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Everything posted by ignacioc91

  1. Hi!!! I have SF2,SF2V,SF2E,SF2I+patched Jul 2013 on Windows Xp. I don't have SF2 North Atlantic. I would like to know if I can still have NA ships, aircraft carriers, SAMs,etc installed in my computer and working propperly. For instance, download a NA aircraft carrier pack the I saw in the download section. Thanks!!!!
  2. Thanks!!!! I'll give it a shot!!!!!
  3. HI!!! I may have a solutio. Change the name of the original VietnamSEA folder (for instance, VietnamSEA2). -Using the CAT extractor, extract all the files fro the terrain CAT to your new VietnamSEA2 folder. -Change the names of the following files. Remember they must all be the same that your folder name (in this case, VietnamSEA2). The files are: VietnamSEA.ini VietnamSEA.HFD VietnamSEA.TFD Open the VietnamSEA.ini and where it says "TerrainFullName=" replace VietnamSEA for VietnamSEA2. Save the changes That's it. Try it, and if it still crashes, send me a PM!!! And point the CAT file to VietnamSEA. Do you know how to do that?
  4. File Name: New Mirage V sights File Submitter: ignacioc91 File Submitted: 22 September 2013 File Category: Avionics With the Mirage V I have the same problem as with the Mirage III. This sights are based on the Mirage III's. Just drag them to your Mirage V cockpit folder inside the Mirage V main directory. I you don't have a "Cockpit" folder, create one. You can use it with any aircraft that has a Mirage V cockpit (Nesher or Dagger for instance). Cheers!! Ignacioc91 Click here to download this file
  5. New Mirage V sights



    With the Mirage V I have the same problem as with the Mirage III. This sights are based on the Mirage III's. Just drag them to your Mirage V cockpit folder inside the Mirage V main directory. I you don't have a "Cockpit" folder, create one. You can use it with any aircraft that has a Mirage V cockpit (Nesher or Dagger for instance). Cheers!! Ignacioc91
  6. New Mirage III sights



    Hi!!! As you may have noticed, the Mirage III sights are a bit too dull against bright skies, and there's not enough contrast against it for propper aiming. A couple Mig-21s got lucky because of this. With the help of Ivanbasic, I am uploading the modified TGAs. Just drag them to your Mirage III cockpit folder, inside the Mirage III main directory, in the mods folder. If you don't have a "Cockpit" folder, create one. You can use this sights in every aircraft that has a Mirage III cockpit (Shahak, for instance). Thanks to Ivanbasic!!! I hope you like it, feel free to modify it!! (if you kow how to improve it, do it and upload it ;) ) I hope you like it. Regards, Ignacioc91
  7. Interview With Wrench

    Nice interview!!
  8. Dedicated to the CA folks

    Hi!!! I just wanted you guys to know how amazing this site is!!!! Thanks to each and all of you for your help, your ideas, your solutions!!! Thanks Wrench, Stary, Gepard, Dave, MigBuster, and all of you (I cannot name them one by one). Thanks Ivanbasic for the sights (we have started a little sights projet that hopefully will be available in short notice). Cheers!!!!!
  9. Hi!!! I have just downloaded and installed the SF2 mission editor. To my disapint, when testing it, I noticed that some of my installed aircraft did not appear on the "player aircraft type" on the main Single Mission menu. The only aircrafts not showing are those stock AI aircrafts that I have downloaded cockpits to make the flyable, and a French Mirage III I have downloaded from TW. Inside the mission editor, they can be added as AI, but I cannot fly them.Any idea on how to solve this??? Thanks!!!! I have SF2, SF2V, SF2E, SF2I+ patch jul 2013+installed mods+SF2 mission editor. I have installed it in that order, on Windows Xp.
  10. Su-7 B/BM/BMK cockpit

  11. Scorpion

    Nice bird!!! It would be nice to have one of them here at CA!!!
  12. Hi!!! I have downloaded and installed Stary's Mig-19S cockpit, and found out it's notworking propperly. There's a big white area, as if there where missing LODs or TGAs or something. I have attached a photo for you to see it by yourselves. I asked Stary and he told me others have the same problem, but a solution has saddly not been found. Does any of you guys have the same porblem??? I am running merged SF2, SF2SF2, SF2E, SF2I with the 4th July 2013 patch on Windows Xp. Any idea??? It's a great cockpit, and would really like to fly in itI have the same problem with his Mig-19P cockpit, but not with his Mig-17PF one. Thatone works great! Thanks guys!!!! Regards, Ignacioc91
  13. Thanks very mucho for your help guys!!!!! I'll start taking a look to the ini. Ill tell you the results!!!
  14. Green Hell 3.5

    Great!!! Thanks very much!!! Do you need Green hell 3 to use GH 3.5??
  15. Hi!! As you may know, SF2 creates a mod folder in the C drive, inside "My Documents" by default. It's a folder called "Third Wire". Inside, there are three subdirectories: "Extracted filers", "StrikeFighters2" and "Utilities". I have a way that works great to change its location. 1.BACKUP your mod folder (in my case C:\Documents and Settings\Administrador\Mis documentos\ThirdWire). 2.Copy/paste your mod folder in the desired location (for instance my E drive). 3.Delete all the content of the "StrikeFighters2" folder BUT two .ini's called "Version.ini" and "Options.ini" 4.Open the Options.ini and change the following lines: [Pilot] LastName=Pilot FirstName=Administrador Callsign=Phantom Service=USAF [Options] Section=1 [GameplayOptions] MissionStart=0 CockpitView=1 DisplayUnit=0 EnemySkill=2 Simulation=3 FlightModel=2 WeaponEffectiveness=2 Avionics=1 Targeting=0 HUDDisplay=1 Landing=2 Collision=2 Blackout=2 AmmoUsage=2 FuelUsage=2 [GraphicsOptions] DisplayDeviceID=0 DisplayWidth=1360 DisplayHeight=768 DisplayDepth=32 AspectRatio=1.777778 AntiAliasing=2 ForceDX9=FALSE ForceVSyncOff=FALSE Use32BitZBuffer=TRUE LensFlare=0 DetailLevel=4 ObjectDetail=2 ObjectTexture=3 CockpitTexture=3 CockpitMirrors=0 CockpitReflection=0 EffectsDetail=1 TerrainDetail=1 TerrainTexture=1 HorizonDistance=0 GroundObjectDensity=1 WaterDetail=1 CloudsDetail=2 Shadow=0 ObjectsFade=TRUE [soundOptions] SoundVolume=100 SpeechVolume=100 MusicVolume=75 NumChannels=16 ReverseStereo=0 SpeechSubtitles=0 [ControlOptions] ControlMap=CONFIG 1.INI Sensitivity=88 DeadZone=20 ForceFeedback=1 ForceFeedbackGain=100 TrackIR=1 [MultiplayerOptions] LobbyLaunched=FALSE [MiscOptions] HUDDisplay=1 ForceAIPilot=FALSE [instantAction] AircraftType=F-4E_75 MissionMap=Desert StartTime=16:30:00 StartDate=09/18/1968 StartTimeDeviation=120 TextureSet=0 NationalMarking=0 SquadronMarking=0 AircraftNumber=0 KillMarking=0 [singleMission] AircraftType=KfirC2 Service=Israel MissionMap=DESERT MissionType=CAS MissionTime=AFTERNOON MissionWeather=SCATTERED AirActivity=HEAVY AirDefenseActivity=HEAVY FlyAll=FALSE LoadMission=FALSE LoadMissionFilename=D:\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Missions\640802_TONKIN_GULF_INCIDENT.MSN MissionDate=1979 StartYear=1948 EndYear=1982 EditMission=FALSE [Campaign] CampaignName= PlayerService=USAF PlayerUnit= AircraftType=F-4E_75 Difficulty=NORMAL Length=NORMAL AircraftSupply=NORMAL WeaponSupply=NORMAL LoadCampaign=FALSE CampaignSavename=DefaultCampaignSave [Multiplayer] Connection=0 PlayerColor=0 SessionType=0 GameType=0 Password=MyPassword MaxPlayers=8 IPAddress= [DogfightHost] MissionMap=Desert MissionDate=09/18/1968 Loadout=0 StartTime=10:30:00 StartTimeDeviation=240 RespawnTime=60 RespawnDistance=4000.000000 MinHeight=5000.000000 MaxHeight=12000.000000 HeightDeviation=5000.000000 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=1948 EndYear=1982 WeatherType=SCATTERED [DogfightPlayer] AircraftType=F-4E_75 TextureSet=DefaultTextureSet PlayerService=USAF Squadron=DefaultTextureSet [CoopMission] MissionMap=Desert MissionDate=09/18/1968 ContrailAlt=7000.000000 Service1=USAF Service2=SOVIET Mission1=SWEEP AircraftType1=F-4E_75 AircraftType2=F-4E_75 AircraftType3=MiG-21PFM AircraftType4=MiG-21PFM ScreenshotsDelay=60 StartYear=0 EndYear=0 WeatherType=SCATTERED [MotionExporter] ExporterDLL= [Mods] ModsEnabled=TRUE Directory=HERE YOU WRITE THE URL OF THE MODS FOLDER IN THE DESIRED LOCATION, FOR INSTANCE: D:\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ Editors=StrikeFighters2 [screenShots] Directory=HERE YOU WRITE THE URL OF THE SCREENSHOTS FOLDER, FOR INSTANCE: D:\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\ScreenShots Format=JPG The "Screenshots" folder is located inside "StrikeFighters2" in the mods folder. 5.Do exactly the same with the Options.ini that is located in the new mods folder that you have copied into your desired location. 6.Enjoy I hope it works!!! I have a merged SF2, SF2V,SF2E,SF2I, patched Jul 2013, running on Windows Xp. Questions and suggestions are more than welcomed!!!! I hope it's useful!! Regards, Ignacioc91
  16. Thanks for your help guys!!!!!! Probably is the Dx issue. I have series 8 NVidia GForce graphics accelerator.
  17. If you need assistance with populating the terrain, call me!!!!
  18. Hi!!! You should check in each aircraft DATA.ini and add or modify the afterburner. I don't know where exactly, I am not very much into aircraft modding. It must bu in this .ini. About the air, I don't know if it can be done. Again, check in the DATA.ini if there's any way to change the response of the aircraft on various altitudes and pressures. I hope I could help you! I am very interested in ground objects modding and terrain creation/population, just in case you are into it too. Greets!!!!
  19. Hi!!!! I am planning a new terrain, and I need DEMs. The link I've found in Gepard's terrain creation tutorial is dead, and I cannot find the site in the internet. Does anyone have a working link? Or somewhere I could find the DEMs?? Thanks!!!!
  20. I found a website with available DEM: http://www.webgis.com/terr_world.html
  21. Hi fellow colleagues of CA!! I am planning a new terrain for SF2, and needed DEMs. The official website for downloading them is no longer available. After thoroughly searching the web, I found a website that have DEMs available and for free: http://www.webgis.com/terr_world.html I recommend that you download and keep in your drive the whole world, just in case. Have fun!!!!
  22. Hi!!! I would really like to create a new terrain for SF2 using the stock Desert tiles. Is there any tutorial on how to do it?? I now hoy to do it on SF1, but I am new to series 2. Thanks!!!!!!
  23. THanks for your reply!!! I'll try it!!!

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