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File Comments posted by citizen67

  1. A-6A Late Intruder 

       299    4

    Hi Gkabs,
    beautiful work. I love A-6s. When you say "late" or "early" Intruder, what do you mean? Which differences between them? Which years they span?


  2. 1 hour ago, yakarov79 said:

    as clim995 said. You can also rename some objects to 'overwrite' standard. But this is just for a few ground objects. like fuel tankers, commands, and trucks. The rest of course will appear randomly on some mission as ground object (armed_recon for example - but this is actually an unfortunate event - as you do not want to see a convoy of deployed hospitals or command posts). As it is stated in the readme - this mod is mostly for terrain builders, modders, and experienced users.

    and there is also a hope that someone will put those objects in some future terrain mod. 

    Ok, thanks Yakarov.

  3. 22 hours ago, Menrva said:

    Then you should avoid Unlimited and use Medium to High settings. Only very high-end computers can run Unlimited without encountering CTDs. The crashes happen because you run out of memory, the campaign features the highest number of aircraft and ground units ever seen in a SF2 campaign. Nothing else we can do, the campaign data is bug free, it's all a matter of the settings and system on which you run the mod.

    It's also advised to set Sound Channels to 32 instead of 16, due to higher quality sounds of the mod, but your experience may vary.

    I'm trying setting graphic on Medium and by now I haven't encountered issues. However it's a pity to me not to experience the real performance of this mod... In any case, it's a awesome work. Five stars!

    • Like 1

  4. Very good mod!

    Is it possible to know which ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.ini and FLIGHTENGINE.ini lines are changed? Because I had already heavy-modified these two files and I'm afraid that overwrite them, will screw up everything...


  5. Hi Yakarow,

    I noticed that the plane swings left-right when it is on the runway, at start ... as if the gears of the wing were too short (or the main gear too long). See attachment.

    And it seems that the Litening Pod doesn't lock the target (no locked image of the target on the left MFD).


  6. 20 hours ago, yakarov79 said:

    You can apply a patch to the previous version.  And it will be like 2.0. Except for some minor changes on LAU-117 / LAU-7 skin and few extra skin/decal sets to match Harrier Plus. I know it is huge but downloading a whole pack shouldn't be a big deal. Considering it's free. 

    Thanks Yakarov.

    No problem with the download size, I was wondering if was mandatory to delete the older version from the mod folder, or is enough to apply the patch (simpler ;-).

  7. 12 hours ago, HerkDriverJ said:

    Some of the CAG decals were not showing up on the tails. Also the Gun pods and gear were blacked out. But it seemed to be the CAG birds only. However, re-downloaded and it doesn't appear to be an issue any longer. Also, when I re-downloaded the error message no longer exists. And....again, fantastic product! Wow!!!

    Perhaps you need to resize down the JPGs, from 4096x4096 to 2048x2048 (as I did in other mods, due the lack of memory in my computer).

  8. I got a strange issue with this pack: every time I install it in a game (I tried in SF2 with Afghanistan and Libya terrain, in SF2-NA with Eastern Mediterranean terrain) the sounds go weird. The windloop and the jet engine sounds like a lawnmower gone mad, like it was an old LP playing at 45 rpm. I noticed this happens ONLY installing this pack... It's a very annoying thing because on other sides this is a very very very great job. Anyone else has got this problem?


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