in the nose/canopy area, but it's coming along nice, and thanks!

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