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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Nice stuff man, too bad they never made the landing gear more modern :D
  2. GRAW 2 PC Beta in April

    Yeah but the thing is, I've been and seen quite a lot of desert, and fixiing later on this year to see more. So yeah there's a little aversion to constant desert, but as long as the San Machismo, Kerplakistan, or Central Republic of the Gibbon countries have no desert I'll be okay. I'll more than likely get GRAW 2, but given the paltry modding scene for GRAW, I don't have much hope.
  3. kewl man, if you need any reference pics that I've gleaned let me know and I'll get them too you. Most of them are from Airliners.net but at the same time it'll save some trouble and possibly time...
  4. Yes yes that's cool. I figure that'd allow my dumb wingnuts to waste all the ammo on one target while i plink away. Yeah it took some fanagaling between me and USAFMTL one night, and we got it to work. He's AF so he's more into the Sniper XR while I was just happy with the lightning. Add this to your weapons list: [WeaponDataxxx] TypeName=USN LIGHTNING POD FullName=Lightning Targeting Pod ModelName=LIGHTNING_POD Mass=75.000000 Diameter=0.359000 Length=2.235000 AttachmentType=USN NationName=USN StartYear=1995 EndYear=2020 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=25 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1995 ExportEndYear=2020 ExportAvailability=2 WeaponDataType=4 StoreType=3 CameraFOV=2.500000 CameraPosition=0.000000,0.000000,0.000000 CameraYaw=0.000000 CameraPitch=0.000000 CameraRoll=0.000000 SightTexture= EODisplayFlags=268501250 SeekerRange=30.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=120.000000 SeekerNodeName= This works for me since the Tomcat before being retired used the Lightning and looks way better than the AAQ-14. I got a small project to redo a skin for a more TPS Grey than the blue that it is right now.
  5. Ahh okay, I'm enroute to Hood myself, though I'll be in 1ID again. So I guess you're going to have fun with the horse, or the horse is going to have fun with you ;)
  6. Just a note, after dropping some GBU-22s, I noticed they're alot more.... "finicky" as far as employment. I think I got it figured out, I just have to do a few more runs and I'll probably update it again. Though one question has me wondering. Is it possible to buddy lase? or is it each aircraft needs it's own laser system?
  7. This weekend I'll have it ready. I've still got the fuselage end from the canopy to find and weather, but here's some minor touchups to the modex number color. Original grey, now black:
  8. That's the issue some people had, electronics modelling, but this is WOE. With the current radar I have modelled from the F/A-18A (it's what I have to use in lieu of the jacked up cockpit it came with) I can get acquisition, lock and shoot around 40nm, so it's not too bad. Also an aspect ratio check:
  9. @Victory103: Yeah that's essentially what I'm working for. I did one for an Su-33 for a LOMAC mod and it turned out beautiful, and I got these nice marking textures lying about... But since I'm working on the one that's currently out, then yeah I'll wait for the MF one and then do one if they change the whole texture (which I hope they do!) mapping, etc. I mean the amount of skins I do is depending on Mirage Factory and their schedule. If it's imminent I'll probably transfer this one to theirs, and go from there. @Typhoid: Yeah true, and thanks! Besides I got 664 reference photos for the Tomcat, so I should be doing allright
  10. Well essentially I could have either the G or F but really I'm more of an F person. But yeah it'd be more or less marcfighter doing the E version Some comparisons: http://www.airliners.net/search/photo.sear...ine_version=6.0 This above is the link that will take you to the F-18/A/B/C/D/E/F image library: Current one I have: I can deal with the pylons not being 9 degrees, but it's not an SH with the weird look to them. In some pics it actually looks cool. Marcfighter, if it was a smoking model and I had made it, or helped skin it, the attitude towards the release would be a 180 degree turnaround, i.e. we'd be talking about release, and etc etc. You have to understand (like we keep repeating this) that this model is utter crap, just compare between the photos on Airliners.net and the screens above. It's crap, but it's great to fly around, and second to the Tomcat as far as maneuverability, and you can just load alot of stuff on the SH. So again to everybody: The model that USAFMTL was given to me because I pestered him about it and he said "okay here, look at this crap" So yes the model IMO is utter crap. It's okay but there's better out there and we both realized this. Part of this was to get an SH into WOE because if MSFS can do it, so can WOE. So this current model I have is and won't be for release. The errors above are enough to make me tolerate it, not enjoy it, as said, the community could do alot better. trust me Marcfighter if I hadnt bought that model and capun did the work he did, then I'd take your model untextured anyday, trust me.
  11. In reflection, Operation Dreamland (Chapter 17) is perhaps still the best story of them anyways. Shouldn't be too difficult to design something like that, given the cities involved and it's targetable in WoE.
  12. Well so far the best route is from the mirror, not so much the actual download link. We've had issues as well as me, and so far right now there's not move to fix it.
  13. wings over europe squadrons?

    You know you've been simming to know what Kali.net was. I had a talk with USAFMTL about that, and I've been hankering for a sqadron, but I'm too Lone Wolf for it though. Maybe as an online trainer, and for fun, but that's about it.
  14. Well we'll probably treat it like the Lavi, tell them not to make it, then sell something crappier.... nice looking though, needs a ring mount..
  15. Tornado @ Tulsa

    That's called desperation, I mean Oklahoma.. god I can't wait to leave this s**thole.
  16. Saitek X52 4 sale

    Sorry, my Sidewinder Precision 2 is my stick, and will stay that way until it really dies out...
  17. Tutorial updated, along with mission, same link too.
  18. The more modern aircraft use either the lightning, LANTIRN. Older aircraft (Vietnam-era) use the Pave Spike.
  19. Yeah I mean the Kuz. It used to be real difficult but once I got it, I've been doing night, day traps, some inclement weather. It's just easy. The problem I'm having is my stabs jack up the up trim, so I'm more or less fighting the aircraft, and not concentrating on snagging the wire. Moving isn't too big of an issue but still, if you can do over 200 and so on, then it shouldn't be to hard in the sim. And yeah I've done some real bad landings, smacked into the tail, etc.
  20. USAFMTL again is right. Since I got something to work off of, work that will be done with the one I got (which again, won't be released) to develop weapons, stores, etc. When a more complete model is in fruition, then I'll send them to USAFMTL so we can add it to the one in development. Besides, the one I got is crap, which is why I was so anxious to get it started. But the E version would be nice, kinda like a Super Hornet Pack or something, I mean still got the EA-18 to do.. Woulnd't want all that work to go to waste
  21. I actually got a tutorial in use in the works (or I gotta fix some mission issues) for LGBs, but here's the PDF: http://562.50megs.com/WOE/Tutorials/GWU.zip
  22. It's not difficult, probably just copy a weapon and then add the model instead of a regular missile (such as a Mav) and so be it.
  23. Wing doesn't blend as it should, but cool nontheless...

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