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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Only thing I would suggest though, but my mind could be fuzzy, that the outer ring was yellow right? Got a few tweaks and should be good to go..
  2. And also reference which Mig-29 to use?
  3. I'd PM like column5 or FastCargo, or lindr2, or Veltro2K, Julhelm, they might be able to sort you out.
  4. Tu-22KD

    Just a dumb question. I downloaded this, decided to fly something heavier... and no cockpit worky. Is this supposed to be an AI aircraft because it's listed in the Player flyable dropdown menu, so...
  5. Damn would be nice to have that terrain... but you planning on doing that for the Black Sea map?
  6. I really had hoped to bring screenshots, but accidentally deleted them, but FC has a couple fixed errors, and going to try and figure out the rest..
  7. Use the Weapon Editor in the downloads section. That's why, because you need to open the Weapondata.ini with the Editor, and verify your weapons are there, and then save it, and viola! fuel tanks and Pheonixes galore..
  8. After settling down and fixing issues, finding one and quashing it, I'm back up in business, so tonight I'll start back to work on it
  9. Nah, the C-17 is where it's at, flown from Iraq to Germany in one, and from Kyrgistan to Bagram and never had to worry about leg room, now that's flying!
  10. Unfortunately since my restore didn't include the INI files... I have to redo the whole thing, so once I get back on my feet, will send it to you jtin.
  11. Don't bogart the screenies man, I may get it and want to see more of the product...
  12. I have to admit, the screenie got my interest back into that map. I've flown it so much in LOMAC I didn't want to bother, but now... yeah...
  13. I'm having issues with RapidShare as well, or the policies here block me from it, so if somebody can just PM me it, email me it, I'd appreciate it. OR we can just decide that like the F-35, we can upload it so people can enjoy it, even as a beta, much like the F-35.
  14. Roger will download later on tonight, thanks!
  15. I'll second that, last week I deleted a rocket from the weapons list, and WOI no worky at all, post patch, etc. etc. So yeah sometimes it's a little deletion here that can screw up things there.. Also of note, I think TK patched WOI with the October Patch. Reason I say this is that when I finally downloaded WOI and well got the October patch, it said it was good to go... have yet to see, but sounds promising for customer support.
  16. Just an advisement, when you back up with HP, your Ini files aren't.. but the good thing is the PSDs are still good, so once I get the Seaqeh back from FC, I can begin
  17. It does look cool but almost in the process of reinstalling WOI anyways so I should be shortly back on track..
  18. That's actually how to do it, and it worked fine for me.
  19. Yeah so there's obviously something running around. I'll have to download WOI again as the restore thoughtfully didn't include the .exe and System files... so yeah.. it's going to be delayed for a minute until I get it worky again.

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