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Status Updates posted by citizen67

  1. ciao bobrock,

    volevo chiederti una cosa: ho scaricato il tuo AV-8B+ e vorrei farlo decollare da una portaerei ma non so se devo semplicemente mettere i files nelle varie cartelle o se c'è qualche file .ini da modificare. puoi aiutarmi?




  2. hi kingalbert,

    i downloaded your berlin crisis that look mighty, but i don't understand... the files included in the "installation v1.0" are enough to start the campaign or i must download all the files you listed in the readme?

    thak you



  3. hi, comrpnt, just a question: i downloaded your "Refuelling mission" for WOE but i don't know if i need additional planes (the tanker, for instance) or there is already all necessary in WOE. can you tell me?

    thank you




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