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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. I just hope the frakking thing works!
  2. I think it's certain missions, same with me. Once you cross the "border" as defined in the (Mapname)_Movment.ini file. The enemy tends to do the same. I've noticed that on the NW map, the Norway map, and I am sure others as well. But that's my speculation anyways..
  3. I just hope it's better than it is currently...
  4. Didn't forget... I got a PDF on the decals, so hopefully I can edit them to work.
  5. Has anybody gotten the ADATS and Stinger to work? I've flown missions on the Red side, and they don't do squat. I fly BLUFOR and man they like to pummel the stuffing out of me.... any updates that fixes this issue so I can feel "safe" in my own territory on missions?
  6. Gotcha, thanks will try it out!
  7. More quick work.. getting the camo pattern done. One of the left views shows initial panel lines, while I readjusted the reflection on the top pic. It was a bit much...
  8. 101tfs, was wondering when somebody was going to introduce modern Russian SAMs..
  9. No audio for RWR. Was doing a strike mission and got ambushed by a pair of Su-27s and took two AA-11s to the rear. Needless to say, not good.
  10. Agreed, anything does really. And ETA is "two weeks" of course. Thankfully IRIAF skins overall aren't difficult, just painful to line up...
  11. Here's some prelim work on the Sagheah...
  12. Sure it's valid, as the locals here use whatever is available too. Iraq too. And overall a vehicle is easier than a jet plane anyways, so it's all good. Guess I gotta add that to my list of things to do. But overall Russian is olive drab or I think... Forest Green.
  13. Got the four field strips done for the US/Alliance side. I know most Russian aircraft have rough field capability, so I'll start adding GS Forward Air Strips as well. Forward Airstrip 1 should be good for AI/Player, I did a test run and had to readjust but needs more confirmation. Forward Airstrip 2 should be okay for AI, I'd check aspect before I sign off on this one, need other help with this one. Forward Airstrip 3 good for both. Forward Airstrip 4 good for both. AmericaNW_TARGETS.zip
  14. Going with the man who's seen it from that perspective, it may be a great idea to upload it
  15. http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00007.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00008.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00009.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00006.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00004.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00005.jpg http://562.50megs.com/WoI/Screens/img00010.jpg Try these links.
  16. I've seen M1A1s in the Afghanistan maps, and the America NW map too. But why it cycles to the FC radar.. no clue.. Operating at the Salmon River Forward Operating Strip 4
  17. I agree on the Hilux, that would be a GREAT addition!
  18. More work, had to readjust and still tweaking a couple sites, but the third is good, done on pure autopilot with wingnut for AI QC
  19. True, but a Harrier can't carry ECM. I'm telling you in some places it saves you. The F-35 has it internal, so no loss in weapon carrying capability.

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