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Everything posted by EricJ

  1. Meow

    http://tomcatalley.com/images/f14d/vf2/f14d2fo.htm Now my desktop image
  2. Yeah, so if it's "NUKE.LOD" then that goes in there. SF1/WOE/WOV automatically looks in the appropriate folder and if there, it's automatically loaded when you start the mission.
  3. This is as described the "CAG" aircraft for VF-213 back in the day when it had the 100 modex and obviously they kept it flying even though at the time period, was a 200 series modex. But anyways, something to keep me busy (and been wanting to do this one too) until the F/A-18F comes around (then I can do one for that too!): Don't mind that bit by the left tailfin, I know what it is, the swatch I used for the blue stripe.
  4. More work, getting the numbers correctly placed on it. This bird has more "213"'s on it than the whole entire Navy...
  5. Yeah whoever made the model forgot to make it the appropriate selection. Why SF1/WOE/WOV doesn't show pylons when it's not loaded is anyones (besides TK's of course) guess on that one. For Tomcat shots I have to at least put a 'winder on there so it'll show up, or it'd look pretty odd if the right hand pylon is showing vis a vis the left hand not there. Weird.
  6. Well I PMd Marcfighter, and he responded back. Seems the holdup was the speedbrake issue, which is solved, considering that the MSFS version is the only one that showed it. Sure there's a load of pics on Airliners.net, but hey, you don't see all the brakes deployed at once so after that, the mapping stage..
  7. Oh okay, I didn't honestly know he had it man, ok
  8. Well I borked the grey camo so I redid it. Sometimes the Navy gets me as far as the right "color" since grey is used, and can mess you up under certain lighting. And this was the case as far as this one. So I redid and resubmitted it. Apologies if you downloaded it before, simply overwrite with this one.
  9. File Name: AJ101 VF-31 "Tomcatters" CO Bird File Submitter: Flanker562 File Submitted: 25 Apr 2007 File Updated: 25 Apr 2007 File Category: F-14 Gonna have to take a hit on this one. Seems the US Navy has a way of messing me up, so I thought I was good until I saw some more pics, so what the hell, I messed up, so I redid the grey to hopefully the "right" color this time. Sorry if you downloaded this previously, then redownload again. Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    Gonna have to take a hit on this one. Seems the US Navy has a way of messing me up, so I thought I was good until I saw some more pics, so what the hell, I messed up, so I redid the grey to hopefully the "right" color this time. Sorry if you downloaded this previously, then redownload again.
  11. Ahh well during 02 when they were on the Vinson they had the 100 modex. In any case, I've seen some older pictures and so it had a 100 on the nose, so I figure that since they went to 200 they just kept it while the 200 and 201 were colorful, but not as much as this one.
  12. They should have put it Jaguar style really , then most people would have kittens
  13. Also looks like I have to make a carrier unable to move. I can trap in LOMAC no sweat static or moving, but this is something I gotta get down while it's not moving.
  14. lol it's not your fault man, don't worry about it. If there's so much opposition then forget about it.
  15. Maybe but we'll see though okay? I mean it's not like I can't unlock it again. It's a few clicks fo sho.
  16. Yeap, though USAFMTL would want to challenge the "Libya" date. Sure it's probably when we blew up Quadaffi's house but hey, it's The Court of USAFMTL.
  17. Touche, but one grows tired of "when's this mod going to be released?" all the time. I've done modding too so I know that it takes a while for certain projects. It's not like I've just started in the community
  18. Got your couble post man, no worries
  19. This true, but usually contact is spotty, or it's school season, so we'll see.
  20. My Star Trek Meshes

    Good stuff!
  21. You'd only be so lucky given the Court of USAFMTL. You'd be lucky to get a cup holder

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