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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Yeah true, though I unzipped it using 7zip too, so it doesn't look too bad :) BTW Falcon161 I took a screenshot for you of it and added to your file description.
  2. LGB, currently the JDAMs are treated like LGBs in WOE purposes for use, so to use them you'll need a targeting pod too (Lightning, etc.)
  3. Actually I'm getting quite interested in Carrier landing procedures, as I've been trying to trap in WOE and can't do it for the life of me. Now in LOMAC I can VFR trap in an Su-33 loaded to the gills but this is insane. I mean are the horizontal stabs supposed to act like you just added a crapload of up trim?
  4. Well the ratio is really amount of topics, not so much of anything else. If it's a few topics yeah okay we leave it alone. Member the emphasis is amount of topics, not so much the type. So for now since there's only two topics, we'll leave it alone for now.
  5. yeah it's just some super duper high-tech names for some super duper stuff. I'm sure a good modder could make them up.
  6. Was going to ask are you going to release this individually given it's going to be a mod or? (yes I read above but it's beautiful so I had to ask anyways...)
  7. I've been using the CVA-63, and this is a "successful" trap:
  8. Only thing I did was use a hex editor to change the texture name and created a new tank. Unfortunately you can't switch between different styles of tanks (i.e. this one and the original one) within WoE, so you use this one for all of them or just this one, the option should be there, but it's not unfortunately. And finally I got a nice shot during a decent part of the day:
  9. Honestly IMHO there's not enough topic content to warrant such a thing man. If traffic were heavier yeah, but now? No.
  10. If he could I'd be most appreciative, or Alienjb42 has a lead for me as well, so we'll see.
  11. http://www.lockonfiles.com/modules.php?nam...1a8b7d3e6df8719 Here's stuff I did for LOMAC last week. I'd actually like to be able to open the file, as the one on here is ".ipb" and frankly don't know what that file type is. Is it just the Su-27 by Marcfighter with the nation changed to USAF or USN?
  12. Look Who's 35 Today....USAFMTL

    Happy Birthday brah! now give me 35 push-ups!
  13. Alienbj42, you got a PM as well, I figure if he's not going to reply, I can send you what I got. I've been over it last night, and it's alot better than the monster above.... LOL USAFMTL has a point though, he did do that so I could at least see and to stop bugging him about the SH, so yeah, let's see about making eighty bucks worth it. I mean hell I'm the one who spent the money, and I'm offering it for FREEEEEE. Yep get it into WOE and yep, I'll send the joker over, seriously.
  14. GRAW 2 PC Beta in April

    lol yet the Russians didnt' try and seize Ghost Recon, etc. I never liked the whole Mexico thing anyways, Europe is where it's at really, leave the hechos alone..
  15. Look, just that last phrase could start some stuff, so please I would highly recommend future posts return to the topic of a Su-27 in US colors, not the Middle East. I don't want flashbacks from the Ubi boards, I just don't.
  16. Oh I know, but the main problem is that despite that, I don't know jack about multiple flap settings. I mean you've explained some valid stuff don't get me wrong, but I just didnt' actually know, so thanks, now I understand a bit better
  17. Okay first, NO CAPS. Second of all, the model is "as is" meaning it sucks, will continue to suck, unless a) somebody helps me get the model I spent 80 bucks for into there, or B) makes one themselves. I can't find the original MAX model as to include the things you suggested, the fuselage needs to be bigger by a bit, the intakes area all wrong, mapping needs to be redone. That's along with the noted stuff. So sorry until it's worked on, then we can have a decent model. Unless you know how to convert from LOD to MAX, then we can get down to business. Plus the two inner pylons aren't offset by 9 degrees, nor are they spaced properly, due to the LERX being all jacked up. But I am working on at least improving the skin. The ini file had to be edited, weight-wise, and god forbid I show you the cockpit. I had to use a regular Bug cockpit so I can at least have something reasonable... Oh yes, the tank model and texture (unedited) is via Mesh Factory, so if I do go public with this joker eventually, then that at least is by them.. And to reiterate again, I know it sucks, and mentioned when I first showed shots. Since I cannot get my model to work, you will continue to see this sucking model.
  18. Well apparently the already mapped texture works, so:
  19. "Fixed" the fuel tank texture. I'm going to try and make a seperate model (via hex editor and texture, if you don't mind Typhoid): EDIT: Well some checks anyways, and it looks like you can't have two types (to be able to select between various skins) so I guess when I do release it (looking like next week for sure, it's getting more and more finished). I'll have to just include the edited stuff.
  20. SA-7. But I've done a couple combat landings in a C-130 so I know what the experience is like though we didnt get shot at (Balad). But I've been simming for.... 8 to 10 years and I've done quite a bit, so there's still no concise answer why I would need any more flap settings than what's already what's around. I think that's my point. I figure a "combat" flap setting is a relic of WWII and not something thats applicable to jets and I'm wondering how much is enough before you start re-inventing the wheel, in which case doesn't need to happen.
  21. Politics, pure and simple man, alof ot the people I know don't like the Super Hornet, as in some cases (most) it's not a proper replacement for the Tomcat. Well I agree and disagree on that point. As an active duty member in the US Army, I have to deal with whatever they issue me, so I think some have to admit time moves on, and so should alot of people. Not to say that the Tomcat was a crappy plane, it's one of (and still very much is) one of my favs, just that the SH is still a good looking plane, and nothing wrong with admiring beauty. Another thing, the model in the screenshots and the wireframe are two different things, I'm trying to get the wireframe to replace what's in the screenies.
  22. Well I at least got the new tanks in WoE. However the plane, heretofore nicknamed as "No Name Plane": I've followed some of the basic stuff from Thirdwire, and tried just exporting the aircraft itself, but it's crashing. Is it because of poly count or? Granted there may not be much enthusiasm towards the No Name Plane, but heck, I spent eighty bucks, so if anything, I'll use it and be done with it really.
  23. Thanks, with Le Missioneur you have to select "Must take off from airfield" and select:
  24. New Combat Flight Sim!?

    And still we wait for more, but I'm still sticking with LOMAC.

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